The first question a library manager should ask when deciding whether or not to automate the library's circulation function is: Will an automated system help the library meet its…
The first question a library manager should ask when deciding whether or not to automate the library's circulation function is: Will an automated system help the library meet its priorities better than a manual system? The next consideration is library staff. Personnel play a critical part in determining the success of any library service. And, of course, they are the library's most costly expenditure. Some questions to ask are, will an automated circulation system:
The proliferation of articles in library literature about costs, cost studies, and the concepts of analysis and accounting is a positive sign of activity in the cost‐competitive…
The proliferation of articles in library literature about costs, cost studies, and the concepts of analysis and accounting is a positive sign of activity in the cost‐competitive library world. Many articles, no matter the topic, contain some comments on costs. The articles in this bibiliography were selected because cost is the significant or entire emphasis on the material. I used traditional and library literature and ERIC sources, restricted the titles to the past 10 years, and excluded non‐United States publications.