Considers some of the puzzles and inconsistencies associated with Maturana’s metaphysics. We argue that such puzzles and inconsistencies largely arise out of difficulties of…
Considers some of the puzzles and inconsistencies associated with Maturana’s metaphysics. We argue that such puzzles and inconsistencies largely arise out of difficulties of method and that the clue to their resolution is to be found in Aristotle’s solution to the same problem. Maturana’s claims are reconstructed in this light and in a way which does not materially affect their underlying theoretical grounds, i.e. autopoiesis theory, and dissolves the puzzles and inconsistencies referred to.
This paper takes as a datum that autopoiesis theory broadly conceived as a scientific doctrine can legitimately be viewed as a modern day rediscovery of Aristotle. This is argued…
This paper takes as a datum that autopoiesis theory broadly conceived as a scientific doctrine can legitimately be viewed as a modern day rediscovery of Aristotle. This is argued for elsewhere. What is argued is that Maturanian organisation as it is currently conceived has serious deficiencies which threaten to compromise and undermine the role Maturana assigns it. The specific thesis it advances is that Maturanian organisation can be rescued from this dilemma if it is rethought as Aristotelian form.
Yvonne Warburton, Mike Cornford and Sandra Vogel
Last month there was an unexpected complete absence of anything I felt like shouting about. This month there's more than enough.
Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these…
Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these shortages are very real and quite severe.
REPORTS continue to reach us which are heartening to librarians. In the outer unpleasantness of the black‐out there has come a new realization of the inner attractions of the…
REPORTS continue to reach us which are heartening to librarians. In the outer unpleasantness of the black‐out there has come a new realization of the inner attractions of the fireside; and libraries are playing a definite part. It has been remarked, and is of course true, that for many of our people the opportunity has been given for the first time for twenty years to cultivate certain self‐activities. Music in the home is one of them; we have met men who used in youth to play an instrument now turning to it again; and the pleasure of creating music oneself instead of listening to wireless or gramophone records is great. For the first time others have turned to hobbies, handicrafts, games of skill, drawing; and many more than these have remembered that certain great books which they have had a life‐long desire to know still remain unread. In all this librarians see opportunity and play a leading part, putting out useful lists on the basis of that good slogan, “Books make Black‐outs Brighter.” We need not enlarge upon matters so obvious to the eager librarian. One thing he must have noted is the return to the greater classics, the land of Don Quixote, the immortal Vicar of Wakefield, of Jane Austen and Dickens amongst many others. It is strange how immortal the Immortals are—but, is it?
FOR SOME YEARS there has been a tendency for the number of industrial workers to decline and that of clerical staffs to increase.
Surveys efforts towards co‐operation in interlending withincountries including Hungary, Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany and Latvia.Discusses barriers to European interlending and a…
Surveys efforts towards co‐operation in interlending within countries including Hungary, Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany and Latvia. Discusses barriers to European interlending and a formula for the size of the European interlending market is given. Interlending protocol and advances in facsimile transmission are described. A methodology of estimating interlending costs, DOCMATCH II, is introduced.