The crisis in Soviet industry seems to invite OD intervention.While some American OD practitioners seem pessimistic about using OD,Soviet practitioners are already using a…
The crisis in Soviet industry seems to invite OD intervention. While some American OD practitioners seem pessimistic about using OD, Soviet practitioners are already using a technology called gaming (igropraktika) that bears a “family resemblance” to OD and may represent an innovation in OD technology. Describes the theory behind gaming and presents a case example of a game conducted with a Soviet enterprise.
Since the break‐up of the Soviet Union, the Western media andWestern academics have used the benign rhetorical frames of“democratization”, “privatization”,“transition to a market…
Since the break‐up of the Soviet Union, the Western media and Western academics have used the benign rhetorical frames of “democratization”, “privatization”, “transition to a market economy” and “the management revolution” to explain events in post‐Soviet Russia. Reframes the rhetoric from these global ideals to the local reality of the “development project” in Russia, interpreting events as a continuing pattern of Western violence in which Americans are implicated as “missionary managers”.
Organizational theorists have used metaphors such as organism, machine and language to understand organizations. Develops a new metaphor of place, based on writing about natural…
Organizational theorists have used metaphors such as organism, machine and language to understand organizations. Develops a new metaphor of place, based on writing about natural places, to imagine how an organization could radically recreate itself so that a healthy ecology is possible.