Paul L. Forrester, Nelson K.H. Tang and Chris Hawksley
Reviews the wide range of perspectives on the nature, scope andimplications of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Presents themain deliverable of a three‐year programme of…
Reviews the wide range of perspectives on the nature, scope and implications of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Presents the main deliverable of a three‐year programme of research conducted by the Keele Advanced Manufacturing Group. Entitled CIMple (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Programmed Learning Environment), it comprises a hypermedia‐based and business‐oriented design methodology to assist the user in the analysis, design and implementation of CIM systems. Presents both the underlying models within the methodology and information on how CIMple is used in practice.
A major complaint by those offering carrers guidance to adults is the lack of suitable carrer literature. Compromising adults obviously can make considerable use of literature…
A major complaint by those offering carrers guidance to adults is the lack of suitable carrer literature. Compromising adults obviously can make considerable use of literature meant for school and college leavers, but often there is translation to be done and questions left unanswered. It was this gap that led me to produce a modest attempt at guidance for adults in Carrer Change published by CRAC. Now we have a partly complementary volume offering information for adults seeking self‐development mainly via education.
IT was in February that we condemned the Finniston Report on the grounds that it had failed to tackle what was surely the first consideration: the definition of what an engineer…
IT was in February that we condemned the Finniston Report on the grounds that it had failed to tackle what was surely the first consideration: the definition of what an engineer is. Out of the dozens of recognised qualifications and the countless unqualified people who can and do call themselves engineers, albeit of one sort or another, it is surely impossible to set up one colossal Authority to control the lot, without that definition.