On taking office some years ago, an incoming Minister of Education was reported to have said to his senior civil servants something on these lines: ‘Never in the field of human…
On taking office some years ago, an incoming Minister of Education was reported to have said to his senior civil servants something on these lines: ‘Never in the field of human conflict has it been more necessary than now to subjugate the universities to the needs of society and at the same time for the universities to retain their academic freedom. Gentlemen, go away and reconcile those two requirements.’ Well, of course, those two requirements are still not reconciled and for this morning's purposes I will put the dilemma in the form of a stark question: ‘What is higher education for?’, and by higher education I mean education after the age of about eighteen.
Implementation and maintenance of a quality system in radiotherapy organization is discussed in the context of the Wessex Radiotherapy Centre, Southampton (UK). Examines the…
Implementation and maintenance of a quality system in radiotherapy organization is discussed in the context of the Wessex Radiotherapy Centre, Southampton (UK). Examines the various development stages, staff attitudes, financial implications and identifies the positive and negative benefits.
In addition to the impact on teachers' salary expectations of the recently announced restrictions on public spending, educational building will be affected and the plans for…
In addition to the impact on teachers' salary expectations of the recently announced restrictions on public spending, educational building will be affected and the plans for certain major items of equipment may be postponed
The attitude towards Intelligence Quotient tests has shifted a lot over the past half century. Fifty or more years ago ardent socialists regarded IQ testing as a major step…
The attitude towards Intelligence Quotient tests has shifted a lot over the past half century. Fifty or more years ago ardent socialists regarded IQ testing as a major step forward towards promoting social mobility and equality of opportunity for all. I well remember the zest with which an old mathematics master of mine did research into the reliability of IQ tests in the very early 1920s and had the results published. He was an ardent left winger and earned a brief mention in a recent book on Harold Wilson who, years later, also learnt his mathematics from him. This schoolmaster saw IQ tests as a way of helping able children from poor backgrounds, for the tests were supposed to be culture‐free and absolutely fair to the bright, the average, and the not‐so‐bright child. Here then was an instrument of social justice to be used in our effort to improve society. Yet today left‐wingers seem to have nothing good to say about such tests, presumably because they show that all men are not equal. Equality of opportunity has given way to equality. Selection is felt to be anti‐social and unfair.
On Wednesday 13th October, 1982, the Cahners Exposition Group, proprietors of the Internepcon Exhibition, sponsored and organised a special banquet to honour two individuals who…
On Wednesday 13th October, 1982, the Cahners Exposition Group, proprietors of the Internepcon Exhibition, sponsored and organised a special banquet to honour two individuals who had made major contributions to their respective Industries.
The aim of this paper is to explore the entry and success of hip‐hop entrepreneurs in the music industry and identify the competitive reactions of well‐established firms within…
The aim of this paper is to explore the entry and success of hip‐hop entrepreneurs in the music industry and identify the competitive reactions of well‐established firms within the industry.
The paper used anecdotal data and popular press coverage to trace the evolution of the hip‐hop music industry in the USA and discuss aspects of the marketing strategies of key players in the industry. Additionally, the strategic response of dominant firms to their success within the industry is explored.
Hip‐hop music and its ensuing culture is now a well‐established industry that has enormous marketing power. Although few championed their efforts in the beginning, the contributions of Black American entrepreneurs to the music industry is becoming increasingly recognized by existing firms within the industry and beyond. The failure of major record companies to capitalize on the hip‐hop phenomenon resulted in the creation of new ventures and a new industry. While one could argue that very few key Black American entrepreneurs remain in the industry, the impact and influence of these entrepreneurs and those that have been recruited by major labels suggests that the hip‐hop entrepreneurs should not be ignored.
This paper sheds light on the development of the hip‐hop music industry, which could be of value to aspiring Black American entrepreneurs and marketing managers of companies in other industries that target young urban customers as well as companies that are interested in forming partnerships with Black American entrepreneurs.
Lord Woolton, the Minister of Food, stated in the House of Lords, on March 11th, that “to reduce the tonnage used for the transport of wheat” the Government had decided to…
Lord Woolton, the Minister of Food, stated in the House of Lords, on March 11th, that “to reduce the tonnage used for the transport of wheat” the Government had decided to increase to 85 per cent. the ratio of flour from the wheat milled in this country; and that it will be illegal to sell, except under licence, any “white” bread from April 6th. In the discussion that followed, Lord Horder stated that he and his medical colleagues were satisfied that no other step concerning the nation's food was so calculated to raise the level of the nation's nutrition. He added that there was no evidence that 85 per cent. extraction flour is indigestible; and that where bread of any kind is permissible in diseases of the digestive system, it may be given with impunity. Moreover, Sir Ernest Graham Little, M.D., has rendered a great service to the public by his oft‐repeated and strong advocacy, in the House of Commons, of better bread than that which constitutes the “white loaf.” The unanimous verdict of those who are best qualified to express an opinion supports the conclusion that adequate nutrition is the prime requirement for the physical well‐being of mankind. Neglect this and all other hygienic props fail to support us. It is deplorable, therefore, that so little has been done hitherto in the sphere of national welfare to support the findings of science in favour of the more adequate loaf which has been so powerfully advocated for years. It is no exaggeration to state that the “white loaf” has been a real impediment to an improvement in the hygienic development of the growing child; as the “national loaf” (which will be superior to the “standard bread” of the last war) will not only reduce the tonnage for the transport of wheat, but will also greatly benefit the children, more especially those of the poorer section of the community with whom bread is the main food. Although from a standpoint of nutrition the “National” loaf falls short of the desirable “Wholemeal” loaf, it certainly represents a valuable step in the right direction. As the much impoverished wheat of the “white loaf” is a matter for considerable national concern, it is an anomaly that it should be permitted, seeing that similar impoverishments of natural foodstuffs have for long been punishable by law. For instance, prosecutions and fines for the watering of milk occupy pages of most issues of The British Food Journal. Why, then, should the serious reduction of the valuable mineral matter and vitamins of the wheat used for the wheaten loaf be suffered to continue? The general public do not readily accept guidance upon what they should eat, and it is unlikely that they will have displayed a concerted predilection for the “national loaf” by the time the war ends. But by then much will have been gained by the reduction of prejudice and the increased accommodation which even short phases of custom can confer. Therefore the war‐time expedient of a “national loaf” may very usefully contribute to the perpetuity of its advantages. If we are wise, propaganda to this end will be maintained meanwhile, and be made to develop in power and authority during the early clays of peace. If the Government and the Local Health Authorities are in default in impressing, and (if need be) imposing such a major interest to the nation, the passing of the “white loaf” will soon be followed by its return. Especially is it to be hoped that the Ministry of Health will then give greater support to the advocacy of a better loaf than hitherto. The British Food Journal has often given expression to the public need for an improved loaf, and if this is destined to become an accomplished fact it will partake of the nature of a crowning event to our modest efforts.
THE Reference Department of Paisley Central Library today occupies the room which was the original Public Library built in 1870 and opened to the public in April 1871. Since that…
THE Reference Department of Paisley Central Library today occupies the room which was the original Public Library built in 1870 and opened to the public in April 1871. Since that date two extensions to the building have taken place. The first, in 1882, provided a separate room for both Reference and Lending libraries; the second, opened in 1938, provided a new Children's Department. Together with the original cost of the building, these extensions were entirely financed by Sir Peter Coats, James Coats of Auchendrane and Daniel Coats respectively. The people of Paisley indeed owe much to this one family, whose generosity was great. They not only provided the capital required but continued to donate many useful and often extremely valuable works of reference over the many years that followed. In 1975 Paisley Library was incorporated in the new Renfrew District library service.
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National…
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and publications of other similar Research Bodies as issued
Dianne H.B. Welsh, Dalia Othman, Baker Alserhan, Jusuf Zeqiri, Amro Al-Madadha and Veland Ramadani
We investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of a population under crisis — namely, recent Syrian refugees in Jordan — and Jordanian citizens to start small businesses during the…
We investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of a population under crisis — namely, recent Syrian refugees in Jordan — and Jordanian citizens to start small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Using a structured two-part survey, data were collected through online self-reported questionnaires in which respondents subjectively reported self-perceptions. The first part dealt with respondents’ characteristics and the second with their entrepreneurial intentions. The survey took place in Jordan, sampling Jordanian citizens and Syrian refugees. A nonprobability sampling technique was used to collect the data.
The results show that net desirability for self-employment, tolerance for risk and self-efficacy are related to entrepreneurial intentions. We find significant differences between the Syrian refugees and the Jordanian citizens in terms of risk-taking and self-efficacy as determinants of engagement in entrepreneurial activities.
This study offers guidance to institutions working with refugees during times of crisis. Implications are discussed.