IN the post‐war era, an era marked by rapid political, economic and financial change, a large part of the structure of British industry has been refashioned. To the aircraft…
IN the post‐war era, an era marked by rapid political, economic and financial change, a large part of the structure of British industry has been refashioned. To the aircraft industry the necessity for new methods imposed by the urgency of the times came with little warning. The industry, as the result of the growing international tension, suddenly found itself saddled with almost overwhelming responsibility as the most important figure in the rearmament programme upon which this country was compelled to embark. Nor was that all. The requirements of an expanding civil aviation and of the export markets had also to be catered for. It is small wonder, therefore, that the industry found its resources strained to breaking point, nor that mistakes were made and critics made great play of inadequacies that were, in the circumstances, inevitable. By a process of trial and error the aircraft manufacturers, in conjunction with the Government and with the engineering trades, have now evolved methods of organization and co‐operation designed to meet present needs.
IN the life of a man ten years is a comparatively short period, but in aeronautics it is an epoch.