Cláudia Sousa Silva, Cláudia Pereira and José Magano
The contribution of project success and the organisation's efficiency is consensual in the literature. However, the value of project management (PM) brings to the organisation's…
The contribution of project success and the organisation's efficiency is consensual in the literature. However, the value of project management (PM) brings to the organisation's effectiveness through the alignment with strategy, contributing to its competitiveness and business success, is yet little explored. This study addresses the literature gap that concerns the relationship between PM and the organisation's competitiveness, proposing a holistic conceptual model to understand of how PM brings value to the organisation. This work also aims to demonstrate the practical implications of theoretical contributions to the value of PM. For this, a detailed action research (AR) was planned to show how researchers and practitioners could work and collaborate in a real problem and prove the AR approach's adequacy to the PM field.
The methodology starts with a systematic literature review (SLR), followed by content analysis to develop a conceptual model of PM's value. To validate the theoretical constructs and transfer the results to real context, an AR plan is then carried out to support a specific PM problem presented by an automotive industry company.
The results have theoretical and practical implications. An original conceptual model is developed–the value of PM: Key factors–defending a multidimensional and holistic perspective to understand the PM's value. A set of key factors was identified, structured, interrelated and exemplified their practical implementation in a single company. In addition to the technical key factors identified in the literature review, the AR plan unveils crucial social aspects to improve PM's value, such as leadership, strong communication and open processes. This work shows the central role of PM methodologies in integrating and interconnecting the key factors, emphasizing the projects' strategic level.
Research limitations/implications
The present work was developed in a specific and particular organisational context and industry.
Practical implications
The AR plan presents a company's original programme–Hyper Competitiveness (HC) Temple–implemented in an automotive company. Project management professionals could understand how this company implemented each key factor, defended in a conceptual model and lead the project's results to the business value.
The research originality lies in rethinking PM's value to organisations from a holistic perspective: multi-dimensional, temporal, life cycle, multi-organisational, pointing out a set of technical and social key factors.
Cláudia Sousa Silva, António Fernando Borges and José Magano
Organizations must focus on increasingly complex and customized products and production processes integrated into technological and digital evolution. Thus, shop floor operators…
Organizations must focus on increasingly complex and customized products and production processes integrated into technological and digital evolution. Thus, shop floor operators have a more significant number of complex tasks with responsibility for their quality control, looking for high productivity levels. However, there are human limitations to deal with the increased amount of information/data resulting from the integration of new technologies. As such, the main research objective is to answer the following research question “How can the combination of recent smart technologies with the human factor contribute to employees' involvement at the shop floor level and thus improve quality control?”
This study follows a qualitative research approach by developing a singular case study in CPMG PSA Group – Peugeot Citroën, where two innovative information technology (IT) projects were implemented following the continuous improvement methodology PDCA cycle (Deming, 1986).
This work contributed to highlighting the human-centered approach in the discussion of Quality 4.0 development. The main theoretical contribution of this research is the identification of a set of key elements that should be present in the integration of the information technologies in quality control, namely: Prioritizing the quality problems supported by the fundamentals knowledge and tools of traditional quality management (QM); building multidisciplinary teams at different organization levels; following approaches that promote continuous improvement; developing the human-centered and user-friendly perspective; implementing solutions as directly as possible in the workstation; finally, enabling an effective communication and motivation strategies.
Research limitations/implications
The research addresses a singular case study and solely explores the vertical integration process of Quality 4.0.
Practical implications
The projects presented may inspire other organizations to integrate information technologies solutions in quality control, following the implementation process and the essential elements described in these examples. Thus, this research stresses that one should customize these projects with the involvement of shop floor operators in a human-centered and user-friendly perspective, both at the preliminary and succeeding stages.
This research presents two original and customized projects, bridging the technological perspective with the human factor in the digital transformation era, supporting the worker, not replacing it.
Barbara de Lima Voss, David Bernard Carter and Bruno Meirelles Salotti
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in…
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in the construction of hegemonies in SEA research in Brazil. In particular, we examine the role of hegemony in relation to the co-option of SEA literature and sustainability in the Brazilian context by the logic of development for economic growth in emerging economies. The methodological approach adopts a post-structural perspective that reflects Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. The study employs a hermeneutical, rhetorical approach to understand and classify 352 Brazilian research articles on SEA. We employ Brown and Fraser’s (2006) categorizations of SEA literature to help in our analysis: the business case, the stakeholder–accountability approach, and the critical case. We argue that the business case is prominent in Brazilian studies. Second-stage analysis suggests that the major themes under discussion include measurement, consulting, and descriptive approach. We argue that these themes illustrate the degree of influence of the hegemonic politics relevant to emerging economics, as these themes predominantly concern economic growth and a capitalist context. This paper discusses trends and practices in the Brazilian literature on SEA and argues that the focus means that SEA avoids critical debates of the role of capitalist logics in an emerging economy concerning sustainability. We urge the Brazilian academy to understand the implications of its reifying agenda and engage, counter-hegemonically, in a social and political agenda beyond the hegemonic support of a particular set of capitalist interests.
Carla Martins Igreja, Bruno Barbosa Sousa, Tiago Silva and Cláudia Miranda Veloso
The aim of this paper is to apply the SERVQUAL model to evaluate the quality perceived by customers in the context of family hotel management in Portugal. More specifically, to…
The aim of this paper is to apply the SERVQUAL model to evaluate the quality perceived by customers in the context of family hotel management in Portugal. More specifically, to assess the influence of interpersonal relationships (service providers and customers) in family business services in the wine tourism segment (i.e. wine hotel and spa). In this way, it aims to provide data that can support this family hotel to reinforce the quality of the services provided to guests and therefore their satisfaction and loyalty.
The statistical techniques, using Microsoft Excel 2016® and SPSS Statistics 25.0®, were multivariate for the analysis and validation of the results. In this analysis it can be seen that except the empathy dimension, in which the evaluation of perceived quality is positive, i.e. customer perceptions were higher than expectations, the remaining dimensions of the SERVQUAL model were negative. The safety dimension ranked second, followed by service delivery dimensions, problem solving and tangibility.
The results show that the empathy dimension positively influences the evaluation of the perceived quality and thus also the satisfaction and loyalty of guests to the family hotel in the wine tourism segment. So, it is recommended that the hotel management of this family hotel reinforces service quality by investing in the improvement of physical facilities, problem-solving capacity, and service delivery, to obtain higher levels of perceived quality service and hence customer satisfaction and loyalty and, simultaneously, increase its performance and organizational sustainability.
Research limitations/implications
In addition to the direct contributions to the hotel management of this family business hotel, this study contributes to the development of the marketing scientific area, tourism and hospitality industry.
Practical implications
Several studies argue that the competitive advantage of the hotel business is based on the creation of value and of experiences for the customer, but in the context of family hotels, the creation of value for the customer is even more relevant, given the characteristics of this type of business, such as its small size and the reduced number of employees. Family hotels should invest in tools and techniques that allow them to create value for the customer through the quality of service offered to their guests.
This paper aimed to evaluate perceived quality in the context of family hotel management in Portugal. In particular, the contribution of interpersonal relationships (between service providers and guests), in hotel services in the wine tourism segment in Portugal. According to the analysis of the results of the exploratory study to Hotel context, it was concluded that there are differences between the perceptions and expectations of hotel guests.
Claudia Brito Silva Cirani, José Jaconias da Silva, Adalberto Ramos Cassia and Samara de Carvalho Pedro
This study aims to analyze the innovation overview of the Brazilian industrial sector using data published by innovation survey – PINTEC. The aim was to provide a macro and…
This study aims to analyze the innovation overview of the Brazilian industrial sector using data published by innovation survey – PINTEC. The aim was to provide a macro and updated diagnosis of the innovation scenario in Brazil and build reflections for further studies.
The authors used information from the years 1998–2014 covered by PINTEC to analyze innovation indicators, namely, innovation types, problems and obstacles, novelty degree, established partnerships and interactions, as well as governmental incentives. This study is exploratory; thus, descriptive methods were used for data presentation through analyses and presented through figures and tables.
The results show that innovation of the Brazilian industrial sector is concentrated mainly in the acquisition of machinery and equipment, innovations that already exist in national or global markets, interactions for the innovation process with suppliers and governmental support for financing machinery and equipment acquisitions.
This study has relevance, as its results provide important subsidies for policy-makers to incorporate the needs and overcome challenges of innovation in Brazil.
João Alexandre Paschoalin Filho, Claudia Maria da Silva Bezerra and Antonio José Guerner Dias
The civil construction industry has vital importance to Brazil's economy. However, this sector is also responsible for the environmental impacts. Governments have been taking…
The civil construction industry has vital importance to Brazil's economy. However, this sector is also responsible for the environmental impacts. Governments have been taking measures aiming to mitigate these impacts. Among these, the elaboration and implementation of civil construction solid waste management plans can be highlighted. However, these plans still lack standardizations and tools for their evaluation. Environmental indicators proposal for construction solid waste management plans assessment is presented to verify the adhesion of these to environmental laws, technical standards and green building certification systems recommendations.
The construction solid waste management plans of three construction works were evaluated by the proposed indicators to verify the procedures related, generating, in the end, a scale between 0 and 5. After that, plans were compared with each other.
The proposed indicators have made possible the evaluation of the environmental practices performed for three different construction works. By the proposed indicators, the environmental practices were compared to technical standards and legislation suggested procedures.
Practical implications
As a contribution, the evaluation proposal presented may help the construction industry as well as the public authority to evaluate the construction solid waste management plans currently elaborated, so that these can offer a quality improvement and more effective environmental measures.
Methodologies that guide the evaluation of construction solid waste management plans can be beneficial for the construction companies, which can improve the quality of the plans elaborated internally and verify the effectiveness of the plans elaborated by specialized consultancies. In general, most of the construction solid waste management plans are prepared with the purpose of only complying with the legislation, more specifically of the National Council for the Environment, Resolution 307/2002.
Cláudia Miranda Veloso, Bruno Sousa, Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira and Cicero Eduardo Walter
This study applies an Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI) model to quantify the level of job satisfaction and explores the factors that influence employee satisfaction, performance…
This study applies an Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI) model to quantify the level of job satisfaction and explores the factors that influence employee satisfaction, performance and loyalty to an information technology recruitment and outsourcing organization in Portugal.
As an instrument of data collection, questionnaire was applied to the company's employees, which was divided into two parts: the first part consisted of a previous questionnaire, with questions related to sociodemographic characterization; the second part consisted of the ESI. The company operates only in the information technology (IT) market, and there are currently 300 consultants with different skills.
The results confirm that the company's employees are globally satisfied, and this satisfaction contributes positively and significantly to the reinforcement of contextual performance and to their loyalty to this organization.
Job satisfaction takes on a growing interest in understanding quality of life, strategic management and organizational performance. Job satisfaction contributes to the professional finding, that is, in employees’ activity and in adopting positive attitudes toward customer satisfaction, thus promoting organizational performance.
Patrícia Micaela Fernandes, Bruno Barbosa Sousa, Cláudia Miranda Veloso and Marco Valeri
The aim of this paper is to understand the importance of endomarketing in organizations and whether internal strategies are essential in the management of human capital…
The aim of this paper is to understand the importance of endomarketing in organizations and whether internal strategies are essential in the management of human capital. Especially, it is intended to understand what kind of policies is adopted in the organizations the authors are dealing with, and also the perception that employees have about them.
The methodology adopted combines a quantitative and qualitative approach, based on documents analysis, and the survey and semi-structured interviews with questions alluding to endomarketing. The study was carried out in the (Portuguese) cities belonging to the Minho Quadrilateral, being Braga, Barcelos, Guimarães and Vila Nova de Famalicão, in which a total of five organizations are held.
The results seem to show that endomarketing has an essential role in human capital management, in particular, to obtain both individual and organizational results, where there is a mutual relationship. Of the 158 respondents that make up the sample, it was concluded that 78.5% considered the intrinsic factors related to well-being and happiness as important as the extrinsic factors related to monetary rewards.
Research limitations/implications
The manuscript presents insights for internal marketing and human resource management (i.e. motivation and human capital). Based on the rapid and profound technological changes of the early 21st century, the concept of endomarketing emerged stimulated by globalization and by the greater concern to adopt strategies that were able to differentiate organizations in the markets.
This is an interdisciplinary theme, with contributions to both internal marketing and human resource management, bearing in mind to enhancing the value and well-being of organizational human capital. This study aims to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in this area that is so relevant for growth and differentiation.
Danilo Felipe Silva de Lima, Cláudia Fabiana Gohr, Luciano Costa Santos and José Márcio de Castro
This study aims to analyze the knowledge transfer process for implementing a company-specific production system (XPS) from a subsidiary of a multinational corporation (MNC) to its…
This study aims to analyze the knowledge transfer process for implementing a company-specific production system (XPS) from a subsidiary of a multinational corporation (MNC) to its local suppliers.
A case study approach was adopted and applied in an automotive supply chain. Empirical data were collected from interviews, observations and internal documents.
The literature shows that the successful XPS implementation depends on the ability to transfer XPS knowledge; the motivation of the source unit to share XPS knowledge; the value and nature of knowledge embedded in XPS; the effectiveness of individual, social and organizational transfer mechanisms; the motivation and absorptive capacity of the target unit and, the organizational, social and relational contexts in which XPS is transferred. Based on the research findings, we develop 12 propositions and presented them in a framework.
Research limitations/implications
This paper expands and enriches the literature on the knowledge transfer process of XPS. The proposed framework establishes theoretical propositions and associations raised by qualitative analysis. However, these propositions are potentially testable on a larger scale for broader generalization.
Practical implications
Managers can recognize critical factors and relationships needed to improve the XPS implementation from an MNC subsidiary to its local suppliers.
The proposed framework provides a scheme to capture the essential critical factors affecting a successful XPS implementation between MNC subsidiaries and local suppliers. Moreover, we found relevant associations between pairs of critical factors that were not identified in the literature.