For facility professionals, it is critical to sell a vision of facilities stewardship at every opportunity. This paper is intended to help professionals assess their current…
For facility professionals, it is critical to sell a vision of facilities stewardship at every opportunity. This paper is intended to help professionals assess their current internal marketing activities and provide direction on the development and execution of an effective marketing plan. For those who already have a plan, this paper may help inject new life into it. The marketing cycle and tools will be reviewed, examples of marketing objectives will be provided, and then ways of creating and managing a successful programme will be reviewed. The objective here is to help facility managers learn how to: (1) evaluate the current business environment and create a strategic plan; (2) create a marketing plan to support the business strategic plan; and (3) execute the implementation plan for the marketing strategy.
Nicos Christofides and C.D.T. Watson‐Gandy
The choice of what services to provide to customers is a problem of strategic significance to most companies, yet this is a decision which is often taken in an arbitrary fashion…
The choice of what services to provide to customers is a problem of strategic significance to most companies, yet this is a decision which is often taken in an arbitrary fashion for purely qualitative and subjective reasons. The decision made here can have serious repercussions in many areas of company operations and especially in the design and operation of the distribution system. For example, a decision to deliver to all customers within twenty‐four hours of receipt of an order can lead to a distribution system involving a large number of small, expensive depots and an underutilised delivery fleet. On the other hand an unreliable service, with many partially filled orders or frequently damaged articles for example can mean a loss of sales as customers go elsewhere.
The difficulties that MR poses for comparativists were anticipated 40 years ago in Sidney Verba's essay “Some Dilemmas of Comparative Research”, in which he called for a…
The difficulties that MR poses for comparativists were anticipated 40 years ago in Sidney Verba's essay “Some Dilemmas of Comparative Research”, in which he called for a “disciplined configurative approach…based on general rules, but on complicated combinations of them” (Verba, 1967, p. 115). Charles Ragin's (1987) book The Comparative Method eloquently spelled out the mismatch between MR and causal explanation in comparative research. At the most basic level, like most other methods of multivariate statistical analysis MR works by rendering the cases invisible, treating them simply as the source of a set of empirical observations on dependent and independent variables. However, even when scholars embrace the analytical purpose of generalizing about relationships between variables, as opposed to dwelling on specific differences between entities with proper names, the cases of interest in comparative political economy are limited in number and occupy a bounded universe.2 They are thus both knowable and manageable. Consequently, retaining named cases in the analysis is an efficient way of conveying information and letting readers evaluate it.3 Moreover, in practice most producers and consumers of comparative political economy are intrinsically interested in specific cases. Why not cater to this interest by keeping our cases visible?
Tingneyuc Sekac, Sujoy Kumar Jana and Indrajit Pal
The climate change and related impacts are experienced around the world. There arise different triggering factors to climate change and impact. The purpose of this study is to…
The climate change and related impacts are experienced around the world. There arise different triggering factors to climate change and impact. The purpose of this study is to figure out how changes in vegetation cover may or may not have an impact to climate change. The research will produce ideas for vegetation preservation and replant.
The investigation was probed for 34 years’ time period starting from the year 1981 to 2015. After testing and checking for serial autocorrelation in the vegetation data series, Mann–Kendal nonparametric statistical evaluation was carried out to investigate vegetation cover trends. Sen’s method was deployed to investigate the magnitude of vegetation cover change in natural differential vegetation index (NDVI) unit per year. Furthermore, the ArcGIS spatial analysis tools were used for the calculation of mean NDVI distribution and also for carrying out the spatial investigation of trends at each specific location within the study region.
The yearly mean NDVI during the study period was observed to have a decreasing trend. The mean NDVI value ranges between 0.32 and 0.98 NDVI unit, and hence, this means from less or poor vegetated zones to higher or healthier vegetated zones. The mean NDVI value was seen decreasing toward the highlands regions. The NDVI-rainfall correlation was observed to be stronger than the NDVI-temperature correlation. The % area coverage of NDVI-rainfall positive correlation was higher than the negative correlation. The % area coverage of NDVI-temperature negative correlation was higher than the positive correlation within the study region. Rainfall is seen as a highly influencing climatic factor for vegetation growth than the temperature within the study region.
This study in this country is a new approach for climate change monitoring and planning for the survival of the people of Papua New Guinea, especially for the farmer and those who is living in the coastal area.
“GIVE a dog a bad name and hang him,” is an aphorism which has been accepted for many years. But, like many other household words, it is not always true. Even if it were, the dog…
“GIVE a dog a bad name and hang him,” is an aphorism which has been accepted for many years. But, like many other household words, it is not always true. Even if it were, the dog to be operated upon would probably prefer a gala day at his Tyburn Tree to being executed in an obscure back yard.
Pyrotechnic effects and spectacular death belong to the symbolism of terror and political assassination – bizarre techniques of miscommunication through fear practiced on the…
Pyrotechnic effects and spectacular death belong to the symbolism of terror and political assassination – bizarre techniques of miscommunication through fear practiced on the innocent and designed to effect social change. While focusing on the use of terror in 9-11, this article deals with both terror and political assassination as closely related communicative practices of death. It outlines a theory of terrorism that suggests September 11 may be an example of expedient terrorist destruction ordered from within the state, a macabre instance of a state protection racket. Commentators on the left tend to see terrorism as a blow extended by the oppressed against exploiters. However, terrorism is much less likely to be a manifestation of a revolt by – or on behalf of – the underprivileged than a demonstration of brute force by the state or its agents. Machiavellian state terrorism is terror/assassination performed for reasons different from the publicized ones; often initiated by persons or groups other than those suspected of the act; and – most important – secretly perpetrated by, or on behalf, of the violated state itself. Machiavellian state terror advances the ruling agenda, while disguising itself as the work of individuals or groups opposed to the state's fundamental principles. As an example, the article reviews a mysterious 1971 assassination in Paris that obliquely foreshadows some critical elements of the official story of 9-11. The article underlines the importance of oppositional theorizing: questioning government and looking for connections between events are critical features of what it means to be vitally active in the political universe.
The Sanitary Committee of a certain County Council, strong with the strength of recent creation, have lately been animated by a desire to distinguish themselves in some way, and…
The Sanitary Committee of a certain County Council, strong with the strength of recent creation, have lately been animated by a desire to distinguish themselves in some way, and, proceeding along the lines of least resistance, they appear to have selected the Public Analyst as the most suitable object for attack. The charge against this unfortunate official was not that he is incompetent, or that he had been in any way negligent of his duties as prescribed by Act of Parliament, but simply and solely that he has the temerity to reside in London, which city is distant by a certain number of miles from the much favoured district controlled by the County Council aforesaid. The committee were favoured in their deliberations by the assistance of no less an authority than the “Principal” of a local “Technical School”;—and who could be more capable than he to express an opinion upon so simple a matter? This eminent exponent of scientific truths, after due and proper consideration, is reported to have delivered himself of the opinion that “scientifically it would be desirable that the analyst should reside in the district, as the delay occasioned by the sending of samples of water to London is liable to produce a misleading effect upon an analysis.” Apparently appalled by the contemplation of such possibilities, and strengthened by another expression of opinion to the effect that there were as “good men” in the district as in London, the committee resolved to recommend the County Council to determine the existing arrangement with the Public Analyst, and to appoint a “local analyst for all purposes.” Thus, the only objection which could be urged to the employment of a Public Analyst resident in London was the ridiculous one that the composition of a sample of water was likely to seriously alter during the period of its transit to London, and this contention becomes still more absurd when it is remembered that the examination of water samples is no part of the official duty of a Public Analyst. The employment of local scientific talent may be very proper when the object to be attained is simply the more or less imperfect instruction of the rising generation in the rudiments of what passes in this country for “technical education”; but the work of the Public Analyst is serious and responsible, and cannot be lightly undertaken by every person who may be acquainted with some of the uses of a test‐tube. The worthy members of this committee may find to their cost, as other committees have found before them, that persons possessing the requisite knowledge and experience are not necessarily indigenous to their district. Supposing that the County Council adopts the recommendation, the aspirations of the committee may even then be strangled in their infancy, as the Local Government Board will want to know all about the matter, and the committee will have to give serious and valid reasons in support of their case.
In a recent speech LORD ROSEBERY charged the people of this country with possessing, to an inordinate extent, the fatal gift of complacency, and he observed that the nation which…
In a recent speech LORD ROSEBERY charged the people of this country with possessing, to an inordinate extent, the fatal gift of complacency, and he observed that the nation which is not progressive is retrogressive. “Rest and be thankful,” said LORD ROSEBERY, is a motto which spells decay, and those who have any experience of the methods of the manufacturers of the country will admit that this seemingly severe impeachment is by no means unfounded or uncalled‐for. Industries, of which at one time the English were masters, are now gradually falling into other hands. The workers of other lands are successfully competing with our own, and yet, in spite of this condition of our mercantile affairs, the spirit of complacency is rampant. The sons are content to continue in the footsteps of the fathers, oblivious of the fact that time and seasons do not stand still and that they may be overwhelmed by the advancing flood of competition. The trade conservatism which was in the past opposed to the introduction of the steam‐engine, the power‐loom, and other mechanical appliances, is still responsible for the extreme slowness with which English firms appreciate the necessity for such innovations in the conduct of their business as would place them in a position to hold their own in the markets of the world. In respect to the protection of pure food production Great Britain and the British manufacturers are still a long way behind. Although the Sale of Food and Drugs Act of 1875 was one of the first Acts passed in any country to prevent the sale of adulterated food and drink, its machinery is cumbrous, and the subsequent Amendment Acts have not added materially to its efficiency; with the result that the Adulteration Acts do not compare favourably with those of many other countries. The spirit of complacency in regard to food products has affected alike the producer and the distributor, and the result is that in many instances there is no adequate inducement to produce anything but a mediocre article—such an article, in fact, as only escapes condemnation because of the faulty construction of the machinery of the law.
“Metal Spraying. The Origin, Development, and Applications of the Metal‐Spray Process.”. By T. Henry Turner and N. F. Budgen. [Charles Griffin & Co., London, 1926.] [This book was…
“Metal Spraying. The Origin, Development, and Applications of the Metal‐Spray Process.”. By T. Henry Turner and N. F. Budgen. [Charles Griffin & Co., London, 1926.] [This book was referred to in a letter to the Editor printed on page 15 of our January issue. Although it was published nearly four years ago, in view of the present interest in the subject we think it not too late to bring it to the notice of our readers.—EDITOR.]