Christine Vassie and Laura‐Ann Currie
North Lanarkshire Council is developing inclusive practice in all its schools through a number of imaginative initiatives. These initiatives are firmly rooted in an educational…
North Lanarkshire Council is developing inclusive practice in all its schools through a number of imaginative initiatives. These initiatives are firmly rooted in an educational philosophy of multiple intelligences, a social policy of raising achievement for all children, and a theory of change which emphasises the importance of evidence and evaluation.
Clive Bingley, Allan Bunch and Edwin Fleming
AFTER the little flurry of dispute recently whether Sir Keith Joseph should or should not have been invited to address the LA conference in Sheffield this year, the Secretary for…
AFTER the little flurry of dispute recently whether Sir Keith Joseph should or should not have been invited to address the LA conference in Sheffield this year, the Secretary for Industry has himself withdrawn, on the grounds that he now finds himself obliged to lead an overseas trade delegation at the same time as the conference. Thus hot air doth dissolve into the atmosphere, as Hamlet might have said (but did not).