M.M. De Guzman, C.A.J. Fletcher and J.D. Hooper
The detailed flow behaviour around a four—hole Cobra Pitot pressureprobe, developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ResearchOrganization, Australia, (CSIRO), to…
The detailed flow behaviour around a four—hole Cobra Pitot pressure probe, developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia, (CSIRO), to determine the pressure and the velocity components in three dimensional single‐phase/multi‐phase fluid flow, is investigated computationally. The incompressible steady state Navier—Stokes equations are solved numerically using a general purpose computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code developed at CANCES. Computational results are presented for representative probe pitch and yaw angles at a Reynolds number = 2 × 103, emphasising the pressure distribution and flow separation patterns on the probe tip adjacent to the pressure ports. Quantitative comparison of the computational simulation to experimental results is done by comparing experimental calibration data to numerically computed pressure responses. The topological features of the near tip flow behaviour are visualised using critical point concepts and three dimensional streamlines. Additional qualitative comparison to experiment is discussed using data from a preliminary experimental investigation using surface oil film visualisation techniques, where available. Conclusions are drawn concerning the near tip flow behaviour, the good level of agreement between the numerical results and experimental data and the effectiveness of using a computational analysis to provide accurate detail useful for engineering design purposes.
Edward C. Fletcher, Erik M. Hines, Donna Y. Ford and James L. Moore
The purpose of this study was to examine the learning experiences of high school Black males participating in an academy of engineering that was configured as a magnet school. We…
The purpose of this study was to examine the learning experiences of high school Black males participating in an academy of engineering that was configured as a magnet school. We followed a qualitative case study design to explore the experiences of 16 Black male academies of engineering students. We identified three recurring themes from the interviews with the Black male academy of engineering students: Promoting Interests in STEM, Drawing Connections to Core Academic Concepts, and An Affinity for Hands-on Learning through the Engineering Curriculum. The results of our study helped us to better understand how academies provide a platform for Black male students' interest in engineering as a viable college and career pathway.
Franz Zdravistch, Clive A. Fletcher and Masud Behnia
Numerical predictions of laminar and turbulent fluid flow and heattransfer around staggered and in‐line tube banks are shown to agree closelywith seven experimental test cases…
Numerical predictions of laminar and turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer around staggered and in‐line tube banks are shown to agree closely with seven experimental test cases. The steady state Reynolds‐averaged Navier‐Stokes equations are discretised by means of a cell‐centred finite‐volume algorithm. Two‐dimensional results include velocity vectors and streamlines, surface shear stresses, pressure coefficient distributions, temperature contours, local Nusselt number distributions and average convective heat transfer coefficients, and indicate very good agreement with experimental data. It is found that a relatively fine grid is required to be able to predict the surface heat transfer behaviour accurately. Also, three‐dimensional simulations are shown, which are physically consistent. The numerical procedure presented here is robust, accurate and time efficient, making it suitable as a design tool for tube banks in heat exchangers.
Donna Y. Ford, James L. Moore and Ezekiel Peebles
This chapter focuses on two aspects of the achievement gap – underachievement and low achievement among Black males in urban school contexts. More specifically, the authors…
This chapter focuses on two aspects of the achievement gap – underachievement and low achievement among Black males in urban school contexts. More specifically, the authors explain several problems/issues confronting Black male students in P-12 gifted and talented, advanced placement, and special education programs, along with the school-to-prison pipeline – inequitable discipline in the form of suspensions and expulsions. We parse underrepresentation and overrepresentation for this student group. A central part of this discussion is grounded in the achievement gap literature on Black students in general with implications for Black males in particular. Another fundamental aspect of this discussion is the need for educators to adopt an anti-racist (social justice or civil rights) and cultural competence approach to their work, which means being equity-based and culturally responsive in philosophy and action. Suggestions for closing the achievement gap and otherwise improving the achievement of Black males are provided for educators. We also compel educators to go beyond talking about equity by setting quantifiable equity goals for minimum and maximum percentages (and numbers).
An alternative algorithm has been developed for computing the behaviour of flows within arbitrary ducts and channels. This technique requires a small number of downstream marches…
An alternative algorithm has been developed for computing the behaviour of flows within arbitrary ducts and channels. This technique requires a small number of downstream marches in the primary flow direction, employing, on each march, numerically efficient procedures originally developed for a single sweep non‐elliptic flow solver. The multiple sweeps allow the capture of effects such as upstream pressure influences and streamwise recirculation. The energy equation is also solved to allow for varying heat transfer between the fluid and the boundary walls. The numerical work is further complicated by considering flows within turning sections of ducts which demonstrate large transverse velocities and consequent distortion of the primary flow. The computations are validated by comparison with a number of fluid/heat transfer experiments. The majority of these are taken from studies of turning flows within circular arc ducts which display the various pressure and transverse flow phenomena for which this new algorithm was initially developed to represent.
Edward C. Fletcher, Turhan Carroll, Erik M. Hines, James L. Moore and Donna Y. Ford
Based on the theoretical and scientific literature, academic and career decisions to pursue STEM fields are made at the high school level, and Black high school students are more…
Based on the theoretical and scientific literature, academic and career decisions to pursue STEM fields are made at the high school level, and Black high school students are more likely to participate in career and technical education (CTE) programs but are less likely to participate in CTE programs related to STEM. Additionally, Black male students are less likely to have taken the necessary prerequisites to pursue STEM fields in postsecondary education. As a result, Black male high school students are underprepared to pursue STEM college majors and careers.
However, when students participate in STEM high school CTE programs (e.g., career academies), they eventually attain STEM occupations. In this chapter, we will examine the role that high school career academies play, from the perspectives of school stakeholders, in addressing the talent pipeline by broadening the participation of Black males in STEM majors and careers.
Ben (C) Fletcher and Fiona Jones
Introduces an instrument for measuring organizational culture. Discussion of the concept precedes discussion of the problems of measurement and the traditions and theory on which…
Introduces an instrument for measuring organizational culture. Discussion of the concept precedes discussion of the problems of measurement and the traditions and theory on which design of the instrument draws. Summarizes the dimensions to be measured in terms of four general bipolar descriptive types: homogeneous v. heterogeneous; enriched v. managed; developing v. stationary; balanced v. dissonnant. Items in the Cultural Audit Instrument (a 17‐page questionnaire) are grouped in sections on the basis of previous research; the causes of problems; the outcomes; the moderator. For each response element the instrument measures the person's perceptions of their own and others' situations in the organization and of their ideal situation. Gives examples of results.
Edward C. Fletcher, Erik M. Hines, Donna Y. Ford, Tarek C. Grantham and James L. Moore III
This paper aims to examine the role of school stakeholders (e.g. advisory board members, school administrators, parents, teachers and school board members) at a 99% black academy…
This paper aims to examine the role of school stakeholders (e.g. advisory board members, school administrators, parents, teachers and school board members) at a 99% black academy in promoting the achievement and broadening participation of high school black students in engineering career pathways.
The authors followed a qualitative case study design to explore the experiences of school stakeholders (e.g. students, district and school personnel and community partners) associated with the implementation of the career academy (Stake, 2006; Yin, 1994).
The authors found that the school relied heavily on the support of the community in the form of an advisory board – including university faculty and industry leaders – to actively develop culturally responsive strategies (e.g. American College Test preparation, work-based learning opportunities) to ensure the success of black students interested in pursuing career pathways in engineering. Thus, school stakeholders in the academy of engineering served as authentic leaders who inspired academy students by serving as role models and setting examples through what they do as engineering professionals. It was quite evident that the joy and fulfillment that these authentic leaders gained from using their talents directly or indirectly inspired students in the academy to seek out and cultivate the talents they are good at and passionate about as well (Debebe, 2017). Moreover, the career academy provided environmental or sociocultural conditions that promoted the development of learners’ gifts and talents (Plucker and Barab, 2005). Within that context, the goals of career academy school stakeholders were to support students in the discovery of what they are good at doing and to structure their educational experiences to cultivate their gifts into talents.
Research limitations/implications
It is also important to acknowledge that this study is not generalizable to the one million career academy students across the nation. Yet, the authors believe researchers should continue to examine the career academy advisory board as a source of capital for engaging and preparing diverse learners for success post-high school. Further research is needed to investigate how advisory boards support students’ in school and postsecondary outcomes, particularly for diverse students.
Practical implications
The authors highlight promising practices for schools to implement in establishing a diverse talent pipeline.
Social implications
On a theoretical level, the authors found important insights into the possibility of black students benefiting from a culturally responsive advisory board that provided social and cultural capital (e.g. aspirational, navigational and social) resources for their success.
While prior researchers have studied the positive impact of teachers in career academies as a contributor to social capital for students (Lanford and Maruco, 2019) and what diverse students bring to the classroom as a form of capital Debebe(Yosso, 2005), research has not identified the role of the advisory board (in its efforts to connect the broader community) as a vehicle for equipping ethnically and racially diverse students who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds with social capital. Within that sense, the authors believe the advisory board at Stanton Academy relied on what the authors term local community capital to provide resources and supports for black students’ successful transition from high school into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related college and career pathways.
Since the first Volume of this Bibliography there has been an explosion of literature in all the main areas of business. The researcher and librarian have to be able to uncover…
Since the first Volume of this Bibliography there has been an explosion of literature in all the main areas of business. The researcher and librarian have to be able to uncover specific articles devoted to certain topics. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume III, in addition to the annotated list of articles as the two previous volumes, contains further features to help the reader. Each entry within has been indexed according to the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus and thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid information retrieval. Each article has its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. The first Volume of the Bibliography covered seven journals published by MCB University Press. This Volume now indexes 25 journals, indicating the greater depth, coverage and expansion of the subject areas concerned.