An updated edition of an already owned reference tool is something a library usually acquires without much fanfare. If book budgets permit, it is purchased and replaces the…
An updated edition of an already owned reference tool is something a library usually acquires without much fanfare. If book budgets permit, it is purchased and replaces the previous edition on the shelf.
There are over 35 books listed under “Resumes” in the Subject Guide to Books in Print, 1979–1980. They range in price from $ .50 to $17.50. At a glance, all the titles sound the…
There are over 35 books listed under “Resumes” in the Subject Guide to Books in Print, 1979–1980. They range in price from $ .50 to $17.50. At a glance, all the titles sound the same, advocating better resumes and boasting valuable pointers, but like patrons, all resume‐writing books are not alike.
This index accompanies the index that appeared in Reference Services Review 16:4 (1988). As noted in the introduction to that index, the articles in RSR that deal with specific…
This index accompanies the index that appeared in Reference Services Review 16:4 (1988). As noted in the introduction to that index, the articles in RSR that deal with specific reference titles can be grouped into two categories: those that review specific titles (to a maximum of three) and those that review titles pertinent to a specific subject or discipline. The index in RSR 16:4 covered the first category; it indexed, by title, all titles that had been reviewed in the “Reference Serials” and the “Landmarks of Reference” columns, as well as selected titles from the “Indexes and Indexers,” “Government Publications,” and “Special Feature” columns of the journal.