Despite the growing number of corporate-sponsored sport facilities, public resistance to naming rights sometimes arises. In line with other supporter-based financial instruments…
Despite the growing number of corporate-sponsored sport facilities, public resistance to naming rights sometimes arises. In line with other supporter-based financial instruments such as fan bonds or shares, the possibility arises that a sport club’s supporters could invest in the stadium naming rights to secure a traditional name, possibly by initiating a crowdfunding project. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the factors separating potential capital providers from non-participants and to determine which factors influence the investment decision.
The authors used an online questionnaire to evaluate respondents’ willingness to participate in a crowdfunding project. The data were analyzed by logit and probit regressions. The link was posted to selected online fan forums as well as to clubs’ fan group caretakers in Germany. In total, 708 respondents fully completed the questionnaires. Additionally, the authors provided the initial results of a proposal for a hypothetical reward-based crowdfunding project that was also part of the questionnaire.
The findings indicate that the most involved participants who support traditional values in sports are the most willing to participate in a crowdfunding project. Thus, crowdfunding can actually be seen as a supporter-based instrument that is an alternative to existing sport facility naming rights models. However, the analysis also indicates that the sums that can be generated through crowdfunding are limited.
Insight into a relatively new financial instrument is provided, and an alternative approach to sport facility naming rights management is offered. Ultimately, a combination of a crowdfunding project with financing by a certain number of sponsors supporting a traditional name is proposed, which may be a possible future solution that sport facility naming rights management groups can pursue.
Alexander König and Stefan Spinler
From a synthesis of literature, the purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual risk management framework, showing the effect of logistics outsourcing on the supply chain…
From a synthesis of literature, the purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual risk management framework, showing the effect of logistics outsourcing on the supply chain vulnerability (SCV) of shippers. The framework is designed to assist practitioners and academics in better understanding the key research, management as well as operational aspects involved.
A literature review is conducted and based on these findings a conceptual framework developed.
Logistics outsourcing is increasingly used by shippers, but the specific aspect of supply chain risk management (SCRM) and SCV in this context is rarely covered in research and implementation in practice is limited. Logistics outsourcing can have an ambiguous effect on the SCV of shippers and is influenced by other internal and external factors.
Research limitations/implications
Literature directly dealing with logistics outsourcing and SCV/SCRM is rare and thus the framework is built on insights, compiled from the distinct research areas. Further research should be performed on this nascent topic.
Practical implications
Shippers may use the framework to revise their risk management strategy and actively use logistics outsourcing to decrease SCV. Logistics service providers can tailor their services specifically toward clients and thus both can be better prepared for future supply chain disruptions.
This paper looks specifically at SCV and SRCM of shippers with regards to logistics outsourcing.
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.
This paper aims to relate early history of housing conceptualizations and market analysis in the Anglosphere (Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). Historians are…
This paper aims to relate early history of housing conceptualizations and market analysis in the Anglosphere (Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). Historians are ignorant of them but clear market analyses had early beginnings in every urban society for developing and accommodating growing populations.
Aspects of market analysis, especially appraisal and rudimentary approaches to the housing market in the Anglosphere, can be traced back to ancient Rome, housing market conceptualizations to Dr Nicholas Barbon and seventeenth-century London’s first population and housing boom and market analysis techniques in the USA at its founding, when Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand Perigor was the first to refine them and write them up in 1794-1796. The US next made major advances in the 1930s. The overall trend has been from inferred analyses to fundamental (derived) analyses, emphasizing “quantifiable data.”
Practical implications
This paper elicits researcher’s professional awareness that each nation has an implicit history of its early development practices and techniques.
The time frame of most housing market analysts is the recent past, the present and the future. But how enduring are their concerns? Do operational values in a housing market reflect historical epochs, or are there some universalities? Furthermore, most urban historians are ignorant of urban market dynamics. It does not occur to them that some of the dynamics that analysts attempt to capture today might always have been inherent in the urban built environment, regardless of era or urbanized part of the globe under consideration.
FINANCIAL fears are only less cruel than those of war, and lead men into extravagances which they would repudiate indignantly in their cooler moments. If the doings of the Economy…
FINANCIAL fears are only less cruel than those of war, and lead men into extravagances which they would repudiate indignantly in their cooler moments. If the doings of the Economy Committee at Manchester in relation to children's libraries, as described in the article by Mr. Lamb in our last issue, are true, we have in them an example of a kind of retrenchment at the expense of the young which we hope is without parallel and will have no imitators. Some reduc‐tion of estimates we hear of from this or that place, but in few has the stupid policy which urges that if we spend nothing we shall all become rich been carried into full effect. Libraries always have suffered in times of crisis, whatever they are; we accept that, though doubtfully; but we do know that the people need libraries.
THE enterprise of two London newspapers, the Tribune (for the second time) and the Daily Chronicle, in organizing exhibitions of books affords a convenient excuse for once again…
THE enterprise of two London newspapers, the Tribune (for the second time) and the Daily Chronicle, in organizing exhibitions of books affords a convenient excuse for once again bringing forward proposals for a more permanent exhibition. On many occasions during the past twenty years the writer has made suggestions for the establishment of a central book bazaar, to which every kind of book‐buyer could resort in order to see and handle the latest literature on every subject. An experiment on wrong lines was made by the Library Bureau about fifteen years ago, but here, as in the exhibitions above mentioned, the arrangement was radically bad. Visiting the Daily Chronicle show in company with other librarians, and taking careful note of the planning, one was struck by the inutility of having the books arranged by publishers and not by subjects. Not one visitor in a hundred cares twopence whether books on electricity, biography, history, travel, or even fairy tales, are issued by Longmans, Heinemann, Macmillan, Dent or any other firm. What everyone wants to see is all the recent and latest books on definite subjects collected together in one place. The arrangements at the Chronicle and Tribune shows are just a jumble of old and new books placed in show‐cases by publishers' names, similar to the abortive exhibition held years ago in Bloomsbury Street. What the book‐buyer wants is not a miscellaneous assemblage of books of all periods, from 1877 to date, arranged in an artistic show‐case and placed in charge of a polite youth who only knows his own books—and not too much about them—but a properly classified and arranged collection of the newest books only, which could be expounded by a few experts versed in literature and bibliography. What is the use of salesmen in an exhibition where books are not sold outright? If these exhibitions were strictly limited to the newest books only, there would be much less need for salesmen to be retained as amateur detectives. Another decided blemish on such an exhibition is the absence of a general catalogue. Imagine any exhibition on business lines in which visitors are expected to cart away a load of catalogues issued separately by the various exhibitors and all on entirely different plans of arrangement! The British publisher in nearly everything he does is one of the most hopeless Conservatives in existence. He will not try anything which has not been done by his grandfather or someone even more remote, so that publishing methods remain crystallized almost on eighteenth century lines. The proposal about to be made is perhaps far too revolutionary for the careful consideration of present‐day publishers, but it is made in the sincere hope that it may one day be realized. It has been made before without any definite details, but its general lines have been discussed among librarians for years past.
Lindsay Turpie, Sandy Whitelaw and Christopher Topping
The purpose of this paper is to report on the implementation of a physical activity (PA) scheme – Let’s Motivate (LM) – within private care homes (CHs) in Dumfries and Galloway…
The purpose of this paper is to report on the implementation of a physical activity (PA) scheme – Let’s Motivate (LM) – within private care homes (CHs) in Dumfries and Galloway (D&G), Scotland; aiming to provide an insight into the different factors which might contribute to its success and further sustainability.
A qualitative study is described in which one-to-one semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight key staff involved in implementing the project within two purposively sampled CHs; in order to explore their views and experiences of implementation.
The paper provides an insight into the different factors which stand to both promote and impede the successful implementation of LM, within the two CHs involved.
This paper explores a new and innovative PA initiative in CHs in D&G, Scotland. Studies exploring the factors which can both promote and impede implementation are important as they can help to usefully inform the implementation and sustainability of initiatives.
Claudia Breuer, Guido Siestrup, Hans-Dietrich Haasis and Hendrik Wildebrand
The integration of business processes across multiple companies can provide economic benefits, thus ensuring the sustainability of the involved companies. However these advantages…
The integration of business processes across multiple companies can provide economic benefits, thus ensuring the sustainability of the involved companies. However these advantages are accompanied by many potential risks. For instance, emerging disruptions within a supply chain can spread over several partners resulting in economic losses. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development of a collaborative cross-supply chain framework that reduces the extent of loss after the occurrence of unforeseen damaging events in sensitive logistics nodes.
To handle the impacts of unforeseen damaging events in sensitive logistics nodes, the focus of our approach lies on the implementation of a collaboratively applicable concept for sensitive logistics nodes that supports a rapid collaborative decision-making among the partners. Therefore, different damaging events as well as the logistics and transport processes in freight villages are determined and implemented in an agent-based simulation model.
Multi-agent simulation can be used for a scenario-based collaborative risk management in sensitive logistics nodes. By executing simulation experiments the impacts of selected damaging events can be analysed and used for the development of scenario specific strategies for the partners in sensitive logistics nodes with the objective to maintain the flow of goods after disturbances.
Practical implications
The paper proposes a multi-agent simulation, which can be used collaboratively in a cross-supply chain team to support decision-making processes in sensitive logistics nodes after a disruption has occurred. To get an effective and efficient tool, involved companies are included into the development and implementation processes.
The value of this paper lies in the approach of a multi-agent based simulation system that supports a collaborative risk management across different companies and different supply chains in sensitive logistics nodes.
Matias G. Enz, Salomée Ruel, George A. Zsidisin, Paula Penagos, Jill Bernard Bracy and Sebastian Jarzębowski
This research aims to analyse the perceptions of practitioners in three regions regarding the challenges faced by their firms during the pandemic, considered a black-swan event…
This research aims to analyse the perceptions of practitioners in three regions regarding the challenges faced by their firms during the pandemic, considered a black-swan event. It examines the strategies implemented to mitigate and recover from risks, evaluates the effectiveness of these strategies and assesses the difficulties encountered in their implementation.
In the summer of 2022, an online survey was conducted among supply chain (SC) practitioners in France, Poland and the St. Louis, Missouri region of the USA. The survey aimed to understand the impact of COVID-19 on their firms and the SC strategies employed to sustain operations. These regions were selected due to their varying levels of SC development, including infrastructure, economic resources and expertise. Moreover, they exhibited different responses in safeguarding the well-being of their citizens during the pandemic.
The study reveals consistent perceptions among practitioners from the three regions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on SCs. Their actions to enhance SC resilience primarily relied on strengthening collaborative efforts within their firms and SCs, thus validating the tenets of the relational view.
COVID-19 is (hopefully) our black-swan pandemic occurrence during our lifetime. Nevertheless, the lessons learned from it can inform future SC risk management practices, particularly in dealing with rare crises. During times of crisis, leveraging existing SC structures may prove more effective and efficient than developing new ones. These findings underscore the significance of relationships in ensuring SC resilience.