Keri Davies, Colin Gilligan and Clive Sutton
The structure of the UK food manufacturing industry is highly fragmented and consists of some 5,000 firms. Of these, however, the ten largest companies are estimated to account…
The structure of the UK food manufacturing industry is highly fragmented and consists of some 5,000 firms. Of these, however, the ten largest companies are estimated to account for one‐third of all sales. The importance of the 100 largest private sector firms has traditionally been relatively high within the industry and in 1975, for example, they produced 55 per cent of the food sector's net output, compared with the 40 per cent provided by a similar sample in the total manufacturing sector. Similarly, evidence from both Ashby and Mordue demonstrates that during the 1970s the average size of food manufacturers/processors overtook that of manufacturers as a whole in terms of numbers employed. By the same measure, businesses with more than one hundred employees continued to expand at a faster rate in food than the average for all manufacturers, so that the mean employment size of these larger food enterprises in the late 1970s was more than one‐third greater than in all manufacturing. Smaller establishments, by contrast, are relatively under‐represented in the UK food, drink and tobacco sector, both in comparison with the average for all manufacturers and internationally.
For a number of years teachers in Further Education have been making loud public noises about the need for more Industrial Training and Further Education, more day release, and…
For a number of years teachers in Further Education have been making loud public noises about the need for more Industrial Training and Further Education, more day release, and how essential it is to the nation to produce high professional and technical standards in Industry, Commerce and the Public Services. Those within the criticised sectors of the working community have replied to the effect that it might be better if FE set an example by putting its own house in order first, perhaps using the beam in its own eye as a starting point rather than the mote it observed elsewhere.
The terms are not synonymous; their differences are mainly of function and areas of administration. Community Health is used in national health service law; environmental health…
The terms are not synonymous; their differences are mainly of function and areas of administration. Community Health is used in national health service law; environmental health to describe the residuum of health functions remaining with local authorities after the first NHS/Local Government reorganization of 1974. Previously, they were all embraced in the term public health, known for a century or more, with little attention to divisions and in the field of administration, all local authority between county and district councils. In the dichotomy created by the reorganization, the personal health services, including the ambulance service, may have dove‐tailed into the national health service, but for the remaining functions, there was a situation of unreality, which has persisted. It is difficult to know where community health and environmental health begin and end. From the outside, the unreality may be more apparent than real. The Royal Commission on the NHS in their Report of last year state that leaving environmental health services with local authorities “does not seem to have caused any problems”—and this, despite the disparity in status of the area health authority and the bottom tier, local councils.
Clive Bingley, John Buchanan and Elaine Kempson
IF YOU WERE to ask why ‘the treatment’ for (the London Borough of) Sutton's new central library, there are two reason's. First, Sutton's Chief, Roy Smith, was on like a flash to…
IF YOU WERE to ask why ‘the treatment’ for (the London Borough of) Sutton's new central library, there are two reason's. First, Sutton's Chief, Roy Smith, was on like a flash to my sloppy discourtesy in neither acknowledging his invitation to the official opening in December nor turning up for it, and gave half a day of his time last month instead to take me round; second, in Mr Smith's own words, ‘This is one of the most interesting new libraries to come out of public librarianship for a long time’, and I am disposed to agree with him.
Clive Bingley, Helen Moss and Clive Martin
YOU WILL HAVE seen, no doubt, recent announcements that my wife and I have sold our book‐publishing business of Clive Bingley Ltd to the Munich‐based firm of international…
YOU WILL HAVE seen, no doubt, recent announcements that my wife and I have sold our book‐publishing business of Clive Bingley Ltd to the Munich‐based firm of international reference publishers, Verlag Dokumentation.
Clive Bingley, Allan Bunch and Edwin Fleming
I MUST SAY, the Assistant librarian is becoming much more entertaining to read, now that it has acquired an editor who appears to be nuts.
Clive Bingley, Clive Martin and Helen Moss
TRY THIS ONE, if you are not susceptible to apoplectic fits!
Clive Bingley, Edwin Fleming and Sarah Lawson
PROMPTLY UPON the ending of the seemingly interminable Christmas/New Year holiday—I just had to go back to work between the two, because another plate of…
PROMPTLY UPON the ending of the seemingly interminable Christmas/New Year holiday—I just had to go back to work between the two, because another plate of cold‐turkey‐plus‐cold‐Xmas‐pud would have driven me insane—there landed upon my desk the first issue of the LAR vacancies supplement, a sheet of job advertisements which is to be issued fortnightly while publication of the Times literary supplement Is suspended, and may even be continued thereafter on a permanent basis if demand warrants.
Positive cash flow ‐ LAMSAC, which is an acronym denoting Local Authorities Management Services & Computer Committee—an odd bird, by the sound of it, is to carry out a ‘major…
Positive cash flow ‐ LAMSAC, which is an acronym denoting Local Authorities Management Services & Computer Committee—an odd bird, by the sound of it, is to carry out a ‘major research study into income generation in public libraries in England’ for the Arts Minister.
Clive Bingley, Edwin Fleming, Allan Bunch and Sarah Lawson
IT IS A FACT of life that people enjoy forming groups and associations of their like‐minded fellows, and a further fact that most groups fragment themselves from larger groups in…
IT IS A FACT of life that people enjoy forming groups and associations of their like‐minded fellows, and a further fact that most groups fragment themselves from larger groups in order to pursue progressively more specialised common interests.