After two decades of women′s increasing presence in management,raises the question of what impact this has had on perceptions ofmanagement. Discussion of the impact of work by…
After two decades of women′s increasing presence in management, raises the question of what impact this has had on perceptions of management. Discussion of the impact of work by Virginia Schein on supporting “women only” training, based on reducing female “deficiencies”, and by Sandra Bem in developing the idea of the androgynous manager leads to consideration of valuing diversity as an important theme for management development in the 1990s. Sets the argument for recognizing diversity against evidence from a small‐scale study which showed that both male and female managers saw increasing masculinity as crucial to being effective and successful. Raises the implications for trainers, and argues the need for management development programmes to include consideration of diversity from a contributory perspective.
Cheryl Travers, Samantha Stevens and Carole Pemberton
Networking is increasingly being seen as a crucial skill associated with career success. Presents the findings of a study into the attitudes towards networking of a sample of…
Networking is increasingly being seen as a crucial skill associated with career success. Presents the findings of a study into the attitudes towards networking of a sample of women from the UK, Spain and the USA. A prior questionnaire‐based study of members’ needs, perceptions and expectations with the European Women’s Management Development Network suggested some cross‐cultural differences in networking attitudes and behaviours. In order to investigate these further, the questionnaire used was further developed and distributed to women’s networks within the USA, UK and Spain. The results indicate differences between the three countries in terms of a whole range of networking issues, leading to the categorization of American women as instrumentalists, UK women as developers, and Spanish women as socialites. Discusses the importance of developing a further understanding of networking practices and motives across cultures and suggests further research.
Quebec was the first Canadian jurisdiction to legislate on pay equality. It did so through the adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedom, in 1976, a passive legislation since…
Quebec was the first Canadian jurisdiction to legislate on pay equality. It did so through the adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedom, in 1976, a passive legislation since it is based on complaints. It seems to be a matter of time before the Quebec Government passes a pro‐active legislation on pay equity and, in doing so, it will likely draw its inspiration from the Pay Equity Act (PEA) passed by the Ontario Government in 1987. One of PEAs important features is the emphasis on institutional structures and practices in determining the appropriate unit for the purpose of achieving pay equity. In practice, such units will often match up with the usual job families (e.g. clerical or office vs production jobs). However, the historical development of jobs families is intertwined with the evolution of occupational segregation between men and women in the labour markets.
Companies need to redefine value for money in the context of training and find new ways of matching employer and employee development needs. So said delegates at the Institute of…
Companies need to redefine value for money in the context of training and find new ways of matching employer and employee development needs. So said delegates at the Institute of Personnel and Development (IPD) 1996 Human Resource Development Week. Highlights some of the debates.
The role of women in Europe Volume 97, Number 2 of European Business Review includes an article with this title by Marilyn M. Helms and Cynthia J. Guffey. They argue that with…
The role of women in Europe Volume 97, Number 2 of European Business Review includes an article with this title by Marilyn M. Helms and Cynthia J. Guffey. They argue that with major events including the European Economic Community, German unification and the fall of the former Soviet Union, there is an increased reality of a large united Europe. With these societal and political changes comes change in the role of women. As the number of women entering the labour market increased, the effect of job equality must be investigated. Examines the role of women in the European workforce. Discusses areas such as promotion, mentoring, education, compensation and reform recommendations. Shows that four key economic, demographic, and organisational trends are creating positive effects for women in the European labour force.
Discusses, in this special issue, material grouped under four main headings: tomorrow’s executive challenges; effective organizational learning; the virtual university model; and…
Discusses, in this special issue, material grouped under four main headings: tomorrow’s executive challenges; effective organizational learning; the virtual university model; and effective training capabilities. The items included are brief and to the point allowing the reader to take on board ranges of ideas and issues. Includes studies on IKEA; mentoring; Whitbread; Polaroid; BAA; Sema Group; Starbucks and McDonalds, among others.
There are many different views and opinions held about the value of training. Some people, of course, reach the top without any formal training whatsoever and expect others to…
There are many different views and opinions held about the value of training. Some people, of course, reach the top without any formal training whatsoever and expect others to do the same. This is all well and good if, presumably, you are able to train yourself. Most need the support of formally organized training courses or continuous learning, working on the assumption that there are always things to learn. It does not matter how old or experienced you are, there will always be a gap in your knowledge that requires attention. Beware the people who know it all as they will be the ones who have the blind spots and just cannot see trouble ahead. If these people are at the top of the organization and just happened to be in the right place at the right time, which could happen if an organization has been particluarly successful, then this could have disastrous consequences on the business. Business means change, and if you cannot cope or are not prepared to accept or adapt to this change, the end result is inevitable.
This “Rapport” proposes to examine the function and effect of British social law in the context of the employment/unemployment debate. This debate is a most significant one for it…
This “Rapport” proposes to examine the function and effect of British social law in the context of the employment/unemployment debate. This debate is a most significant one for it has not only British, but also European and International dimensions.
This paper deals with current efforts to control the amorphous range of newsprint ephemeral documents that have dominated the Nigerian literary market for nearly thirty years. The…
This paper deals with current efforts to control the amorphous range of newsprint ephemeral documents that have dominated the Nigerian literary market for nearly thirty years. The materials which are of inestimable value to social scientists, administrators, politicians, historians, the military and commerce, originate from a variety of sources. Some of the major sources are identified and the lack of any conscious and adequate attempts by their producers to bibliographically control these publications are hereby examined in relation to the special responsibilities of the National Library of Nigeria in the production of a comprehensive national bibliography.