Nicholas Theodorakis, Chris Kambitsis and Athanasios Laios
This paper attempts to examine the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in spectator sports. The relationship between these two constructs is examined…
This paper attempts to examine the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in spectator sports. The relationship between these two constructs is examined, first, by a review of the literature to date and, second, by the results of almost 200 questionnaires completed by spectators at two professional basketball games in Athens, Greece. The results of the questionnaire study are examined and, in conclusion, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed. Areas for further research are also suggested.
Chris Kambitsis, Yvonne Harahousou, Nicholas Theodorakis and Giannis Chatzibeis
This research attempted to investigate why sport themes are used in advertisements, and the motives that lead companies and advertisers to use sport celebrities and sport concepts…
This research attempted to investigate why sport themes are used in advertisements, and the motives that lead companies and advertisers to use sport celebrities and sport concepts in advertisements. The detailed examination of the fieldwork took place in Sydney, prior to and during the 2000 Olympic Games. Printed media were observed for a period of five to six months. Many parameters were taken into consideration comparing three monthly magazines and two daily newspapers in order to gain knowledge and provide answers to the fundamental questions. In addition, two famous athletes, a sport manager and an advertising executive were interviewed. Furthermore the outcome of the research showed that Olympic Games did not play a catalyst role in sport advertisement issues in the particular print media. It also concluded that the selection procedures that advertising companies followed, in order to select athletes, were not based only on their achievements but mostly were related to their personalities.