Jonathan David Schöps, Christian Reinhardt and Andrea Hemetsberger
Digital markets are increasingly constructed by an interplay between (non)human market actors, i.e. through algorithms, but, simultaneously, fragmented through platformization…
Digital markets are increasingly constructed by an interplay between (non)human market actors, i.e. through algorithms, but, simultaneously, fragmented through platformization. This study aims to explore how interactional dynamics between (non)human market actors co-codify markets through expressive and networked content across social media platforms.
This study applies digital methods as cross-platform analysis to analyze two data sets retrieved from YouTube and Instagram using the keywords “sustainable fashion” and #sustainablefashion, respectively.
The study shows how interactional dynamics between (non)human market actors, co-codify markets across two social media platforms, i.e. YouTube and Instagram. The authors introduce the notion of sticky market webs of connection, illustrating how these dynamics foster cross-platform market codification through relations of exteriority.
Research limitations/implications
Research implications highlight the necessity to account for all involved entities, including digital infrastructure in digital markets and the methodological potential of cross-platform analyses.
Practical implications
Practical implications highlight considerations managers should take into account when designing market communication for digital markets composed of (non)human market actors.
Social implications
Social implications highlight the possible effects of (non)human market co-codification on markets and consumer culture, and corresponding countermeasures.
This study contributes to an increased understanding of digital market dynamics by illuminating interdependent market co-codification dynamics between (non)human market actors, and how these dynamics (de)territorialize digital market assemblages through relations of exteriority across platforms.
Christian Busch, Simon Weber and Reinhardt Schneider
The purpose of this paper, an R&D project, is to select Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)-unclassified white solid lubricants for…
The purpose of this paper, an R&D project, is to select Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)-unclassified white solid lubricants for formulating special lubricating oils, greases and pastes to prevent tribological systems against fretting wear.
The scientific methodology reads as follows: market research to select appropriate additives according to the purpose of the R&D project; screening tests to determine the technical performance of the additives; advanced technical studies and tests to validate the technical performance of the lubricating additives; determination of the reaction layers; and clarification of the build-up mechanism of the reaction layers (practical tests).
The findings of the R&D project can be summarized as follows: the selected white solid lubricants perform in lubricating oils, greases and pastes highly effective against fretting wear. The performance could be shown on the basis of representative test results and highlights its advantages compared to the state of the art.
Research limitations/implications
The research team faced some challenges during the R&D project – the unsuitability of standard test measurements as well as DIN, ISO and ASTM test parameters led to limitations and increased effort.
The motivation and main target to conduct the R&D project was to increase the consumer and operator safety by using unclassified (GHS) high performance lubricants. The findings of the project show clearly that the tasks could be fulfilled. Special, unclassified (GHS) selected white solid lubricants are able to form a reaction layer on metal surfaces and separate effectively the surfaces within the tribological system. No fretting wear accrued. The consumer can gain substantial benefits on the economical side as well as on the ecological side.
Nobody concerned with political economy can neglect the history of economic doctrines. Structural changes in the economy and society influence economic thinking and, conversely…
Nobody concerned with political economy can neglect the history of economic doctrines. Structural changes in the economy and society influence economic thinking and, conversely, innovative thought structures and attitudes have almost always forced economic institutions and modes of behaviour to adjust. We learn from the history of economic doctrines how a particular theory emerged and whether, and in which environment, it could take root. We can see how a school evolves out of a common methodological perception and similar techniques of analysis, and how it has to establish itself. The interaction between unresolved problems on the one hand, and the search for better solutions or explanations on the other, leads to a change in paradigma and to the formation of new lines of reasoning. As long as the real world is subject to progress and change scientific search for explanation must out of necessity continue.
Wilm Fecke, Jan-Henning Feil and Oliver Musshoff
The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the influencing factors of loan demand in agriculture. With the structural changes that agriculture is undergoing and the…
The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the influencing factors of loan demand in agriculture. With the structural changes that agriculture is undergoing and the accordingly higher financing requirements and volumes, the analysis of loan demand in agriculture is of particular interest.
Detailed actual loan data at farm level, which is provided by a major German development bank for the agricultural sector, is used for the analysis. The data set covers the period from 2010 to 2014 and consists of 68,430 observations. Due to the data structure, an ordinary least square regression is conducted with the loan amount as the dependent variable. Many explanatory variables are included, such as the interest rate, the intended use of the loan, grace periods, the gross value added (GVA) and the business climate index for agriculture.
Amongst others, the authors find that interest rate, GVA, grace periods and farmers’ business expectations have significant effects on the loan demand in agriculture. According to the results, the interest rate has a significant negative effect, whereas the granted grace periods, the GVA in agriculture and farmers’ business expectations have significant positive effects on the loan demand.
This paper investigates the determinants of loan demand in agriculture in a developed country by using unique and comprehensive data at loan and farm level. Amongst others, elasticities of loan demand in agriculture are determined.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the structural features that are proving central to the stability of the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the…
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the structural features that are proving central to the stability of the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and those features that were detrimental to its predecessors.
This paper adopts a legalization framework derived from the model presented by Abbott et al. The simplicity of Abbott et al.’s theory allows for variation in the agreements’ text to be easily measured and compared. The inherent advantages of this model offset the difficulties in characterizing peace agreements under traditional legal methodologies, and reiterate the importance of legalized agreements in a conflict resolution context.
This paper finds that a more highly legalized approach to peace-making has resulted in greater agreement stability in the Philippines. More precise in detail and inclusive in scope, the legal nature of the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement has made it more responsive to the root causes of the conflict, and resilient to incidents that threatened to derail the peace process.
Practical implications
This case study bears valuable lessons for conflict zones the world over, particularly the troubled negotiations on Syria, and the crisis in Ukraine. The study: lends tentative support to Gopalan’s claim that agreements that exemplify hard legalization are much more sustainable in the long run; stresses the advantages of inclusivity in agreement sustainability and stability; reiterates the importance of addressing the key issues relevant to the conflict if the process is to be sustainable, and; notes the limitations of the legalization framework, but presents the Philippine example as a blueprint for addressing various aspects of the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts.
This is the first peer-reviewed analysis to explore the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement as a highly legalized conflict resolution instrument, and an adaptable template for peace agreement design generally.
Kem M. Gambrell and Lazarina N. Topuzova
Historically, a major contributor in the fracture between mainstream individuals and subgroups has been the educational system. For American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN)…
Historically, a major contributor in the fracture between mainstream individuals and subgroups has been the educational system. For American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN), this is substantiated by low graduation rates. AI/AN leaders are in a unique situation due to the distinctive conditions in which they operate that include community challenges as well as federal and tribal legislation. This, combined with limited research regarding AI/AN leadership best practices, provides doctoral programs an inimitable opportunity to partner with AI/AN and tribal communities. Therefore, due to the need to more effectively serve AI/AN peoples, the intent of this chapter is to propose methods to successfully create an AI/AN leadership emphasis within its existing doctoral program. This essay will include a description of the following: (a) the societal call for these types of programs; (b) AI/AN self-identified needs regarding graduate education, including the cultural aspects needed for success; (c) program design, philosophy, and curriculum specific to AI/ANs; and (d) further recommendations. By implementing an AI/AN emphasis, graduate programs can better address the needs of this underserved portion of the population, as well as provide a less ethnocentric perspective in the classroom.
Elizabeth Lomas and Vanda Broughton
This chapter examined portrayals of the morality of organizations using the lens of Western films. The work explored six decades of film, analyzing the organizational contexts and…
This chapter examined portrayals of the morality of organizations using the lens of Western films. The work explored six decades of film, analyzing the organizational contexts and their agents, in order to understand filmmakers’ and audiences’ perceptions of organizational settings. In order to examine the organization as an entity within film, this chapter provided a content analysis of plot summaries from a purposefully selected body of top grossing box office films spanning 60 years. The plot summaries constituted a strong basis for identifying the characteristics of the organization as they are largely descriptive in nature and as such do not offer any evaluation or analysis of the film. Any assumptions about the character of organizations (or their members/employees) are unconscious, and as such they constitute a verbal description of what competent observers would say has occurred within the film. The plots were coded to reveal perceptions of positive, neutral, or negative organizational contexts and actions. This approach exposed the filmmakers symbolic placing of the organization in order to provide backdrops for the narrative. The plot analysis revealed that throughout the decades there has been a sophisticated portrayal in film of the role of the organization and the agents therein. A generally negative view of organizational contexts was demonstrated, with only religion and education shown as positive within the films selected. It was recognized that there would be value in extending this research to analyze a larger body of works. The selection criteria resulted in a wide but not comprehensive corpus of film genres. The body of works was sufficient to reveal the complexity of attitudes to organizational values and delivery which has evolved through time. Different selection criteria and more substantial narrative text could serve to confirm these results. Further implications for future research were discussed. While in the real-life sphere, there has been an emphasis on organizational standards and “corporate governance” delivering ethical exemplars, the film contexts highlight the complexities of delivering trusted organizations. The reality that there remains the potential for organizational corruption is well understood by the general public and clearly depicted within the film world. The conceptual contribution is original as limited work has been conducted on the organizational context in films. This work revealed the possibility of using this approach to further develop a greater understanding of perceptions of organizations.
The main purpose of this contribution lies in the attempt to show that the future of western civilisation has been placed in jeopardy as a result of the declining influence of the…
The main purpose of this contribution lies in the attempt to show that the future of western civilisation has been placed in jeopardy as a result of the declining influence of the Christian ethic, a system of transcendental values, and the increased acceptance of moral relativism due to the zeal and diligence of the proponents of secular humanism, naturalism, pragmatism and utilitarianism.
Michael W. Stebbins and Judy L. Valenzuela
This chapter describes two change efforts involving participatory action research within the pharmacy operations division of Kaiser Permanente. Focus is on a parallel learning…
This chapter describes two change efforts involving participatory action research within the pharmacy operations division of Kaiser Permanente. Focus is on a parallel learning mechanism that has been used to support communications and change during two large-scale information technology interventions. It begins with basic background information on participatory action research in organizations. Since the case setting is Kaiser Permanente, the chapter provides some information on the U.S. healthcare industry context and then shifts to Kaiser’s communication forum, a learning mechanism that has been in place for 35 years. Cognitive, structural, and procedural aspects of the learning mechanism are explored, and the chapter features interviews with some of the key forum players. Both in the forum’s infancy and in its current more institutionalized state, the pharmacy organization has been in crisis. Implications for the use of parallel learning structures on a long-term basis to support long-term participatory action research are explored along with contributions to theory on insider/outsider action research.