A. Ali, Soma Mitra Banerjee and S. Das
The purpose of this study is to analyze an unsteady MHD Darcy flow of nonNewtonian hybrid nanoliquid past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate under the influence of…
The purpose of this study is to analyze an unsteady MHD Darcy flow of nonNewtonian hybrid nanoliquid past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate under the influence of velocity slip, Hall and ion slip effects in a rotating frame of reference. The fluids in the flow domain are assumed to be viscously incompressible electrically conducting. Sodium alginate (SA) has been taken as a base Casson liquid. A strong uniform magnetic field is applied under the assumption of low magnetic Reynolds number. Effect of Hall and ion-slip currents on the flow field is examined. The ramped heating and time-varying concentration at the plate are taken into consideration. First-order homogeneous chemical reaction and heat absorption are also considered. Copper and alumina nanoparticles are dispersed in base fluid sodium alginate to be formed as hybrid nanoliquid.
The model problem is first formulated in terms of partial differential equations (PDEs) with physical conditions. Laplace transform method (LTM) is used on the nondimensional governing equations for their closed-form solution. Based on these results, expressions for nondimensional shear stresses, rate of heat and mass transfer are also determined. Graphical presentations are chalked out to inspect the impacts of physical parameters on the pertinent physical flow characteristics. Numerical values of the shear stresses, rate of heat and mass transfer at the plate are tabulated for various physical parameters.
Numerical exploration reveals that a significant increase in the secondary flow (i.e. crossflow) near the plate is guaranteed with an augmenting in Hall parameter or ion slip parameter. MHD and porosity have an opposite effect on velocity component profiles for both types of nanoliquids. Result addresses that both shear stresses are strongly enhanced by the Casson effect. Also, hybrid nanosuspension in Casson fluid (sodium alginate) exhibits a lower rate of heat transfer than usual nanoliquid.
Social implications
This model may be pertinent in cooling processes of metallic infinite plate in bath and hybrid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators, metallurgical process, manufacturing dynamics of nanopolymers, magnetic field control of material processing, synthesis of smart polymers, making of paper and polyethylene, casting of metals, etc.
The originality of this study is to obtain an analytical solution of the modeled problem by using the Laplace transform method (LTM). Such an exact solution of nonNewtonian fluid flow, heat and mass transfer is rare in the literature. It is also worth remarking that the influence of Hall and ion slip effects on the flow of nonNewtonian hybrid nanoliquid is still an open question.
A.R. Vinod, C.K. Srinivasa, R. Keshavamurthy and P.V. Shashikumar
This paper aims to focus on reducing lead-time and energy consumption for laser-based metal deposition of Inconel-625 superalloy and to investigate the effect of process…
This paper aims to focus on reducing lead-time and energy consumption for laser-based metal deposition of Inconel-625 superalloy and to investigate the effect of process parameters on microstructure, density, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy and microhardness.
Inconel material was deposited on steel substrate by varying process parameters such as laser power, laser scan speed and powder flow rate. The deposited parts were characterized for their density, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy and microhardness.
The study reveals that with increase in laser power, laser scan speed and powder flow rate, there was an increase in density, surface roughness values and microhardness of the deposits, while there was a decrease in dimensional accuracy, deposition time and energy consumption.
Practical implications
The results of this study can be useful in fabrication of Inconel components by laser-based metal deposition process, and the methodology can be expanded to other materials to reduce the lead-time and energy consumption effectively.
The present study gives an understanding of effect of process parameters on density, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, microhardness, deposition time and energy consumption for laser-based metal deposition of Inconel-625.
In various kinds of materials processes, heat and mass transfer control in nuclear phenomena, constructing buildings, turbines and electronic circuits, etc., there are numerous problems that cannot be enlightened by uniform wall temperature. To explore such physical phenomena researchers incorporate non-uniform or ramped temperature conditions at the boundary, the purpose of this paper is to achieve the closed-form solution of a time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer of an electrically conducting non-Newtonian Casson fluid toward an infinite vertical plate subject to the ramped temperature and concentration (RTC). The consequences of chemical reaction in the mass equation and thermal radiation in the energy equation are encompassed in this analysis. The flow regime manifests with pertinent physical impacts of the magnetic field, thermal radiation, chemical reaction and heat generation/absorption. A first-order chemical reaction that is proportional to the concentration itself directly is assumed. The Rosseland approximation is adopted to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation.
The problem is formulated in terms of partial differential equations with the appropriate physical initial and boundary conditions. To make the governing equations dimensionless, some suitable non-dimensional variables are introduced. The resulting non-dimensional equations are solved analytically by applying the Laplace transform method. The mathematical expressions for skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are calculated and expressed in closed form. Impacts of various associated physical parameters on the pertinent flow quantities, namely, velocity, temperature and concentration profiles, skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number, are demonstrated and analyzed via graphs and tables.
Graphical analysis reveals that the boundary layer flow and heat and mass transfer attributes are significantly varied for the embedded physical parameters in the case of constant temperature and concentration (CTC) as compared to RTC. It is worthy to note that the fluid velocity is high with CTC and lower for RTC. Also, the fluid velocity declines with the augmentation of the magnetic parameter. Moreover, growth in thermal radiation leads to a declination in the temperature profile.
Practical implications
The proposed model has relevance in numerous engineering and technical procedures including industries related to polymers, area of chemical productions, nuclear energy, electronics and aerodynamics. Encouraged by such applications, the present work is undertaken.
Literature review unveils that sundry studies have been carried out in the presence of uniform wall temperature. Few studies have been conducted by considering non-uniform or ramped wall temperature and concentration. The authors are focused on an analytical investigation of an unsteady MHD boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer of non-Newtonian Casson fluid past a moving plate subject to the RTC at the plate. Based on the authors’ knowledge, the present study has, so far, not appeared in scientific communications. Obtained analytical solutions are verified by considering particular cases of the published works.
Kondapalli Siva Prasad, Chalamalasetti Srinivasa Rao and Damera Nageswara Rao
The purpose of this paper is to optimize the fusion zone grain size and hardness using Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm.
The purpose of this paper is to optimize the fusion zone grain size and hardness using Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm.
Experiments are conducted as per four factors, five levels response surface method based central composite design matrix. Empirical relations for predicting grain size and harness are developed. The effect of welding variables on grain size and hardness are studies. Grain size and hardness are optimised using Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm.
The developed empirical relations can be effectively used to predict grain size and hardness values of micro plasma arc welded Inconel 625 sheets. The values of grain size and hardness obtained by Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm matches with experimental values with great accuracy.
Research limitations/implications
The developed mathematical models are valid for 0.25 mm thick Inconel 625 sheets only.
Practical implications
In the present paper only four important factors namely peak current, back current, pulse rate and pulse width are considered, however one may consider other parameters like plasma gas flow rate, shielding gas flow rate, etc.
The present work is very much useful to sheet metal industries manufacturing metal bellows, diaphragms, etc.
Jitendra Kumar Singh, Gauri Shenkar Seth, Ghousia Begum and Vishwanath S.
In the present investigation, hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of Walters’-B fluid over a vertical porous surface implanted in a porous material under the action of a strong…
In the present investigation, hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of Walters’-B fluid over a vertical porous surface implanted in a porous material under the action of a strong external applied magnetic field and rotation is presented. In several industrial applications, the external applied magnetic field is strong enough to produce Hall and ion-slip currents. Thus, the influence of Hall and ion-slip currents is also considered in this analysis. The flow through configuration is generated because of time varying motion of the free-stream and buoyancy action.
Regular perturbation scheme is used to obtain the solution of the system of coupled partial differential equations representing the mathematical model of the problem. Numerical computation has been performed to notice the change in flow behavior and the numerical results for velocity field, temperature field, species concentration, skin friction, rate of heat and mass transfer are presented through graphs and tables.
An important fact noticed that the exponential time varying motion of the free-stream induces reverse flow in the direction perpendicular to the main flow. Rising values of the strength of the applied magnetic field give increment in the fluid velocity in the neighbourhood of the vertical surface, this may cause because of the exponential motion of the free-stream. The behaviour of the Darcian drag force is similar as magnetic field on fluid flow.
In literature, very less research works are available on Walters’-B fluid where unsteadiness in the system occurs because of time varying motion of the free-stream. In this paper, the authors have made an attempt to study the action of Hall and ion-slip currents, rotation and external applied magnetic field on hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of Walters’-B fluid over a vertical surface implanted in a porous material.
This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of Hall currents and power-law slip condition on the hydromagnetic convective flow of an electrically conducting power-law fluid over an exponentially stretching sheet under the effect of a strong variable magnetic field and thermal radiation. Flow formation is developed using the rheological expression of a power-law fluid.
The nonlinear partial differential equations describing the flow are transformed into the nonlinear ordinary differential equations by employing the local similarity transformations and then solved numerically by an effective numerical approach, namely, fourth-order Runge–Kutta integration scheme, along with the shooting iteration technique. The numerical solution is computed for different parameters by using the computational software MATLAB bvp4c. The bvp4c function uses the finite difference code as the default. This method is a fourth-order collocation method. The impacts of thermophysical parameters on velocity and temperature distributions, skin friction coefficients and Nusselt number in the boundary layer regime are exhibited through graphs and tables and deliberated with proper physical justification.
Our investigation conveys that Hall current has an enhancing behavior on velocity profiles and reduces skin friction coefficients. An increase in the power-law index is observed to deplete velocity and temperature evolution. The temperature for the pseudo-plastic (shear-thinning) fluid is relatively higher than the corresponding temperature of the dilatant (shear-thickening) fluid. The streamlines are more distorted and have low intensity near the surface of the sheet for the dilatant fluid than the pseudo-plastic fluid.
Social implications
The study is pertinent to the expulsion of polymer sheet and photographic films, hydrometallurgical industry, electrically conducting polymer dynamics, magnetic material processing, solutions and melts of polymer processing, purification of molten metals from nonmetallic. The results obtained in this work can be relevant in fluid mechanics and heat transfer applications.
The present problem has, to the authors' knowledge, not communicated thus far in the scientific literature. A comparative study with the published works is conducted to verify the accuracy of the present study. The results obtained in this analysis are significant in providing the standards for validating the accuracies of some numerical or empirical methods.
Jitendra Kumar Singh and Srinivasa C.T.
The purpose of this paper is to deal with an unsteady natural convection flow of a rotating fluid past an exponential accelerated vertical plate. The effect of Hall current…
The purpose of this paper is to deal with an unsteady natural convection flow of a rotating fluid past an exponential accelerated vertical plate. The effect of Hall current, ion-slip and magnetic field is considered. Two types of plate temperature, namely, uniform and ramped temperature are considered to model heat transfer analysis.
The Laplace transform technique is employed to find the closed form solutions for velocity, temperature and concentration.
The effects of flow governing parameters on the velocity profile, temperature profile, concentration profile, skin friction, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are discussed and presented through graphs and tables. It is found that fluid velocity in the primary flow direction decreases with the increase in the magnetic parameter.
First time in the literature, the authors obtained closed form solution to natural convection flow of a rotating fluid past an exponential accelerated vertical plate.
Kamaljit Singh Boparai, Rupinder Singh and Harwinder Singh
The purpose of this study is to highlight the direct fabrication of rapid tooling (RT) with desired mechanical, tribological and thermal properties using fused deposition…
The purpose of this study is to highlight the direct fabrication of rapid tooling (RT) with desired mechanical, tribological and thermal properties using fused deposition modelling (FDM) process. Further, the review paper demonstrated development procedure of alternative feedstock filament of low-cost composite material for FDM to extend the range of RT applications.
The alternative materials for FDM and their processing requirements for fabrication in filament form as reported by various researchers have been summarized. The literature demonstrates the role of various post-processing techniques on surface finish of FDM prints. Further, low-cost materials for feedstock filament have been investigated experimentally to check their adaptability/suitability for commercial FDM setup. The approach was to realize the requirements of FDM (melt flow rate, flexibility, stiffness, glass transition temperature and mechanical strength), necessary for the successful run of an alternative filament. The effect of constituents (additives, plasticizers, surfactants and fillers) in polymeric matrix on mechanical, tribological and thermal properties has been investigated.
It is possible to develop composite material feedstock as filament for commercial FDM setup without changing its hardware and software. Surface finish of the parts can further be improved by applying various post-processing techniques. Most of the composite parts have high mechanical strength, hardness, thermal stability, wear resistant and better bond formation than standard material parts.
Research limitations/implications
Future research may be focused on improving the surface quality of parts fabricated with composite feedstock, solving issues related to the uniform distribution of filled materials during the fabrication of feedstock filament which in turns further increases mechanical strength, high dimensional stability of composite filament and transferring the technology from laboratory scale to various industrial applications.
Practical implications
Potential applications of direct fabrication with RT includes rapid manufacturing (RM) of metal-filled parts and ceramic-filled parts (which have complex shape and cannot be rapidly made by any other manufacturing techniques) in the field of biomedical and dentistry.
This new manufacturing methodology is based on the proper selection and processing of various materials and additives to form high-performance, low-cost composite material feedstock filament (which fulfil the necessary requirements of FDM process). Finally, newly developed feedstock filament material has both quantitative and qualitative advantage in RT and RM applications as compared to standard material filament.
Pentyala Srinivasa Rao and Amit Kumar Rahul
This paper aims to investigate the effect of surface roughness (radial and azimuthal) and viscosity variation on a squeeze film of a conical bearing with a non-Newtonian lubricant…
This paper aims to investigate the effect of surface roughness (radial and azimuthal) and viscosity variation on a squeeze film of a conical bearing with a non-Newtonian lubricant by using Rabinowitsch fluid model.
The main objective is to determine the stochastic nonlinear modified Reynolds equation for rough conical bearing. Later, first-order closed-form solutions are obtained using a small perturbation method and are numerically solved using the Gauss quadrature method.
The findings of this paper, numerical calculations, are analyzed for pressure, load carrying capacity and response time. The simulated results indicate that the influence of surface roughness increases the pressure, load carrying capacity and response time, whereas the viscosity variation factor decreases the pressure, load and response time.
According to both types of surface roughness with viscosity variation, the performance of a squeeze film rough conical bearing was improved by using Rabinowitsch fluid model. As it is inevitable to consider viscosity variation for bearing designer, it leads to a long life period of conical bearing.
Ranga Babu J.A., Kiran Kumar K. and Srinivasa Rao S.
This paper aims to present an analytical investigation of energy and exergy performance on a solar flat plate collector (SFPC) with Cu-CuO/water hybrid nanofluid, Cu/water and…
This paper aims to present an analytical investigation of energy and exergy performance on a solar flat plate collector (SFPC) with Cu-CuO/water hybrid nanofluid, Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids as collector running fluids.
Heat transfer characteristics, pressure drop and energy and exergy efficiencies of SFPC working on these nanofluids are investigated and compared. In this study, a comparison is made by varying the mass flow rates and nanoparticle volume concentration. Thermophysical properties of hybrid nanofluids are estimated using distinctive correlations available in the open literature. Then, the influence of these properties on energy and exergy efficiencies of SFPC is discussed in detail.
Energy analysis reveals that by introducing the hybrid nanoparticles in water, the thermal conductivity of the working fluid is enhanced by 17.52 per cent and that of the individual constituents is enhanced by 15.72 and 15.35 per cent for Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively. This resulted in 2.16 per cent improvement in useful heat gain for hybrid nanofluid and 1.03 and 0.91 per cent improvement in heat gain for Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively. In line with the above, the collector efficiency increased by 2.175 per cent for the hybrid nanofluid and 0.93 and 1.05 per cent enhancement for Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively. Exergy analysis elucidates that by using the hybrid nanofluid, exergy efficiency is increased by 2.59 per cent, whereas it is 2.32 and 2.18 per cent enhancement for Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively. Entropy generation is reduced by 3.31, 2.35 and 2.96 per cent for Cu-CuO/water, Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively, as compared to water.
Research limitations/implications
However, this is associated with a penalty of increment in pressure drop of 2.92, 3.09 and 2.74 per cent for Cu-CuO/water, Cu/water and CuO/water nanofluids, respectively, compared with water.
It is clear from the analysis that Cu-CuO/water hybrid nanofluids possess notable increment in both energy and exergy efficiencies to use them in SFPCs.