Seyed Foad Mousavi, Seyed Hassan Hashemabadi and Jalil Jamali
The purpose of this study is to numerically simulate the Lamb wave propagation through a clamp-on ultrasonic gas flowmeter (UGF) in contact mode, using a new semi…
The purpose of this study is to numerically simulate the Lamb wave propagation through a clamp-on ultrasonic gas flowmeter (UGF) in contact mode, using a new semi three-dimensional approach. Moreover, experimental and analytical modeling results for transit time difference method have been used to confirm the simulation results at different gas flow velocities from 0.3 to 2.4 m/s.
The new semi three-dimensional approach involves the simulation of the flow field of the gas in a three-dimensional model and subsequently the simulation of wave generation, propagation and reception in a two-dimensional (2D) model. Moreover, the analytical model assumes that the wave transitions occur in a 2D mode.
The new approach is a semi three-dimensional approach used in this work, has better accuracy than a complete 2D simulation while maintaining the computing time and costs approximately constant. It is faster and less expensive than a complete 3D simulation and more accurate than a complete 2D simulation. It was concluded that the new approach could be extended to simulate all types of ultrasonic gas and non-gas flowmeters, even under harsh conditions.
In this work, a new approach for the numerical simulation of all types of ultrasonic flowmeters is introduced. It was used for simulation of a Lamb wave ultrasonic flow meter in contact mode.
This article attempts to position marketing as an academic and professional discipline. It discusses potential differences between the needs of marketing academics and other…
This article attempts to position marketing as an academic and professional discipline. It discusses potential differences between the needs of marketing academics and other marketing professionals with respect to the definition of the subject matter of marketing. The politico‐ideological basis of marketing in a free market economy is seen as an external criterion, which can help to identify the most appropriate concepts for marketing theory building and applied marketing knowledge.
Aron O’Cass and Kenny Lim
This study examines consumer brand associations, focusing on the differences between association held for western brands and eastern brands by young Singaporeans under the…
This study examines consumer brand associations, focusing on the differences between association held for western brands and eastern brands by young Singaporeans under the country‐of‐origin umbrella. The study also examines consumer ethnocentric tendencies (CET), finding very low levels of ethnocentrism among respondents, and results indicate CET had no effect on brand preference or purchase intention.
Arthur Seakhoa-King, Marcjanna M Augustyn and Peter Mason
John C. Crawford, Barbara C. Garland and G. Ganesh
This article examines the extent to which there is a global pro‐trade consumer segment that cuts across levels of economic development. This study, involving two different…
This article examines the extent to which there is a global pro‐trade consumer segment that cuts across levels of economic development. This study, involving two different methodological techniques, identifies and profiles the pro‐trade consumer segments in four countries representing two developed/developing nation pairs, using demographic variables, intrapersonal variables and global marketplace variables. The results demonstrate that there is an intermarket pro‐trade segment among consumers, which can be described by a common set of indicators with a fair degree of accuracy.
Sports organisations must continuously assess how better to meet or exceed consumer expectations and perceptions of their experience in order to maintain and increase the number…
Sports organisations must continuously assess how better to meet or exceed consumer expectations and perceptions of their experience in order to maintain and increase the number of spectators and loyal fans attending their sporting events. This study aims to enhance our understanding of which characteristics of a service attribute will best define its quality and impact on spectator behaviour by understanding the causal relationship between perceived service quality (PSQ) and satisfaction.
This article examines the effects of brand image country image and familiarity with both brand and country on consumer evaluation of binational brands. Specifically two…
This article examines the effects of brand image country image and familiarity with both brand and country on consumer evaluation of binational brands. Specifically two sub‐constructs of country image: overall image and product specific image and three different types of familiarity: product familiarity brand familiarity and country familiarity are identified and utilized. Hypotheses based on categorization theory are developed and tested using a mail survey of a random sample of US households. The study shows that product specific image plays a mediating role between overall country image and consumer evaluation. With product and brand familiarity moderate familiarity consumers utilize country‐of‐origin information less than low or high familiarity consumers. Likewise with country familiarity low familiarity consumers rely more on country‐of‐origin information than high familiarity consumers.
James R. Brown, Robert F. Lusch and Laurie P. Smith
A conceptual model was developed of distribution channel members′manifest conflicts and their satisfaction. From this model, hypothesesare generated, aimed at untangling the…
A conceptual model was developed of distribution channel members′ manifest conflicts and their satisfaction. From this model, hypotheses are generated, aimed at untangling the causal relationship between these two constructs. Both a meta‐analysis of previous research and this first longitudinal study of distribution channel behaviour in the aircraft industry in North America of distribution channel behaviour uncovered a negative, contemporaneous relationship between satisfaction and conflict. Empirical study in the channel for an industrial product found the effect of channel member satisfaction over time to be mediated by the extent of manifest conflict. The impact of manifest conflict was found to be mediated by the degree of channel member satisfaction. In other words, channel member satisfaction and manifest conflict within the channel were both antecedents and consequences of each other.
William J. Lundstrom, Oscar W. Lee and D. Steven White
Considers the factors which influence Taiwanese decisions to buy Japanese or US refrigerators, basing the conclusions on the results of a survey of 586 respondents drawn from…
Considers the factors which influence Taiwanese decisions to buy Japanese or US refrigerators, basing the conclusions on the results of a survey of 586 respondents drawn from Taiwan’s four largest cities – Taipei, Kaoshiung, Taichung and Tainan. Describes how the questionnaires were constructed and pretested, and explains how the data was recorded (using a 5‐point Likert‐type scale) and analysed (using factor analysis and t‐tests). Tests particularly for cultural values of the Chinese, consumer ethnocentrism, openness to foreign culture, country image, and consumer sophistication. Finds that, despite the longer presence of Japanese goods in Taiwan, Japan’s proximity to Taiwan, and more cultural similarities between the Japanese and Taiwanese, Taiwanese consumers rate the USA’s country image factor higher than Japan’s, with consequent implications regarding intention to buy US goods. Recommends that US marketers build on their advantageous country image when they promote US appliances in foreign markets. Cautions against making too much of this snapshot data but concedes that further research into different foreign markets, different appliances, and with a longitudinal approach, would ascertain if findings are consistent with this survey, which has obvious benefits as new markets, such as China and India, open up to western goods and appliances.
Three basic approaches to retail institutional change can be discerned in the last 30 years. The first contends that institutional evolution is a function of developments in the…
Three basic approaches to retail institutional change can be discerned in the last 30 years. The first contends that institutional evolution is a function of developments in the socio‐economic environment. The second argues that change occurs in a cyclical fashion. The third considers inter‐institutional conflict to be the mainspring of retail change. None of those approaches is found to be entirely satisfactory, and a series of combination theories has been posited. It is argued that regional institutional change is the result of environmental forces and a cycle‐like sequence of inter‐institutional conflict.