Burhan F. Yavas, Kathleen Grave and Demosthenes Vardiabasis
This paper aims to investigate the linkages among foreign direct investment (FDI – greenfield and mergers and acquisitions [M&A]) decisions and equity market returns and…
This paper aims to investigate the linkages among foreign direct investment (FDI – greenfield and mergers and acquisitions [M&A]) decisions and equity market returns and volatilities. The main premise is that FDI decisions by multinational enterprises (MNE) are influenced by risk and uncertainty indicated by equity market returns and volatilities in the destination (host) countries. This is so because the events on the stock markets in general and their volatilities in particular signal the vitality of the investment climate of the target market. Understanding volatility in capital markets is important for determining the cost of capital and for evaluating direct investment and asset allocation decisions.
Surveys and structured interviews were conducted with senior managers of 11 MNEs based in the USA to collect the data used in this study from November 2017 to October 2018. The paper investigates if FDI decisions of the MNE managers are influenced by risk and uncertainty indicated by equity market returns and volatilities. The paper endeavors to make a contribution to the IB literature in highlighting the role played by equity returns and volatilities in FDI decisions and therewith attempts to integrate finance (capital markets) with international business/strategic decision-making.
Capital market performances (returns and volatilities) were found to influence the country choice for location of production facilities (FDI – both greenfield and M&A decisions) as well as timing of the FDI by a MNE. In other words, the share of production capacity optimally located abroad and M&A activities are affected by capital market returns and volatilities.
Burhan F Yavas and Fahimeh Rezayat
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the linkages among equity exchange traded funds (ETF) returns and transmission of volatilities of the USA, Europe and key emerging…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the linkages among equity exchange traded funds (ETF) returns and transmission of volatilities of the USA, Europe and key emerging countries’ stock markets. Standard & Poor’s 500 (spy) and iShares Europe are used to represent the USA and European stock markets, the emerging market part of the data set consists of daily returns of equity ETF representing broad equity market indices of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China); the mist countries (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey) and South Africa and covers the period of February 3, 2012-February 28, 2014.
The paper utilizes multi-variate auto-regressive moving-averages (MARMA) methodology to study equity market returns and spillovers. Second, generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroskadasticity (GARCH) modeling is employed to model volatility persistence and transmissions.
The findings include the existence of significant co-movement of returns among all country ETFs; however, despite increasing interdependencies among the global stock markets there are still very good opportunities for diversification. For example, USA and Europe based investors may do well to ignore opportunities in each other’s markets but can realize diversification benefits by investing in ETFs representing China, South Africa and Turkey. As far as volatilities are concerned, the findings indicate that no ETF volatility is transmitted from the sample countries to USA, Brazil, China and South African stock markets. Also, US market volatility is transmitted to India, Russia, Mexico and Turkey while European volatility spills over to Mexico and South Korea. The presence of spillovers among stock markets’ return series and persistence of volatilities are useful to investors interested in diversifying their portfolios and to traders/fund managers who are interested in maximizing returns.
Research limitations/implications
The implications include: first, investors should not only rely on current domestic news to guide their investment decisions, but also take into consideration international news for there are substantial spillovers. Second, given that volatilities can proxy for risk, there are lessons for both individual and institutional investors in terms of further examining pricing securities, hedging and other trading strategies as well as framing regulatory policies. Third, investors should be able to ride the financial cycle by following closely monetary policies of the FED and European Central Bank and resulting credit expansion or contraction since research indicates (and as corroborated in this study) equity prices are linked to VIX which is also correlated with capital flows and credit expansion and interest rates. Limitations include: first, the investigation could be expanded to include individual countries in Europe instead of using one Europe-wide ETF. As ETFs for other emerging markets become available it is also possible to include additional countries. Second, ETFs may not be the best vehicles for diversification.
Methodology (MARMA and GARCH) is widely used for analyzing financial data. The use of BRIC and MIST countries and the interaction among them may be novel. Spillovers among emerging financial markets is a fairly new area. Typically, the authors see studies of spillovers from the developed countries to the developing ones. The data period is important since it covers both credit expansion and contraction (or the start of it) by the FED and is current.
Explores the perceptions of different dimensions of quality whichemployees at different levels in the organization have, and investigateshow these perceptions can be aligned to…
Explores the perceptions of different dimensions of quality which employees at different levels in the organization have, and investigates how these perceptions can be aligned to increase firms’ competitive position. Uses a factor analytic approach. “Communication”, “managerial involvement”, “process improvement”, “reward and recognition” and “responsiveness to both external and internal customers’ demands” are found to be significant among the quality attributes. Indicates that considerable differences exist among the employees with regard to the question of what constitutes “quality”. Also, education and teams are found to be effective in aligning these differences.
The purpose of the paper is to advance knowledge of small firm performance by explicating how networking helps small firms carry out marketing and perform better.
The purpose of the paper is to advance knowledge of small firm performance by explicating how networking helps small firms carry out marketing and perform better.
An online survey of small firm owner-managers in a regional economy of the UK was executed. Hypotheses were tested including the proposition that networking proactiveness moderates the relationship between market orientation (MO) and performance.
It was found that networking is undertaken by all small firms across a spectrum of business types. Networking is seen as applicable, it results in valuable outcomes and these outcomes contribute to marketing. The contribution increases with firm size and is valued more in small firms with a dedicated marketing function. Proactive networking creates greater value than reactive networking, but proactive networking in and of itself does not lead to greater performance. Rather, networking proactiveness moderates the relationship between MO and performance.
Practical implications
It is argued that networking should not be dismissed as “not quite proper” marketing and should be harnessed as a way of compensating for marketing activities that are outside the reach of the small firm. Small firms are advised to adopt a proactive approach to their networking activities, as without a reasonable level of proactiveness, there is likely to be no benefit in being market oriented.
There has been little research that has examined the specific ways in which networking contributes to marketing and none that probes if and to what extent this contribution makes a difference to overall firm performance. This paper addresses this gap.
Mohit Datt, Ajay Gupta, Sushendra Kumar Misra and Mahesh Gupta
The scope of this study is to explore and summarize the pool of dimensions, models and measurement techniques of service quality used in healthcare services and to propose a…
The scope of this study is to explore and summarize the pool of dimensions, models and measurement techniques of service quality used in healthcare services and to propose a comprehensive conceptual model for practitioners and researchers.
This research employs a comprehensive review of available literature by using multiple keywords on different electronic repositories using the recommendations of the PRISMA approach for the selection of articles. A critical analysis of available studies helped in compiling a list of core service quality dimensions in healthcare services.
This paper presents a comprehensive account of different dimensions and their measurement items used by various researchers to assess service quality in healthcare systems. Most of the researchers have used SERVQUAL model either in its original or modified form while the others have proposed and used totally different dimensions to assess the service quality in healthcare. Many dimensions are just an existing dimension of SERVQUAL that has undergone a name change while others are completely new. The dimensions used by many researchers have items drawn from more than one dimension of SERVQUAL model. The availability of so many dimensions and models adds to the confusion that researchers and practicing managers experience when determining the appropriate model to be used in their work. To mitigate this confusion, there is a need to develop a comprehensive model; the current work is an attempt to meet this need. Through our analysis, we identify four major service quality dimensions: clinical quality, infrastructural quality, relationship and managerial quality and propose a model named CIRMQUAL.
After exploring all available models in the domain of healthcare, this research presents the best possible areas to enhance the quality of healthcare services. It also enhances the research insights for academicians and working professionals by developing and proposing a comprehensive model for measuring healthcare service quality. The proposed model covers almost all of the service quality dimensions used by other researchers and will make the choice of dimensions/model easy for the future researchers/practitioners interested in measuring and improving the quality of services offered by their healthcare units. Such a comprehensive model has not been developed by any researcher thus far.