Duncan Florence and Christopher Queree
Changes in legislation, congestion problems and the continuingdrive to improve supply chain profitability are being addressed by newtechnologies. The part of the logistics cycle…
Changes in legislation, congestion problems and the continuing drive to improve supply chain profitability are being addressed by new technologies. The part of the logistics cycle that is now the focus of attention is supply chain traceability, particularly the tracking and traceability of transport, personnel and goods. The new technologies that are being brought to bear on supply chain traceability include, Mobile Data, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVL), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), consignment tracking, etc. These technologies have now reached maturity in their technical development and are being effectively incorporated into business processes. Provides an overview of the technical status and future prospects of these technological developments and argues the business case for and against traceability. Also assesses the key market sectors in which these technologies will have an impact and suggests that a “building bricks” approach is taken to incorporating the technologies into re‐engineered business processes.
William K. Templeton and Charlotte Anne Bond
Considers the likely effects of EMU and the introduction of the euro on the “fragmented” European banking industry. Recognizes that transition to the euro will be expensive in…
Considers the likely effects of EMU and the introduction of the euro on the “fragmented” European banking industry. Recognizes that transition to the euro will be expensive in terms of equipment, training, customer care etc.; and that some new products and services will be demanded (e.g. cross‐border cash management systems, euro‐denominated bonds etc.) while others will decline (e.g. foreign exchange hedging, commercial loans etc.). Refers to US experience to identify growth opportunities and discusses the current and future impact of increased competitition in the new market; and strategies for surviving it.