To share the experience of developing processes for managing the internal documents of a national library – the Bibliothèque Nationale de France – in a country where records…
To share the experience of developing processes for managing the internal documents of a national library – the Bibliothèque Nationale de France – in a country where records management is still not well known and rarely applied.
The initiative used the Design and Implementation of RecordKeeping Systems methodology. Its main aim was to ensure that best practice, as outlined in the ISO 15489 standard, was applied to the management of electronic documents just as best practice had been applied to managing paper documents for many years in the National Library of France. Particular requirements were to track the information essential to the managing the Library's affairs, to preserve evidence of it intellectual property rights and to promote the documents which could enable its history to be written
Highlights the importance of communication, training and using the knowledge and skills of a different specialist staff and the implications of new ways of working for Library staff. Considers future work.
Practical implications
Highlights the crucial role played by the Library's new president and chief executive officer in the success of the project.
This paper is a useful case study of implementing records management processes to manage an organisation's own electronic information where the organisation's purpose is the management of information, much of it published information.
Shares views on the increasing importance of records management in France, which does not have a long history of the concept, and the role of archivists and other information…
Shares views on the increasing importance of records management in France, which does not have a long history of the concept, and the role of archivists and other information professionals in managing records in the electronic environment.
The paper is based on a keynote speech which opened an evening conference on records management hosted by the French National Archives at the Hotel de Soubise, Paris on 9 November 2005 attended by many French archivists and members of the ISO TC 46/SC 11 Committee responsible for archives and records management.
Concludes that different worlds of electronic document management systems and archives must come together, recognising their own strengths and sharing competences to enable more effective information management and add value to historical heritage.
Offers an insight into records management in France where the culture, concept an implementation of this discipline has a shorter history and is less structured than in some other parts of the world.
This article reviews the late emergence of records management in France and its recent development through the impact of the e‐environment and international standards and through…
This article reviews the late emergence of records management in France and its recent development through the impact of the e‐environment and international standards and through the dominance of the French public‐sector approach to, and practice of, RM. The French government has launched the French “administration” on the road to e‐government, a strategy that will impact on the private sector in its relations with regulatory and other state bodies.