IT WAS QUITE AN EVENT when the Americans brought off that tremendous gamble in 1969 and succeeded in landing two men on the moon and bringing them safely back. It was even more of…
IT WAS QUITE AN EVENT when the Americans brought off that tremendous gamble in 1969 and succeeded in landing two men on the moon and bringing them safely back. It was even more of an event to find science‐fiction writers such as Ray Bradbury and Brian Aldiss brought specially on to TV programmes to add their comments on this feat. Ten or twenty years ago, this would have seemed ridiculous, an unheard‐of thing, as science‐fiction writers were obviously just pie‐in‐the‐sky dreamers who wrote imaginative rubbish!
Reports the results of the first stage of a study whichinvestigates the adoption of just‐in‐time (JIT) manufacturing systemsand the design of appropriate accounting information…
Reports the results of the first stage of a study which investigates the adoption of just‐in‐time (JIT) manufacturing systems and the design of appropriate accounting information systems (AIS). While almost all adopters report that JIT has provided benefits to their business, it is not clear that managers fully understand or are, as yet, capable of exploiting the full advantages of JIT. Identifies several factors which appear to be important in the successful implementation of JIT management systems in Australia, including the close geographic proximity of suppliers and customers, the existence of a highly competitive market, a broad product range, small to medium firm size, the existence of flexible manufacturing technology, large inventory holdings as a percentage of total assets, the use of JIT by dominant industry members (automobile manufacturers) and a low degree of vertical integration in the firm. Industry type is also an important factor.
ELSEWHERE in this number we list libraries which have Esent us copies of their annual reports which we are glad to have. Now and again we are able to elaborate on these, but in…
ELSEWHERE in this number we list libraries which have Esent us copies of their annual reports which we are glad to have. Now and again we are able to elaborate on these, but in the present issue that has not been possible. We would say, however, that these reports are deserving of the attention of librarians generally, and of students at the library schools. They are records of work in progress, and they do suggest the development of library policy. The best of them are of textbook value.
BRS is continuing to demonstrate leadership status in the transport field by embarking on an extensive quality programme with the accreditation of its first branch at Preston, UK…
The offshore oil industry is making a profound impact on different parts of the British Isles. It is only three years since Scotland advanced into the oil age with the proving of…
The offshore oil industry is making a profound impact on different parts of the British Isles. It is only three years since Scotland advanced into the oil age with the proving of the Forties field, and a similar process may soon follow around the Celtic Sea area. Many difficult decisions and adjustments have to be made (both onshore and offshore) in the fields of employment, planning, the provision of infrastructure, marine engineering, offshore supply and transport. In such a fast‐moving industry information provision is of paramount importance, but the speed of development makes it all the more difficult to achieve. This paper attempts to aid decision making by showing what information is available in published form, and by discussing some of the available sources of unpublished data. The writer's own attempts to fill some of the information gaps are discussed and some basic acquisitions are recommended for anyone starting to build up a collection on offshore oil.
Mastermix Engineering Co. Ltd. have appointed John Limbrick, ACCA, as company accountant. Prior to joining Mastermix Mr. Limbrick was a partner in a West Midland firm of…
Anthony Ward, Sarah Cooper, Frank Cave and William Lucas
The last three decades have witnessed a fundamental shift in the structure of many western economies, which have seen a decline in the number of large enterprises and a marked…
The last three decades have witnessed a fundamental shift in the structure of many western economies, which have seen a decline in the number of large enterprises and a marked increase in the number of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (Cooper, 1998). In1999 there were 3.7 million enterprises in the UK, of which 24,000 were medium sized (50–249 employees) and there were only 7,000 large firms (250 or more); SMEs accounted for 38% of national turnover (Hawkins, 2001). There is growing recognition that the future of work for many will lie in SMEs, as small firms play an increasingly important role in economic development and growth, and opportunities for life-long careers in large firms decline (Cooper, 1997). The rate of technological and economic change will also lead to individuals as well as employers having a greater variety of careers; thus, the concept of the portfolio career is likely to become much more common (Henderson & Robertson, 2000). Such trends imply that the world of work, which today's graduates are entering, is very different from that which their counterparts stepped into a decade ago. Today's resource-constrained small firm represents a fast changing, dynamic environment in need of adaptable, flexible and multitasking employees, who are able to contribute and add value to the organisation from a very early stage. The challenge for education is to develop future employees who not only have the right skills but also the ability to learn from experience and adapt to a dynamic and rapidly changing environment.
THERE are two ways of settling your tax bill: Pay as You Earn or Pay as You Like. Any executive worth his expenses belongs in the latter category, and there is a vast brains trust…
THERE are two ways of settling your tax bill: Pay as You Earn or Pay as You Like. Any executive worth his expenses belongs in the latter category, and there is a vast brains trust of experts to help him stay there.
New Officers — It is traditional — and most certainly prudent — for formal NASCP Chapter activities which peaked with the Washington Conference in May to subside during the…
New Officers — It is traditional — and most certainly prudent — for formal NASCP Chapter activities which peaked with the Washington Conference in May to subside during the summer. The interweaving of vacation schedules with normal business activities makes it impossible for a majority of the membership to dedicate much real time to the concerns of the Society. While we mortals are taking our ease, a gallant few — our new officers — are engaged in developing firm action plans for 1978–79.