Allen D. Schaefer, R. Stephen Parker and Charles M. Hermans
China, Japan, and the USA represent three of the world's most important teen apparel markets. The purpose of this study is to consider the sources of apparel brand information…
China, Japan, and the USA represent three of the world's most important teen apparel markets. The purpose of this study is to consider the sources of apparel brand information utilized by 14‐ to 17‐year olds in these three nations. Nine hypotheses are developed based on the interpersonal influence and the individualism/collectivism constructs.
Respondents include public high school students between 14 and 17 years of age from the nations of China, Japan and the USA.
Chinese teens report a greater likelihood to use their parents as apparel information sources than do the US and Japanese teens. Of the three groups, the US teens report the greatest likelihood of using marketer based information sources (i.e. advertising and salespersons).
Practical implications
The findings suggest the need to develop specific apparel marketing strategies directed at teens targeted in these nations.
Few, if any, studies have examined differences between Asian and US teens in their apparel information source usage.
Robin T. Peterson and Charles M. Hermans
This article presents a longitudinal study of social responsibility themes in US bank advertising for the years 1992, 1997 and 2002. Content analysis is used to examine television…
This article presents a longitudinal study of social responsibility themes in US bank advertising for the years 1992, 1997 and 2002. Content analysis is used to examine television commercials for socially responsible advertisements. Findings indicate that the communication of social responsibility in television commercials for banks has increased by 7 percent over the time period covered by the study.
R. Stephen Parker, Charles M. Hermans and Allen D. Schaefer
This study examines fashion consciousness among Chinese, Japanese and US teenagers. The purpose of the study was to examine similarities and differences in attitudes toward…
This study examines fashion consciousness among Chinese, Japanese and US teenagers. The purpose of the study was to examine similarities and differences in attitudes toward fashion across these three markets. The results show that significant differences in fashion consciousness exist between Chinese teens and their Japanese and US counterparts. At the same time, the US and Japanese teens show similarities in their attitudes toward fashion. The findings may support the idea of market differences in fashion consciousness between developed countries and less developed countries. While there are opportunities for fashion merchants to benefit from market similarities, an understanding of the idiosyncrasies underlying motivations of teen fashion in each market is needed.
Nitish Singh, Olivier Furrer and Massimiliano Ostinelli
With the growth of worldwide e‐commerce, companies are increasingly targeting foreign online consumers. However, there is a dearth of evidence as to whether global consumers…
With the growth of worldwide e‐commerce, companies are increasingly targeting foreign online consumers. However, there is a dearth of evidence as to whether global consumers prefer to browse and buy from standardized global web sites or web sites adapted to their local cultures. This study provides evidence from five different countries as to whether global consumers prefer local web content or standardized web content. The study also measures how the degree of cultural adaptation on the web affects consumer perception of site effectiveness.
This study examines the nature of emergent, self‐organizing systems in the context of the history of Herman Miller, Inc. This history informs our understanding of emergent systems…
This study examines the nature of emergent, self‐organizing systems in the context of the history of Herman Miller, Inc. This history informs our understanding of emergent systems on two levels: how the dynamic of emergent self‐organization informs our sense of the past; and how it informs our understanding of an emergent, self‐organizing future. This article also recounts a critical period in the development history of Herman Miller, Inc.
This paper aims (1) to create a sense of resonance with Maida Herman Solomon and her ideas, (2) to inspire a reconsideration of current management history (the unquestioned block…
This paper aims (1) to create a sense of resonance with Maida Herman Solomon and her ideas, (2) to inspire a reconsideration of current management history (the unquestioned block box of dominant figures, dominant foci and dominant practices), (3) to bring Solomon’s contributions to clinical social work into present discourse in management and organizational studies and (4) to foster recognition for Solomon in her own field of social work, as forerunner in a developing profession. Guiding this study is the question: “What are Solomon’s key contributions and why is she overlooked?”
This paper features a novel methodology, ficto-feminism. The feminism in ficto-feminism is presented as ontology, epistemology, method and mode of writing. Ficto-feminism combines polemical (or prowoman writing) with aspects of collective biography, autoethnography and fictocriticism. As such, the paper contributes to the emerging feminist tradition of writing differently. The approach is an embodied and reflexive approach that engages with history to investigate the absence of women.
Maida Solomon was an educator, researcher, practitioner and advocate. Her contributions to the development and practice of clinical social work spanned over 60 years, and yet, she is little more than a footnote in the history of the field. Her contributions include authoring and implementing graduate programming, which continues to be the taken for granted training; penning some of the most seminal works and advancing theory; introducing academic and scientific approaches, which saw the field professionalize and adopt new standards; and helping to change the way that society thought about mental health and sexual health. A confluence of factors contributes to her marginalization and neglect: gender, ethnicity, the feminized field of social work and the stigmatized focus for her practice.
The paper combines assertive autobiographical and literary strategies to foreground an overlooked female leader in the field of clinical social work, namely, Maida Solomon. Drawing on biographical material, literature, media and archival material, this paper features a fictional but truthful conversation between the present-day author/writer/historian and the posthumous, historical protagonist (Maida Solomon). In so doing, the engagement with history is both one that deconstructs while reconstructing a historical account with both aesthetic and political implications.
Charles A. Pierce, Ivan S. Muslin, Chantay M. Dudley and Herman Aguinis
We reviewed U.S. federal and state sexual harassment court cases involving a prior workplace romance between the plaintiff and alleged harasser. Results of our content analysis…
We reviewed U.S. federal and state sexual harassment court cases involving a prior workplace romance between the plaintiff and alleged harasser. Results of our content analysis show that, unlike employees’ decisions, judges’ decisions can be predicted from legal but not ethically salient extralegal case features. Hence, when compared to prior research, our study reveals the following discrepancy: judges follow a traditional legal model, whereas employees follow an ethical model when making decisions about romance‐harassment cases. Our study also reveals that the mere presence (versus absence) of a prior romance reduces the likelihood of a plaintiff’s success in a harassment case. We discuss implications for management practice and research from the perspective of legal and ethical decision making.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.