Morgan E. Currie, Britt S. Paris and Joan M. Donovan
The purpose of this paper is to expand on emergent data activism literature to draw distinctions between different types of data management practices undertaken by groups of data…
The purpose of this paper is to expand on emergent data activism literature to draw distinctions between different types of data management practices undertaken by groups of data activists.
The authors offer three case studies that illuminate the data management strategies of these groups. Each group discussed in the case studies is devoted to representing a contentious political issue through data, but their data management practices differ in meaningful ways. The project Making Sense produces their own data on pollution in Kosovo. Fatal Encounters collects “missing data” on police homicides in the USA. The Environmental Data Governance Initiative hopes to keep vulnerable US data on climate change and environmental injustices in the public domain.
In analysing the three case studies, the authors surface how temporal dimensions, geographic scale and sociotechnical politics influence their differing data management strategies.
The authors build upon extant literature on data management infrastructure, which primarily discusses how these practices manifest in scientific and institutional research settings, to analyse how data management infrastructure is often crucial to social movements that rely on data to surface political issues.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
Britt Paris, Rebecca Reynolds and Gina Marcello
This paper aims to address some limitations in existing approaches to the study of mis- and dis-information and offers what the authors propose as a more comprehensive approach to…
This paper aims to address some limitations in existing approaches to the study of mis- and dis-information and offers what the authors propose as a more comprehensive approach to framing and studying these issues, geared toward the undergraduate level of learner. In doing so, the authors prioritize social shaping of technology and critical informatics perspectives as lenses for explicating and understanding complex mis- and dis-information phenomena. One purpose is to offer readers an understanding of the mis- and dis-information studies landscape, and advocate for the merit of taking the given approach the authors outline.
The paper builds upon design-based research (DBR) methods. In this paper, the authors present the actual curriculum that will be empirically researched in 2022 and beyond in a program of iterative DBR.
Findings of this conceptual paper comprise a fully articulated undergraduate syllabus for a course the authors entitled, “Disinformation Detox.” The authors will iterate upon this curriculum development in ongoing situated studies conducted in undergraduate classrooms.
The value and originality of this article is in its contribution of the ontological “innovation” of a way of framing the mis- and dis-information knowledge domain in terms of social shaping and critical informatics theories. The authors argue that the proposed approach offers students the opportunity to cultivate a complex form of what Milner and Phillips describe as “ecological literacy” that is in keeping with the mis- and dis-information problem domain.
DURING the past 40‐odd years or so, a number of experimental aeroplane types have been invented, visualized, designed, constructed and even flown which, in a quite unorthodox…
DURING the past 40‐odd years or so, a number of experimental aeroplane types have been invented, visualized, designed, constructed and even flown which, in a quite unorthodox manner, had neither behind the wing nor in front of it any sort of stabilizing and/or controlling surfaces.
Rachel Ashworth, Tom Entwistle, Julian Gould‐Williams and Michael Marinetto
This monograph contains abstracts from the 2005 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference Cardiff Business School,Cardiff University, 6‐7th September 2005
This monograph contains abstracts from the 2005 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, 6‐7th September 2005
We are interested in the projected visit to be made by British librarians at Whitsuntide to the Brussels Institute of Bibliography. Unfortunately the tribulations of the past…
We are interested in the projected visit to be made by British librarians at Whitsuntide to the Brussels Institute of Bibliography. Unfortunately the tribulations of the past seven years have rudely interrupted the pleasant relations British librarians were establishing with their Continental brethren. Visits were paid by the “Easter Schools,” as they were called, of the L.A.A. to Brussels, Paris, and Holland in 1911, 1912, and 1913, and in 1914 their foreign friends came to London. The feature of these “schools” was its list of visits to carefully‐selected libraries, but there was also a social side which occupied a great part of each day. We understand that the visit at present in view will have a similar character. If the spirit of former visits can be recaptured, all who go will have reason to congratulate themselves.
Maura J. Mills and Leanne M. Tortez
We review the state of the literature concerning work–family conflict in the military, focusing on service members’ parenting roles and overall family and child well-being. This…
We review the state of the literature concerning work–family conflict in the military, focusing on service members’ parenting roles and overall family and child well-being. This includes recognition that for many women service members, parenting considerations often arise long before a child is born, thereby further complicating work–family conflict considerations in regard to gender-specific conflict factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Subsequently, we consider more gender-invariant conflict factors, such as the nature of the work itself as causing conflict for the service member as parent (e.g., nontraditional hours, long separations, and child care challenges) as well as for the child (e.g., irregular contact with parent, fear for parent’s safety, and frequent relocations), and the ramifications of such conflict on service member and child well-being. Finally, we review formalized support resources that are in place to mitigate negative effects of such conflict, and make recommendations to facilitate progress in research and practice moving forward.
The 32nd Salon International de L'Aéronautique et de L'Espace will be staged at Le Bourget—Paris Airport from June 2–12, 1977.
The european market deregulation involves administrative barriers disparition. According american neo‐classic theory, all firm will be able to act in an economic sector under the…
The european market deregulation involves administrative barriers disparition. According american neo‐classic theory, all firm will be able to act in an economic sector under the condition of rentability. Thus the european air transport sector is concerned by such evolution. All air freedom issued from the convention of Chicago are abolished. Any firm can get an air transport licence under the condition of satisfying security and financial rules. Three strategic ways could be choseen by this new actors: Confrontation, Cooperation and the concentration on unexploited commercial services.
Bright dipping. A description is given of the equipment used for ‘parkerising’ or bright dipping metals, especially where a series of successive bath treatments occur. The…
Bright dipping. A description is given of the equipment used for ‘parkerising’ or bright dipping metals, especially where a series of successive bath treatments occur. The articles are carried in baskets or on conveyors from jigs, and the main concern of the specification is the automatic programming arrangements for such equipment to immerse and remove from the bath liquor the baskets or jig supports after the desired reaction time of immersion for the components.—Brit. Pat. 734,137, Hockley Chemical Co. Ltd., Birmingham.