Julia Paranhos, Fernanda Steiner Perin, Eduardo Mercadante and Caroline Soares
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategies and organizational forms used by large Brazilian pharmaceutical companies (LBPCs) in interaction with universities for the…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategies and organizational forms used by large Brazilian pharmaceutical companies (LBPCs) in interaction with universities for the development of innovation.
In the pharmaceutical industry, a science-based sector, the source of new knowledge is often outside the company environment. Thus, the search for innovation depends on the company’s strategic decisions of cooperation. This research uses the case study method, with secondary data from the 2008, 2011 and 2014 Innovation Survey (Pintec) about the innovative efforts of LBPCs, as well as primary data from semi-structured interviews with six of them.
The most recent data on innovation in Brazil show changes in the innovative efforts of LBPCs, involving the raise in the interaction with universities. The results of the field research also show that the LBPCs have differentiated innovative structures and are effectively using strategies for partnerships with universities, through the creation of radical innovation departments, the establishment of internal scientific committees and the internationalization of research and development.
These findings contribute to the literature on the industry-university interactions in Brazil and in developing countries. However, this analysis cannot be generalized for the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry as it uses the case study method. Moreover, it is too early to determine if the identified strategies were successful. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that the strategies of the six interviewed companies differ greatly from the patterns of the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry and the manufacturing industry.
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las estrategias y estructuras organizacionales de las grandes empresas farmacéuticas brasileñas (GEFBs) en la interacción con universidades para el desarrollo innovador. En la industria farmacéutica, un sector basado en la ciencia, la fuente del conocimiento suele estar fuera del ambiente de la empresa. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de la innovación depende de las decisiones estratégicas de cooperación de la empresa.
Esta investigación utiliza el método de estudio de caso, a partir de datos secundarios de la Encuesta de Innovación (Pintec) de 2008, 2011 y 2014 sobre los esfuerzos innovadores de las GEFBs, así como datos primarios de entrevistas semiestructuradas con seis de ellas.
Los datos más recientes sobre innovación en Brasil muestran cambios en los esfuerzos innovadores de las GEFBs, incluyendo ampliación de la interacción con universidades. Los resultados de la investigación de campo también indican que las GEFBS poseen estructuras innovadoras diferenciadas y están aplicando estratégicas de alianzas con universidades, por la creación de departamentos de innovación radical, por el establecimiento de comités científicos internos y por la internacionalización de la investigación e innovación.
Limitaciones de la investigación/implicaciones
Este análisis no puede ser generalizado para la industria farmacéutica brasileña por utilizar el método de estudio de caso. Además, es muy temprano para determinar si las estrategias identificadas obtuvieron éxito.
Palabras claves
Estrategias empresariales, interacción universidad-empresa, Brasil
Tipo de artículo
Estudio de caso
Estos resultados contribuyen a la literatura sobre interacciones universidad-empresa en Brasil y en países en desarrollo. Asimismo, debe ser mencionado que las estrategias de las seis empresas entrevistadas difieren considerablemente de los padrones de la industria farmacéutica y de la industria de transformación brasileñas.
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as estratégias e estruturas organizacionais das grandes empresas farmacêuticas brasileiras (GEFBs) na interação com universidades para o desenvolvimento inovativo. Na indústria farmacêutica, um setor baseado em ciência, a fonte do conhecimento costuma estar fora do ambiente da empresa. Portanto, a busca pela inovação depende das decisões estratégicas de cooperação da empresa.
Esta pesquisa utiliza o método de estudo de caso, a partir de dados secundários da Pesquisa de Inovação (Pintec) de 2008, 2011 e 2014 sobre os esforços inovativos das GEFBs, assim como dados primários de entrevistas semiestruturadas com seis delas. Os dados mais recentes sobre inovação no Brasil mostram mudanças nos esforços inovativos das GEFBs, incluindo a ampliação da interação com universidades.
Os resultados da pesquisa de campo também indicam que as GEFBs possuem estruturas inovativas diferenciadas e estão efetivamente aplicando estratégicas de parcerias com universidades, pela criação de departamentos de inovação radical, pelo estabelecimento de comitês científicos internos e pela internacionalização da pesquisa e inovação.
Limitações de pesquisa/implicações
Esta análise não pode ser generalizada para a indústria farmacêutica brasileira por utilizar o método de estudo de caso. Ademais, é muito cedo para determinar se as estratégias identificadas obtiveram sucesso.
Esses resultados contribuem para a literatura sobre interações universidade-empresa no Brasil e em países em desenvolvimento. Outrossim, deve ser mencionado que as estratégias das seis empresas entrevistadas diferem consideravelmente do padrão da indústria farmacêutica e da indústria de transformação brasileiras.
Palavras chaves
Estratégias empresariais, interação universidade-empresa, indústria farmacêutica, Brasil
Tipo de artigo
Estudo de caso
Ana Luiza Paraboni, Fabricio Michell Soares, Ani Caroline Grigion Potrich and Kelmara Mendes Vieira
Financial education has become an essential component of the economic balance for families, and much is being discussed about the methods, which raise the levels of financial…
Financial education has become an essential component of the economic balance for families, and much is being discussed about the methods, which raise the levels of financial education of the population. Thus, the overall objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of formal and business education on the level of financial education.
This research is characterized as a quasi-experimental study, with undergraduate students. As a data collection technique, a structured questionnaire was used.
The results confirm the importance of formal and business education, as well as gender, for the financial education of individuals. More specifically, being male and having contact with a greater number of financial disciplines increase the level of financial education of the individual.
This article demonstrated that the trajectory of the knowledge traversed by individuals within the same level of schooling is of paramount importance. The results show that formal and business education can improve the levels of financial education and reinforce the relevance of strategic actions in this area.
Mauricio Uriona Maldonado, Matheus Eduardo Leusin, Thiago Carrano de Albuquerque Bernardes and Caroline Rodrigues Vaz
Business process management (BPM) and lean management (LM) are both recognized for improving organizational performance through continuous improvement, yet their similarities and…
Business process management (BPM) and lean management (LM) are both recognized for improving organizational performance through continuous improvement, yet their similarities and differences have been poorly discussed so far. This paper aims to find their main differences and similarities using a systematic method for literature review.
The paper uses a structured literature review known as SYSMAP (Scientometric and sYStematic yielding MApping Process). The method integrates bibliometrics and content analysis procedures to perform in-depth analysis of the literature at hand.
Both methodologies seek continuous improvement with focus on the customer and process standardization, but they are divergent mainly in relation to the flow they intend to improve. The impossibility of implementing both methodologies in an effective way was also observed, mainly due to the differences they present in relation to how to achieve the continuous improvement cycle.
Research limitations/implications
As any other literature reviews, the major limitation is to have omitted relevant literature even though all available procedures have been used to avoid this situation.
Practical implications
This paper offers a novel perspective from the practitioner side. LM may be better used in human-intensive process improvement whereas BPM in technology-intensive ones. Such characteristics open up new opportunities for practitioners aiming at integrating both approaches.
This is the first paper that systematically analyses the body of literature of BPM and LM with the means to better understand their similarities and differences.
Fernando Augusto Gouvea-Reis, Danniely Carolinne Soares da Silva, Lairton Souza Borja, Patrícia de Oliveira Dias, Jadher Percio, Cassio Peterka, Janaína de Oliveira, Giselle Sodré, Claudia Mendes Feres, Wallace Dos Santos, Fábio Souza, Ana Izabel Passarella Teixeira, Daiani Cristina Cilião-Alves, Gustavo Adolfo Sierra Romero, Elza Ferreira Noronha, Julio Croda, Rodrigo Haddad, Walter Massa Ramalho, Camile de Moraes and Wildo Navegantes de Araújo
This study aims to estimate the overall SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and evaluate the accuracy of an antibody rapid test compared to a reference serological assay during a COVID-19…
This study aims to estimate the overall SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and evaluate the accuracy of an antibody rapid test compared to a reference serological assay during a COVID-19 outbreak in a prison complex housing over 13,000 prisoners in Brasília.
The authors obtained a randomized, stratified representative sample of each prison unit and conducted a repeated serosurvey among prisoners between June and July 2020, using a lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA). Samples were also retested using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLIA) to compare SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and 21-days incidence, as well as to estimate the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) and determine the diagnostic accuracy of the LFIA test.
This study identified 485 eligible individuals and enrolled 460 participants. Baseline and 21-days follow-up seroprevalence were estimated at 52.0% (95% CI 44.9–59.0) and 56.7% (95% CI 48.2–65.3) with LFIA; and 80.7% (95% CI 74.1–87.3) and 81.1% (95% CI 74.4–87.8) with CLIA, with an overall IFR of 0.02%. There were 78.2% (95% CI 66.7–89.7) symptomatic individuals among the positive cases. Sensitivity and specificity of LFIA were estimated at 43.4% and 83.3% for IgM; 46.5% and 91.5% for IgG; and 59.1% and 77.3% for combined tests.
The authors found high seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies within the prison complex. The occurrence of asymptomatic infection highlights the importance of periodic mass testing in addition to case-finding of symptomatic individuals; however, the field performance of LFIA tests should be validated. This study recommends that vaccination strategies consider the inclusion of prisoners and prison staff in priority groups.
Barbara de Lima Voss, David Bernard Carter and Bruno Meirelles Salotti
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in…
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in the construction of hegemonies in SEA research in Brazil. In particular, we examine the role of hegemony in relation to the co-option of SEA literature and sustainability in the Brazilian context by the logic of development for economic growth in emerging economies. The methodological approach adopts a post-structural perspective that reflects Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. The study employs a hermeneutical, rhetorical approach to understand and classify 352 Brazilian research articles on SEA. We employ Brown and Fraser’s (2006) categorizations of SEA literature to help in our analysis: the business case, the stakeholder–accountability approach, and the critical case. We argue that the business case is prominent in Brazilian studies. Second-stage analysis suggests that the major themes under discussion include measurement, consulting, and descriptive approach. We argue that these themes illustrate the degree of influence of the hegemonic politics relevant to emerging economics, as these themes predominantly concern economic growth and a capitalist context. This paper discusses trends and practices in the Brazilian literature on SEA and argues that the focus means that SEA avoids critical debates of the role of capitalist logics in an emerging economy concerning sustainability. We urge the Brazilian academy to understand the implications of its reifying agenda and engage, counter-hegemonically, in a social and political agenda beyond the hegemonic support of a particular set of capitalist interests.
Jill Manthorpe, Stephanie Bramley and Caroline Norrie
Opportunities to gamble have boomed in the UK in recent years, since the passing of the Gambling Act 2005. The implications of this for adults with care and support needs and for…
Opportunities to gamble have boomed in the UK in recent years, since the passing of the Gambling Act 2005. The implications of this for adults with care and support needs and for safeguarding services have not been greatly investigated. The purpose of this paper is to address the interface of how gambling affects adults with care and support needs in England and adult safeguarding.
This paper reports on the scoping review which focussed on adults with care and support needs and gambling-related harm. It also included literature on perpetrators who exploit adults with care and support needs to fund their own or others’ gambling. The overall aims of this scoping review were to explore what is known about gambling-related harm affecting adults with care and support needs, the gaps in the evidence base, and specifically to refine the interview questions for the wider study.
There is some evidence that adults with care and support needs experience or are at risk of gambling-related harm. There is, however, lack of data from safeguarding services about this affecting adults at risk and safeguarding practice and systems. A public health approach to gambling is advocated by some, as well as effective regulation and support for people who have problems with their own or others’ gambling.
Industry operators, practitioners, and policymakers are increasingly paying attention to gambling-related harm but there is a lack of focus on adults with care and support needs or implications for adult safeguarding.
Thirumaran K, Emiel L. Eijdenberg and Caroline Wong
This study aims to advance the scholarship of yachting in the context of wellness by exploring the following research question: in what ways is wellness created and experienced by…
This study aims to advance the scholarship of yachting in the context of wellness by exploring the following research question: in what ways is wellness created and experienced by luxury yachting?
Since the extant journal literature from 2012–2023 in peer-reviewed journals is limited on the topic that links luxury yachting and wellness, the authors drew on other sources such as books and chapters in edited volumes. A third layer of material was drawn from the grey literature such as mass media and business websites. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) method, the authors examined 18 publications relating to the intersectionality of yachting and wellness.
Manufacturing and charter companies in the yachting industry are focused on creating and emphasizing features onboard that create a self-caring and wellness experience. The yacht design, spatial influences and the leisure time spent at destinations on anchor can also add value to wellness. This study enables us to understand the kinds of signals received by manufacturers and the media from yachting clients. These signals relate to the types of wellness needs and activities, as well as how crews and chefs create the best hospitality experiences for their clients.
Given the scarce and niche nature of research on yachting and wellness, this paper explores future research areas in wellness through luxury yachting which include hospitality aspects of creating and co-creating wellness experience on board the yacht and viewing yachting as a lifestyle necessity product for all levels of wealth and well-being.
Gabriela Marcellino de Melo Lanzoni, Caroline Cechinel-Peiter, Laísa Fischer Wachholz, Chantal Backman, Maria Fernanda Baeta Neves Alonso da Costa, José Luis Guedes dos Santos and Ana Lúcia Schaefer Ferreira de Mello
To map nurses’ actions performed during the care transitions from hospital to home of Covid-19 patients.
To map nurses’ actions performed during the care transitions from hospital to home of Covid-19 patients.
A scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines was carried out. We searched in seven databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, BDENF, LILACS, SciELO, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. A two-step screening process and data extraction was performed independently by two reviewers. The findings were summarized and analyzed using a content analysis technique.
Of the total 5,618 studies screened, 21 were included. The analysis revealed nurses’ actions before and after patient’ discharge, sometimes planned and developed with the interprofessional team. The nurses’ actions included to plan and support patients’ discharge, to adapt the care plan, to use screening tools and monitor patients’ clinical status and needs, to provide health orientation to patients and caregivers, home care and face-to-face visiting, to communicate with patients, caregivers and other health professionals with phone calls and virtual tools, to provide rehabilitation procedures, to make referrals and to orient patients and families to navigate in the health system.
Practical implications
The results provide a broader understanding of the actions taken and challenges faced by nurses to ensure a safe care transition for Covid-19 patients from hospital to home. The interprofessional integration to discharge planning and the clinical nursing leadership in post-discharge monitoring were highlighted.
The nurses’ actions for Covid-19 patients performed during care transitions focused on coordination and discharge planning tailored to the needs of patients and caregivers at the home setting. Nurses monitored patients, with an emphasis on providing guidance and checking clinical status using telehealth tools.
Ana Flávia Ramos, Gabriela da Rocha Lemos Mendes, Renato Souza Cruz, Fabiane Neves Silva, Geany Peruch Camilloto, Handray Fernandes de Souza, Juliana Pinto de Lima, Caroline Liboreiro Paiva and Igor VIana Brandi
Baru is a fruit of the Brazilian Cerrado, important to the local economy and social culture. The use in food formulation is due to it being highly available and its nutritional…
Baru is a fruit of the Brazilian Cerrado, important to the local economy and social culture. The use in food formulation is due to it being highly available and its nutritional profile; however, the changes in the texture of products are still unclear. In this study, an experimental design was conducted to develop cakes by replacing different levels of wheat flour with baru nut flour, and comparing them.
Cakes were developed with 20, 40, 60, and 80 replacement of wheat flour by baru nut flour and compared with standard formulation (100% wheat flour). The physical-chemistry composition of the flour, nutritional composition of the cakes and texture profile analysis were evaluated.
Baru nut flour showed greater protein, lipids, and ash than wheat flour, and this result was also observed in the cakes developed. The cake with 80% of almond baru flour showed an increase of 60.3% in protein. The texture profile analysis showed that the addition of baru nut flour affected the texture of products. The cakes showed more hardness and chewiness; however, the springiness and cohesiveness were decreased.
The findings of this study demonstrate that baru nut flour is a great option as a new ingredient for bakery products, due the increase of protein. This is the first study analyzing the effect of baru nut flour addition on the texture profile of bakery products. These results can orientate future studies, especially sensory assays.
Saheed Afolabi Ashafa, Lukman Raimi and Nurudeen Babatunde Bamiro
The contributions of Islam to human civilization, spanning theology, philosophy, politics, economy, sociology and science, find ample documentation in several historical records…
The contributions of Islam to human civilization, spanning theology, philosophy, politics, economy, sociology and science, find ample documentation in several historical records. This paper aims to critically examine the catalytic role played by Islam’s social well-being and economic justice in advancing peaceful coexistence.
This exploration is carried out through a systematic literature review using the PRISMA framework. The paper addresses three core thematic research questions, with the intent of offering a comprehensive contribution to both the theory and application of Islamic Studies. To acquire essential data, a qualitative research approach focused on documentation, particularly the collection of non-numerical data from secondary sources, including the Qur’an, Hadith and scholarly articles, was used.
The systematic literature review led to three notable insights. Firstly, the promotion of social well-being by Islam contributes positively to peaceful coexistence across various global regions. Secondly, Islam’s emphasis on economic justice also plays a constructive role in nurturing peaceful coexistence in diverse geographical areas. Thirdly, the alignment between Islam’s promotion of social well-being and economic justice, following the principles of Maqasid al-Shari’ah and the five international principles of peaceful coexistence, lays the groundwork for prospective theoretical inquiries.
This study provides a pioneering perspective by systematically integrating Islamic principles with international frameworks for peaceful coexistence through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) methodology. It offers a unique contribution by presenting how Islam’s intrinsic values of social well-being and economic justice using Maqasidul Shari’ah indicators serve as catalysts for promoting global harmony and social stability. By bridging religious tenets with universal coexistence principles, the study sets a foundational framework for interdisciplinary and policy-driven discourse on achieving sustainable peace through faith-based social and economic structures.