The purpose of this research is mainly to make an analysis and comparison of the purchasing behaviors of consumers in Mainland china and Taiwan. We precede this research with a…
The purpose of this research is mainly to make an analysis and comparison of the purchasing behaviors of consumers in Mainland china and Taiwan. We precede this research with a questionnaire survey. In Mainland China, we targeted consumers of 10 department stores of the Parkson Plaza Co., Ltd. that are located in 10 different cities in Taiwan, we selected 3 department stores of the Far Eastern Department Stores in 3 cites. The results of this analysis indicate the importance of quality attributes to the consumers for both Mainland China and Taiwan, albeit with some differentiations. The consumers in China are more focused on the merchandise for example as well as imitation, quality and price. Contrarily, the consumers in Taiwan are more attentive to service quality and parking issues. On the level of evaluation of satisfaction, the differences are not so obvious for both sides. For example, the quality attributes of “No imitation products” and “Friendly servers” are ranked as the most satisfactory items for both sides. Generally speaking, the service quality of Taiwan’s department stores is very outstanding. There are also some differences in the areas of lesser satisfaction between consumers of China and Taiwan. The consumers in China identified the quality attribute “the designs of merchandising, display and the usage of each floor” as the most dissatisfactory item, while the performance on this quality attribute is well accepted by the consumers of Taiwan’s department stores. Another contradiction is that Taiwan’s consumers are more concerned about “Parking”; this quality attribute obtained much less attention from the consumers in Mainland China. From the analysis of determinants that will have impacts on the willingness of customers to buy again, we found that the viewpoints of consumers from both sides are quite similar. The two main factors are “quality of merchandise” and “the price of merchandise”; this is less important to the consumers in Taiwan. We may conclude from the importance and satisfaction level of the quality attributes and determinants for return customers that differences are caused mainly by the different management of the department stores and the different living circumstances of people across the straights.
Shun‐Hsing Chen, Ching‐Chow Yang, Wen‐Tsann Lin and Tsu‐Ming Yeh
Although there are many quality measurement theories and models, all are imperfect; that is, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Particularly, some models cannot…
Although there are many quality measurement theories and models, all are imperfect; that is, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Particularly, some models cannot indicate accurate improvement priorities. The purpose of this study is to develop an integrated performance model that improves service quality and acquires accurate improvement priorities that promote customer satisfaction and eliminate resource wastage.
This study applied a performance matrix and quality loss function (QLF) theory to determine priority items needing improvement. A questionnaire was designed to determine the priority of improvement objectives derived from certain questionnaire items that do not fall into the appropriate performance zone (APZ) of the performance matrix. Finally, the QLF was adopted to rank the improvement objectives in terms of priority. A large QLF area indicates customer satisfaction needs improvement.
This study utilized an employee satisfaction survey to demonstrate this matrix, and found that it reflects the improvement priorities of different items and avoids the shortcomings of other models. In this case study, 11 items must be improved; furthermore, five items with the greatest QLF areas became the priority items for improvement.
This performance matrix also considers the items of surplus resource investment, which can be included in improvements, thereby avoiding resource wastage.
In recent years, the health care industry in Taiwan has been facing various difficulties, which are primarily from the implementation of National Health Care Insurance policy. The…
In recent years, the health care industry in Taiwan has been facing various difficulties, which are primarily from the implementation of National Health Care Insurance policy. The more severe problems, like the increase in operating costs and income reduction, are included with the high cut rate examined by BNHI, and the shortage of physicians. The most critical current issue to hospitals is researching the remedies to resolve the problems. Some hospitals have employed ISO 9000 as the solution; some have chosen HQIC or MQIP. However, it is necessary to implement advanced TQM when the health care institutes want to resolve these problems more effectively. There are some conflicts between the health care professional and the TQM concepts and practices. In this paper, a practically applicable system of TQM is developed for the health care institutes. Several hospitals have utilized this TQM system and have obtained many substantial results, such as upgrading the service quality and customers’ satisfaction, and improving the administration performance, etc. Therefore, for a more efficient operation, the Bureau of National Health Care should eagerly promote the TQM system to hospitals.
The perceived advantages of the implementation of TQM are generating improved quality and efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction, thus improving competitiveness. However…
The perceived advantages of the implementation of TQM are generating improved quality and efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction, thus improving competitiveness. However, there is a high failure rate in the implementation of TQM. The key issue in this regard is that companies have devoted relatively little attention to human resources management (HRM). Several academics and practitioners have asserted that synergy and congruence among HRM practices are critical to the implementation of TQM. However, there is relatively little empirical evidence to support this contention. The purpose of this research is to conduct an empirical study on high‐tech firms, in order to analyse the impacts of HRM practices on the implementation of TQM.
In this study, a research framework related to HRM practices, TQM practices, and quality performances was developed. Based on the framework, a questionnaire was designed and sent to the HR managers or chief executive officers (CEOs) of high‐tech companies in Taiwan to investigate the effect of HRM practices on the implementation and practice of TQM.
The study confirms that HRM significantly affects TQM practices. The study concluded that HRM practices have a significantly positive effect on the implementation of TQM. Implementing HRM practices can also have a significant effect on employee and customer satisfaction. It also positively affected “employees' quality awareness” and “corporate image”. The quality performances were also significantly affected by the implementation of TQM.
Research limitations/implications
The research limitation is that the empirical study was on high‐tech firms in Taiwan only. However, the framework can be easily extended to other industries if survey results are available.
Practical implications
Overall, successful implementation of TQM can lead to an increase in customer satisfaction, and then benefit corporate image. It can also improve the satisfaction and quality awareness of employees. Enterprises that devote themselves to the implementation of TQM also need to perform HRM aggressively, if they are to increase the firm's performance significantly.
In this research, a conceptual framework related to HRM practices and TQM practices was developed, which is a valuable reference for future research. This study confirms the impacts of HRM practices on the implementation of TQM, and several key practices can be investigated.
Ching‐Chow Yang, King Jang Yang and Lai‐Yu Cheng
The purpose of this paper is to establish an integrated model of a service‐delivery system, customer relationship management (CRM), and customer satisfaction evaluation. The…
The purpose of this paper is to establish an integrated model of a service‐delivery system, customer relationship management (CRM), and customer satisfaction evaluation. The strategic objectives, such as the pursuit of key performances, the retention of customers, the provision of new services, can be realized through this integrated model. The paper then uses the “strategy map” of the balanced scorecard (BSC) to develop and deploy these strategies and the related objective performance indices.
The establishment of a conceptually integrated model based on the literature review, holistic thinking, and the researchers' consultant experience. The development of strategy map and the related performance indicators based on the integrated model.
The analysis presented by this paper shows that the perspectives of the BSC and the stages in CRM have good correspondence in the development of an integrated model.
The integrated model, strategy map, and related performance indicators' presented in this paper offer useful guidance for service organizations to having a holistic view of their operational systems.
Ching‐Chow Yang and Bai‐Sheng Chen
The purpose of this paper is to develop an evaluation model considering the qualitative and quantitative criteria for supplier selection in an outsourcing manufacturing…
The purpose of this paper is to develop an evaluation model considering the qualitative and quantitative criteria for supplier selection in an outsourcing manufacturing organization.
In this paper, the authors propose an integrated model by combining the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relational analysis (GRA) into a single evaluation model. The model is illustrated with a case study of a notebook computer manufacturer to demonstrate the effectiveness of this integrated model.
Through the proposed model, it is possible to effectively integrate the specialized knowledge and experience of each dispersed evaluator, and the quantitative data to select the best suppliers for cooperation.
The decision‐aiding software (AHP‐GRA model) has been implemented in Excel to automate the supplier selection process. This can widely apply the integrated model for the industry.
Shun‐Hsing Chen, Ching‐Chow Yang, Jiun‐Yan Shiau and Hui‐Hua Wang
Most studies on higher education focus on students as customers, and evaluate student levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their programs, while generally neglecting…
Most studies on higher education focus on students as customers, and evaluate student levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their programs, while generally neglecting teacher work satisfaction. Thus, this study evaluates how employee dissatisfaction with various investment items determines the improvement priority.
This study used the academic literature to establish a satisfaction model for higher education employees. The model is divided into six dimensions: organisation vision, respect, result feedback and motivation, management system, pay and benefits, and work environment. Using a questionnaire based on the model, 248 teachers were surveyed to investigate and analyze their importance‐satisfaction level. The importance‐satisfaction model (I‐S model) was then applied to place each quality attribute into the I‐S model, and thus determine the improvement strategy.
The analytical results showed that higher education employees focus on high salaries and fair promotion systems. Investigations of the job satisfaction of college teachers in Europe and America have produced similar results.
The employee satisfaction model for the higher education sector not only considers satisfaction levels but also degrees of importance in deciding the improvement strategy.
Ching‐Chow Yang, Wen‐Tsaan Lin, Ming‐Yi Lin and Jui‐Tang Huang
Facing the competition pressure of internationalization and diversification, the semiconductor industry of Taiwan has to increase the activation/utilization rate of machines…
Facing the competition pressure of internationalization and diversification, the semiconductor industry of Taiwan has to increase the activation/utilization rate of machines, enhance flow speed and values, cut down delivery and reduce costs in an efficient way in reaction to a shortening product life cycle and the global market requirements. As a result, introduction of ERP has become a critical factor of enhancing competitiveness. The purpose of this study is establish a systematic evaluation and improvement mechanism to locate the risk priority number (RPN) of implementation items via failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) for semiconductor related industries in Taiwan while introducing ERP.
A standardized system introduced performance matrix based on the performance evaluation matrix (PEM) will be established in accordance with the locations of severity (S), occurrence (O) and detection (D) and the three RPN indices, in the PEM. Performance levels will be assessed and the performance improvement strategy introduced by the system will be formulated. Finally, items falling within the non‐appropriate performance zone will be specified through the quality function development (QFD) method.
From the results of the case study, the proposed systematic evaluation and improvement on the performance of introducing ERP for the semiconductor industry in Taiwan can be conducted in an efficient way.
Practical implications
All that the management needs to do is to correspond to the positions of these RPN indices of implementation items on the performance matrix. Performance levels will be assessed and the performance improvement strategy introduced by the system will be formulated.
The PEM is demonstrated to be suitable to define the best countermeasure can be sought to serve as a reference for the semiconductor related industries in Taiwan to introduce ERP.
Shun‐Hsing Chen, Ching‐Chow Yang and Jiun‐Yan Shiau
The Taiwanese higher education sector is presently facing a significant challenge with regard to supply and demand. The purpose of this paper is to examine how, in this scenario…
The Taiwanese higher education sector is presently facing a significant challenge with regard to supply and demand. The purpose of this paper is to examine how, in this scenario, the balanced scorecard (BSC) can be used for performance evaluation as a strategic management tool.
This study is based on a case study that should carry appropriate mission and vision. With the existing resources and targets, five major strategic themes are constructed, including an adequate financial structure, an accord with customer expectations, an excellent learning environment, organisational learning and management, and high quality staff.
To achieve strategic themes it is necessary to propose specific and effective strategic targets. To evaluate progress and performance towards these strategic themes and targets, quantified performance measure indicators (PMIs) must be established in a specific and simple manner that allows all staff members to understand the orientation of the BSC in fulfilling their daily tasks.
BSC conducting in higher education sector can be successful, and other management systems appliances are similar, must be supported by senior supervisors and cautious choice PMIs to assess the achievement of targets.
The improvement of service quality has become a major strategy for improving competitiveness. The identification of customers’ requirements and the measurement of satisfaction…
The improvement of service quality has become a major strategy for improving competitiveness. The identification of customers’ requirements and the measurement of satisfaction levels are therefore two crucial activities for enterprises. However, firms frequently fail to understand customer requirements, and the usual methods for measuring customer satisfaction are incomplete. The present research establishes an integrated model for achieving multiple targets in measuring service quality, i.e. to identify the important quality attributes that are identified by customers; to understand customer satisfaction levels with respect to these quality attributes; to discover the difference between employees’ perceptions and the customers’ perceptions of these quality attributes; to use the analytic results to improve service quality; and to identify the categories of Kano’s model of each quality attribute that can be used as critical reference on quality decisions. This integrated model is valuable for practical implementation in industries, and as an important reference for academic research on service quality.