Miss B.H.J. Sants (British Petroleum) said that the speakers had mentioned progressive ladders of promotion, but in most library and information units the staff were divided into…
Miss B.H.J. Sants (British Petroleum) said that the speakers had mentioned progressive ladders of promotion, but in most library and information units the staff were divided into professional and non‐professional staff. How did the platform suggest that by pursuing a policy of training aimed at developing the individual's talents one could continue to motivate by job‐satisfaction when the opportunities for promotion were bound to be limited?
C.G. Giles and J.C. Gray
The following two papers on the first stages of the European Information Network for Science and Technology were given by Mr C. G. Giles, Chairman of the Communities' Committee…
The following two papers on the first stages of the European Information Network for Science and Technology were given by Mr C. G. Giles, Chairman of the Communities' Committee for Information and Documentation in Science and Technology, and Mr J. C. Gray, UK representative to CIDST.
Librarianship and documentation is a service industry. Its end product is the receipt by a customer of the information retrieved for him, from a store, by the librarian, whether…
Librarianship and documentation is a service industry. Its end product is the receipt by a customer of the information retrieved for him, from a store, by the librarian, whether this service is effected indirectly (by the mere placing of the item in some convenient spot in the library, the customer helping himself) or by direct provision of a reference to a document or the document itself. So our continuing preoccupation with IR is natural enough.
Mr L.J.Anthony, FLA, has been appointed to a new post of Assistant Director (Services) on the staff of Aslib and takes up his appointment at the beginning of October. Mrs Sauvee…
Mr L.J.Anthony, FLA, has been appointed to a new post of Assistant Director (Services) on the staff of Aslib and takes up his appointment at the beginning of October. Mrs Sauvee has kindly agreed to remain at work until he takes over. Mr Anthony is well known to the membership as the Librarian and Head of Documentation Services of the Culham Laboratory of the UK Atomic Energy Authority and as the former Deputy Librarian at Harwell; members of longer standing will remember him as Assistant Director at Aslib in 1954–55, when the consultancy service and first research activities were being established, and previously as Information Officer at British Telecom‐munications Research Ltd.
Knight's Industrial Law Reports goes into a new style and format as Managerial Law This issue of KILR is restyled Managerial Law and it now appears on a continuous updating basis…
Knight's Industrial Law Reports goes into a new style and format as Managerial Law This issue of KILR is restyled Managerial Law and it now appears on a continuous updating basis rather than as a monthly routine affair.
The Library Association of Ireland issued last month the first number of An Leabharlann, their new official journal. The title, for those of us who do not speak the language of…
The Library Association of Ireland issued last month the first number of An Leabharlann, their new official journal. The title, for those of us who do not speak the language of Erin, means The Library. It is an extremely interesting venture which will be followed by librarians on the mainland with sympathetic curiosity. In particular our readers would be interested in the first of a series of articles by Father Stephen J. Brown, S.J., on Book Selection. The worthy Father lectures on this subject at University College, Dublin, in the Library School. It is mainly concerned with what should not be selected, and deals in vigorous fashion with the menace of much of current published stuff. No doubt Father Brown will follow with something more constructive. Mr. T. E. Gay, Chairman of the Association, discusses the need for a survey of Irish libraries and their resources. We agree that it is necessary. The Net Books Agreement, the Council, Notes from the Provinces, and an article in Erse—which we honestly believe that most of our Irish friends can read—and an excellent broadcast talk on the Library and the Student by Miss Christina Keogh, the accomplished Librarian of the Irish Central Library, make up a quite attractive first number. A list of broadcast talks given by members of the Association is included.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
Investigates the differences in protocols between arbitral tribunals and courts, with particular emphasis on US, Greek and English law. Gives examples of each country and its way…
Investigates the differences in protocols between arbitral tribunals and courts, with particular emphasis on US, Greek and English law. Gives examples of each country and its way of using the law in specific circumstances, and shows the variations therein. Sums up that arbitration is much the better way to gok as it avoids delays and expenses, plus the vexation/frustration of normal litigation. Concludes that the US and Greek constitutions and common law tradition in England appear to allow involved parties to choose their own judge, who can thus be an arbitrator. Discusses e‐commerce and speculates on this for the future.
Academician A. N. Tupoley, designer of the Tu‐144 supersonic transport, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Honorary Fellowships have also…
Academician A. N. Tupoley, designer of the Tu‐144 supersonic transport, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Honorary Fellowships have also been awarded to Sir Robert Cockburn, Fellow Commoner, Churchill College, Cambridge, and to Dr C. S. Draper, Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Honorary Companionship has been awarded to Sir Anthony Milward, ex‐Chairman of B.E.A. The Society's Gold Medal is awarded to Mr Walter Tye, Chief Executive of the Air Registration Board, and the Society's Silver Medal to Mr E. E. Marshall, Technical Director, B.A.C., Weybridge. Mr N. F. Harpur, Chief Technician at British Aircraft Corporation, Filton was awarded the Society's Bronze Medal, and the Wakefield Gold Medal went to Mr J. H. Briggs, Director/Electronics, Research and Development (Civil Aviation), Ministry of Aviation and Supply. The British Gold Medal for Aeronautics for 1970 has been awarded to Mr P. A. Hufton, Deputy Director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment and the British Silver Medal for Aeronautics for 1970 goes to Mr M. J. Brennan, Executive Director Special Projects, Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd.
There has reached us during the last few days an account of certain “Notices of Judgment” under Section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act. This has been issued by the United States…
There has reached us during the last few days an account of certain “Notices of Judgment” under Section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act. This has been issued by the United States Board of Agriculture, the Federal Department concerned with the examination of foods and drugs which have been consigned from one State of the Union to another. These form, under the circumstances, an item in inter‐State commerce and the Federal, as distinct from the State authorities, are responsible for seeing that such foods and drugs have been made in conformity with the law and that they are not “misbranded,” that is to say, that no description which may be in any sense misleading to the purchaser appears on the label or on circular letters sent with the package. The judgments in question relate to drugs and to proprietary medicines. The drugs mentioned such as ether, ergot, lime water and so forth, are in some cases not up to standard. The separate States of the Union have their own troubles with regard to so‐called remedies, but these relate to State and not to Inter‐State commerce.