Brittany Beck, Melanie Moore Koskie and William Locander
This study aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion of how consumers approach shopping directly via social media by explicating decisions related to trust on social media and…
This study aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion of how consumers approach shopping directly via social media by explicating decisions related to trust on social media and how various types of electronic word of mouth (eWOM; ratings and reviews, recommendations and referrals and social media communities) contribute to these decisions.
A total of 198 respondents with experience shopping directly via social media were instructed to select the platform on which they had the most shopping experience (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.) to answer relevant survey questions. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for analyzing the results.
Findings reveal that eWOM provided by strong ties (recommendations and referrals; social media communities) is superior to weak ties (ratings and reviews). Surprisingly, ratings and reviews do not significantly relate to trust in the retailer, suggesting that this information may be necessary but not sufficient for trusting retailers on social media.
This research distinguishes trust decisions related to shopping on social media and clarifies how each type of eWOM uniquely influences trust in the retailer by using tie strength theory.
Brittany R. Schuler and Solfrid Raknes
There is an urgent need to upscale accessible mental health (MH) interventions that address barriers to care among Syrian refugee adolescents. The Happy Helping Hand (HH) is an…
There is an urgent need to upscale accessible mental health (MH) interventions that address barriers to care among Syrian refugee adolescents. The Happy Helping Hand (HH) is an innovative, cognitive behavioral digital game designed to improve MH for adolescents across digital divides. This study aims to examine the impact of HH implemented among Syrian refugees who varied according to group size and face-to-face (F2F) versus digital contact.
This mixed-methods study took place in Central Beqaa, Lebanon, from September 2020 to February 2021. Nine groups of Syrian displaced adolescents (n = 125) aged 13–17 years (Mage = 13.6 years) were recruited from an education center, two orphanages and one informal settlement to participate in the ten-session HH program. The WHO-Five-Well-being Index (WHO5) is a validated measure used to evaluate HH impact on MH at baseline and directly postintervention.
Significant improvements were seen in WHO5 scores in F2F and digital settings from baseline to follow-up. At baseline, 28% reported normal well-being, which increased to 99% after HH participation. WHO5 scores changed from M = 59.4 at baseline, indicating depression, to M = 77.3 at follow-up, indicating normal well-being. Smaller groups with more F2F contact reported greater improvements in mean WHO5 than larger groups with less F2F contact. The greatest aggregate change in well-being was achieved when HH was implemented digitally in bigger groups.
Study results indicate that the HH game can improve well-being and MH for Syrian refugees. Importantly, results build on the base of evidence on digital MH interventions as promising tools on the way to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all.
Carine Fournier and Rémy Knafou
This chapter demonstrates that despite an unfavorable disciplinary climate for new academic subjects in France, tourism found its place in the French geographical scene almost 40…
This chapter demonstrates that despite an unfavorable disciplinary climate for new academic subjects in France, tourism found its place in the French geographical scene almost 40 years ago. The first part traces the history of tourism in French geography until the epistemological turn due to the research laboratory MIT in the mid-1990s. It also focuses on the absence of knowledge of the Anglo-American literature and of multidisciplinarity in French research on tourism. The second part focuses on the valorization of tourism geography research in France, emphasizing the development of multidisciplinarity since the early 2000s, including the creation of a multi-disciplinary tourism laboratory and two journals. The chapter concludes reflecting on the possibility of a science of tourism.
Adolescence is a period of new experiences, including dating. Romantic relationships can be a source of stress; one-third of teens experience dating violence (Molidor & Tolman…
Adolescence is a period of new experiences, including dating. Romantic relationships can be a source of stress; one-third of teens experience dating violence (Molidor & Tolman, 1998; Straus, 2004). Teens are also at a heightened risk for suicide; it is the third leading cause of death among teens (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2013a). Suicidal ideation, threats, and attempts occur within the context of a relationship where there is also dating violence (Chan, Straus, Brownridge, Tiwari, & Leung, 2008; Else, Goebert, Bell, Carlton, & Fukuda, 2009). Due to life course, adolescence may not have knowledge, experience, or skills to manage these situations. Furthermore, these experiences may shape romantic relationship expectations as adults. Both dating violence and suicidality have short- and long-term effects (for example, see Castellví et al., 2017; Coker et al., 2000; Exner-Cortens, Eckenrode, & Rothman, 2013; Holmes & Sher, 2013; Jouriles, Garrido, Rosenfield, & McDonald, 2009; Magdol et al., 1997; Zaha, Helm, Baker, & Hayes, 2013). However, little is known about how young women that experience teen dating violence and partner suicidality respond (except, see Baker, Helm, Bifulco, & Chung-Do, 2015). This study seeks to explore this gap.
As part of a larger study, 16 young women who had experienced a “bad dating relationship” as a teenager also disclosed that their boyfriends had threatened suicide. These young women completed in-depth, retrospective interviews to discuss their experiences. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using HyperResearch. Life course and grounded theory guided this research.
The young women that experienced suicidal threats by their dating partners were also victims of a range of abusive behaviors in their dating relationships, including verbal, physical, and sexual abuses and controlling behaviors. The young women struggled with how to deal with the suicidal ideation and the abuse concurrently. Some of the young women believed that the threats of suicide were real, and had concerns for their boyfriends’ well-being. Others believed that their boyfriend was using this as a manipulative tactic to get them the stay in the unhealthy relationship. This impacted how young women dealt with and reacted to the abuse, including if they chose to stay in the relationship or not.
Research limitations/implications
This study provides narratives from young women in relationships where there is dating violence and threats of suicide, which adds to our understanding of the dynamics of how life course impacts both dating violence and suicide. The sample is small and not generalizable. Future research should include both partners to provide a more holistic picture of the relationship. Additional research should also examine any differences of experiences based on gender, race and ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation.
Practical and social implications
This has serious implications for prevention education and intervention. Policy-makers may want to consider: (1) mandating additional training for teachers and other adults that work with teens, in order to identify warning signs of both dating violence and suicidal ideation, (2) require education for teens on these topics, and (3) ensure evidenced-based interventions are accessible to teens dealing with these issues.
This paper provides a deeper understanding of teen experiences with suicidal threats and how they respond to them within the context of an abusive dating relationship. Policy-makers, advocates, school personnel, and youth may benefit from these findings, particularly in regard to developing appropriate prevention education and interventions.
The food standards of the Indiana State Board of Health, which appear on another page, show that it is quite possible to lay down official definitions of various articles of food;…
The food standards of the Indiana State Board of Health, which appear on another page, show that it is quite possible to lay down official definitions of various articles of food; and a study of these regulations may be of assistance to those authorities who are striving to arrive at some form of order out of the chaos which at present exists in this country in matters relating to food standards. With reference to milk, it will be seen that not only is the question of composition dealt with, but strict directions are given that milk derived from a cow which can in any way be considered as diseased is regarded as impure, and must therefore, says the Board, be considered as adulterated. In regard to butter and margarine, limits are given for the total amount of fat—which must consist entirely of milk‐fat in the case of the former substance—water, and salt; and not only are all preservatives forbidden, but the colouring matters are restricted, only certain vegetable colouring matters and some few coal‐tar colours being permitted. All cheese containing less than 10 per cent, of fat derived from milk must be plainly labelled as “ skim‐milk cheese”; and if it contains fat other than milk‐fat, it must be described as “ filled cheese.” Some exception is taken to the use of preservatives in cheese, inasmuch as it appears that cheese may contain a preservative if the name of such preservative is duly notified upon the label ; and the rules for the colouring of cheese are the same as those which apply to butter and margarine. All articles of food containing preservatives are considered as adulterated unless the package bears a label, printed in plain type and quite visible to the purchaser, stating that a preservative is present, and also giving the name of the preservative which has been used. Articles of confectionery must not contain any ingredient deleterious to health, such as terra alba, barytes, talc, or other mineral substance, nor may they contain poisonous colours or flavours.
Magali Jara, Dany Vyt, Olivier Mevel, Thierry Morvan and Nelida Morvan
Click and collect (or grocery pickup) represents a growing part of the channel strategy of traditional off-line retailers. The aim of this study is to understand how customers…
Click and collect (or grocery pickup) represents a growing part of the channel strategy of traditional off-line retailers. The aim of this study is to understand how customers develop their perceptions toward this new channel. In other words, what are the key factors explaining the long-term value creation for each “click and collect” system depending on consumers’ profiles?
On the basis of a quantitative survey of 479 respondents, this research uses confirmatory analyses based on the partial least square path modeling.
Based on the structural model, the study finds that the customers’ relations, website and pickup station are the most important factors creating value for customers whatever the internet grocery shopping model. The global conceptual model has been implemented under many variations to test the age effect and the kind of click and collect model. It is made evident that customers’ benefits vary regarding the kind of click and collect model and the age of customers.
Research limitations/implications
This research allows a better understanding of the performance of the click and collect system by looking at the key factors that maximize the customers’ value and those that decrease it. Results precisely show variations of those factors according to the customer’s profile and the click and collect model.
This quantitative paper studies customer behaviors toward their usual retailer and their relationship with them. To do so, segmented approaches of the causal model are retained to provide specific recommendations.
A point repeatedly brought forward for the defence, or at all events for the purpose of mitigating the fine, in adulteration cases, is the statement that defendant's goods have…
A point repeatedly brought forward for the defence, or at all events for the purpose of mitigating the fine, in adulteration cases, is the statement that defendant's goods have been analysed on former occasions and have been found genuine. As illustrating the slight value of analyses of previous samples may be taken the average laudatory analyses on patent or proprietary foods, drinks, or medicine. The manufacturer calculates—and calculates rightly—that the general public will believe that the published analysis of a particular specimen which had been submitted to the analytical expert by the manufacturer himself, guarantees all the samples on the market to be equally pure. History has repeatedly proved that in 99 cases out of 100 the goods found on the market fall below the quality indicated by the published analyses. Not long ago a case bearing on this matter was tried in court, where samples of cocoa supplied by the wholesale firm were distributed; but, when the retailer tried to sell the bulk of the consignment, he had repeated complaints from his customers that the samples were a very much better article than what he was then supplying. He summoned the wholesale dealer and won his case. But what guarantee have the general public of the quality of any manufacturer's goods—unless the Control System as instituted in Great Britain is accepted and applied ? Inasmuch as any manufacturer who joins the firms under the British Analytical Control thereby undertakes to keep all his samples up to the requisite standard; as his goods thenceforth bear the Control stamp; and as any purchaser can at any time submit a sample bought on the open market to the analytical experts of the British Analytical Control, free of any charge, to ascertain if the sample is up to the published and requisite standard, it is plain that a condition of things is created which not only protects the public from being cheated, but also acts most beneficially for these firms which are not afraid to supply a genuine article. The public are much more willing to buy an absolutely guaranteed article, of which each sample must be kept up to the previous high quality, rather than one which was good while it was being introduced, but as soon as it became well known fell off in quality and continued to live on its reputation alone.
Frederick J. Brigham and Brittany L. Hott
All societies carry out sorting and classificatory actions, the way they view deviance changes over time for a variety of reasons that are sometimes unrelated to the behavior or…
All societies carry out sorting and classificatory actions, the way they view deviance changes over time for a variety of reasons that are sometimes unrelated to the behavior or its consequences (Moynihan, 1993). Also, some behaviors that were considered to be illnesses or crimes at one time have been redefined in ways that remove them from the medical, psychological, or legal professions' guidelines for interpreting them as deviant behaviors. Homosexuality is one example of such a reclassification (Bowker & Star, 1999).
Mohammed El Amine Abdelli, Jean Moussavou, Adriana Perez-Encinas, Ernesto Rodríguez-Crespo, Ana Pinto Borges, Atilla Akbaba, Thierry Levy-Tadjine and Didier Chabaud
Our comprehensive study, which is highly relevant to the current state of the tourism industry, investigated the extensive impact of tourism entrepreneurial ecosystems (TEE) on…
Our comprehensive study, which is highly relevant to the current state of the tourism industry, investigated the extensive impact of tourism entrepreneurial ecosystems (TEE) on sales growth in European countries based on a sample of 109 entrepreneurs.
We studied 109 entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in Germany and France and analyzed the data using quantitative methods.
The results showed that financing and funding, networks, technological and international trade affect the sales growth of the tourism entrepreneurs. In addition, the uneducated workforce, legal and political factors as well as TEE do not influence the sales growth.
These findings have significant and practical implications for entrepreneurs and policymakers in the tourism industry, providing them with valuable insights for decision-making.