Highlights selected issues, co‐ordination costs, information, radio spectrum and universal service, and goes on to assess the impact of the EU’s Review on international…
Highlights selected issues, co‐ordination costs, information, radio spectrum and universal service, and goes on to assess the impact of the EU’s Review on international competition and convergence. Summarizes that the future outlined in the review obliges continuing efforts to harmonize national information collection.
Colin Blackman, Paul Nihoul and Robert Queck
Reviews the articles up‐coming in this special issue of Info. Looks at the opening up of the European telecommunication markets and stresses this would not be limited to…
Reviews the articles up‐coming in this special issue of Info. Looks at the opening up of the European telecommunication markets and stresses this would not be limited to communications as even non‐aligned markets would become free of excessive public intervention.
Iryna Kushnir and Elizabeth Agbor Eta
This opening chapter introduces the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the project for its development – the Bologna Process, and it explains the growth and current…
This opening chapter introduces the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the project for its development – the Bologna Process, and it explains the growth and current structure of the EHEA and the governance of the Bologna Process. It also explains the interest in Bologna beyond the ‘boundaries’ of the EHEA and introduces the idea that Bologna is linked to promoting social justice in higher education while operating in a neoliberal context. The structure of the book is outlined as well.