Shu-Hsien Liao, Chih-Chiang Chen, Da-Chian Hu, Yu-Chun Chung and Chiu-Ling Liu
Based on literature development, the purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework and the theoretical model in order to examine the influence of leadership…
Based on literature development, the purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework and the theoretical model in order to examine the influence of leadership, organizational learning (OL), and organizational innovation (OI) in Taiwan’s financial and information technology industries.
Structural equation modeling is employed to evaluate the degree of influence each variable has on the others and whether their relationships differ in different industry. This study investigates a selection of firms from the top 100 financial and the top 1,000 high-technology enterprises in Taiwan in 2012 as the population. A total of 377 valid responses were collected from 2012 to 2013.
The research results indicate that OL acts as a full mediator between leadership and OI. Furthermore, industry type has moderating effect in the proposed research model.
Thus, considering appropriate leadership styles through learning to innovate might be a well leadership model to be further considered by different industries in the global countries.
Shu-hsien Liao, Chih-chiang Chen and Da-chian Hu
This paper aims to empirically test individual, team and multi-level relationships among knowledge sharing (KS), leader–member exchange (LMX), employee creativity (EC) and team…
This paper aims to empirically test individual, team and multi-level relationships among knowledge sharing (KS), leader–member exchange (LMX), employee creativity (EC) and team innovation (TI). The study tests how KS affects EC via LMX at lower and multi levels. At a higher level, how creativity affects TI is also tested.
Questionnaires were sent to 43 team leaders and 215 team members from the largest theme park in Taiwan, E-DA, who are engaged in offering creative and innovative customer services. Multilevel analysis was conducted based on the questionnaires received.
Major findings agree the contention that KS can improve EC via LMX at both employee and multi-level. The results also indicate that KS affects team creativity (TC) at the team level; however, TC and TI do not have a significant positive relationship.
The study examined how to enhance employees’ creativity from the individual and team levels in a theme park, an area with rare literature. The authors found that LMX is an important mediator between KS and EC. The mediated effect of KS on EC through LMX is higher in a cross level than individual level. In addition, a team’s KS has more effect on EC than the individual level.
Shu-Hsien Liao and Chih-Chiang Chen
The purpose of this paper is to test the mediating role of LMX in the relationship between knowledge sharing and employee creativity and the extent to which this mediating role is…
The purpose of this paper is to test the mediating role of LMX in the relationship between knowledge sharing and employee creativity and the extent to which this mediating role is moderated by transactional psychological contract.
A total of 286 employees working at the theme park in Taiwan and then analyzed using a structuring equation model with SPSS 12.0, LISREL 8.8 and SPSS PROCESS.
Results suggested that LMX mediated the relationship between knowledge sharing and employee creativity. Also, results suggested that transactional psychological contract moderated this mediating pathway: low transactional psychological contract increases the mediating role of LMX. Furthermore, the study showed that LMX can buffer the negative effects of transactional psychological contract on employee creative performance.
The originality of this study is to explore whether there is a moderated mediation model relationship among research variables and contributed to the LMX literature because there are few studies to discuss how knowledge sharing might stimulate creative outcome through LMX.
Salman Iqbal, Paul Toulson and David Tweed
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of specific human resource management (HRM) practices on knowledge sharing behaviour among employees of knowledge intensive…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of specific human resource management (HRM) practices on knowledge sharing behaviour among employees of knowledge intensive firms (KIFs).
Based on previous literature, a model is proposed for the study and hypotheses are formulated. The cross-sectional data set comes from a sample of 390 employees of 19 KIFs. Confirmatory factor analyses were employed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement model and the research model was tested using structural equation modelling.
The results suggest that collaborative HRM practices have a direct positive effect on employees’ knowledge sharing behaviour. Surprisingly, the authors find that employees’ knowledge sharing behaviour is independent of reward systems and employees’ recognition. The authors suggest that organisational learning environments based on collaborative HRM practices can help employees’ knowledge sharing behaviour and improve the capability of both individual and organisational capability.
Research limitations/implications
Knowledge-sharing behaviour is examined using specific HRM practices. Findings should be confirmed using a larger sample, as well as through longitudinal study.
Practical implications
This study will be beneficial for researchers, practitioners, scholars, organisational leaders and employees. It will also be helpful for those interested in organisational structure and relationships across organisations in knowledge context.
This study makes a valuable contribution, given that there is a lack of empirical studies of this nature focusing on the South-East Asian region. The findings are more interesting given that the current study is based on employees’ perceptions.
The prediction of pre-election polls is an issue of concern for both politicians and voters. The Taiwan nine-in-one election held in 2014 ended with jaw-dropping results;…
The prediction of pre-election polls is an issue of concern for both politicians and voters. The Taiwan nine-in-one election held in 2014 ended with jaw-dropping results; apparently, traditional polls did not work well. As a remedy to this problem, the purpose of this paper is to utilize the comments posted on social media to analyze civilians’ views on the two candidates for mayor of Taichung City, Chih-chiang Hu, and Chia-Lung Lin.
After conducting word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging for the collected reviews, this study constructs the opinion phrase extraction rules for identifying the opinion words associated with the attribute words. Next, this study classifies the attribute words into six municipal governance-related topics and calculates the opinion scores for each candidate. Finally, this study uses correspondence analysis to transform opinion information on the candidates into a graphical display to facilitate the interpretation of voters’ views.
The results show that the topics of candidates’ backgrounds and transport infrastructure were the two most critical factors for the election prediction. Based on the predication, Lin outscores Hu by 17.74 percent which is close to the real election results.
Research limitations/implications
This study proposes new rules for the extraction of Chinese opinion words associated with attribute words.
Practical implications
This study applies Chinese semantic analysis to assist in predicting election results and investigating the topics of concern to voters.
The proposed opinion phrase extraction rules for Chinese social media, as well as the election forecast process, can provide valuable references for political parties and candidates to plan better nomination and election strategies.
This paper investigates the main drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows for a balanced panel of 11 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) economies over the 1995–2017…
This paper investigates the main drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows for a balanced panel of 11 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) economies over the 1995–2017 annual period. The author postulates that the impacts of the main pull (growth) and push (global financial conditions, GFC) factors may not be invariant to endogenously estimated thresholds for structural domestic conditions (SDCs) including trade and capital account openness, financial development, human capital (HC) and natural resource endowments.
The author investigates whether the main SDC provide endogenous thresholds for the impacts of basic pull and push factors on FDI inflows for the MENA sample by employing panel fixed effects threshold procedure of Hansen (1999). As a robustness check, the author also present the results of the dynamic panel data two-step system generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation, which explicitly consider the potential endogeneity of SDC along with main pull factor for the evolution of FDI inflows.
Growth, GFC and SDC are important drivers of FDI inflows. The impacts of SDC tend to be higher in countries with higher financial depth, openness to international trade and finance and lower natural resource and HC endowments. The sensitivities of FDI inflows to GFC are substantially higher in the countries which are more open to international trade and capital flows and higher levels of financial depth. FDI inflows are found to be pro-cyclical and this pro-cyclicality tends to be much higher for the episodes exceeding the SDC thresholds.
Practical implications
Improving SDC including higher openness to international trade and finance and financial development may be effective in encouraging FDI inflows. The findings support an argument that, better SDC are crucially important not only for attracting FDI but also achieving the growth benefits of FDI inflows. Therefore, improving SDC appears to be an important growth-oriented policy agenda for emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) including MENA.
The impacts of the main push and pull factors on FDI (and capital) inflows may be nonlinear. The literature often tackles the nonlinearity issue either by some interaction specifications or imposing exogenous thresholds. The literature, however, is yet to comprehensively investigate whether the main SDC provide endogenous thresholds for the impacts of basic pull and push factors. The author aims to contribute to the literature by estimating endogenous SDC threshold levels for the impacts of the main determinants of FDI flows for MENA.
Dorra Messaoud, Anis Ben Amar and Younes Boujelbene
Behavioral finance and market microstructure studies suggest that the investor sentiment and liquidity are related. This paper aims to examine the aggregate sentiment–liquidity…
Behavioral finance and market microstructure studies suggest that the investor sentiment and liquidity are related. This paper aims to examine the aggregate sentiment–liquidity relationship in emerging markets (EMs) for both the sample period and crisis period. Then, it verifies this relationship, using the asymmetric sentiment.
This study uses a sample consisting of stocks listed on the SSE Shanghai composite index (348 stocks), the JKSE (118 stocks), the IPC (14 stocks), the RTS (12 stocks), the WSE (106 stocks) and FTSE/JSE Africa (76 stocks). This is for the period ranging from February, 2002 until March, 2021 (230 monthly observations). We use the panel data and apply generalized method-of-moments (GMM) of dynamic panel estimators.
The empirical analysis shows the following results: first, it demonstrates a significant relationship between the aggregate investor sentiment and the stock market liquidity for the sample period and crisis one. Second, referring to the asymmetric sentiment, we have empirically given proof that the market is significantly more liquid in times of the optimistic sentiment than it is in times of the pessimistic sentiment. Third, using panel causality tests, we document a unidirectional causality between the investor sentiment and liquidity in a direct manner through the noise traders and the irrational market makers and also a bidirectional causality in an indirect channel.
Practical implications
The results reported in this paper have implications for regulators and investors in EMs. Firstly, the study informs the regulators that the increases and decreases in the stock market liquidity are related to the investor sentiment, not financial shocks. We empirically evince that the traded value is higher in the crisis. Secondly, we inform insider traders and rational market makers that the persistence of increases in the trading activity in both quiet and turbulent times is associated with investor participants such as noise traders and irrational market makers.
The originality of this work lies in employing the asymmetric sentiment (optimistic/pessimistic) in order to denote the sentiment–liquidity relationship in EMs for the sample period and the 2007–2008 subprime crisis.