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1 – 10 of 142The origin of the gravity model can he traced as far back as G. W. von Liehnitz in the late seventeenth Century and A. Comte, A. Quételet and H. C. Carey in the nineteenth; it was…
The origin of the gravity model can he traced as far back as G. W. von Liehnitz in the late seventeenth Century and A. Comte, A. Quételet and H. C. Carey in the nineteenth; it was argued that human behaviour could be treated by analogy to and with techniques derived from the physical sciences, that the influence of one population on another would vary directly with the size of the population and inversely with distance.
This chapter is an examination of what is meant by the term ‘Good Farmer’ and whether or not this is compatible with being a good businessperson. The term ‘Feckless Farmer’ is…
This chapter is an examination of what is meant by the term ‘Good Farmer’ and whether or not this is compatible with being a good businessperson. The term ‘Feckless Farmer’ is introduced to describe someone who is the opposite of a Good Farmer. And all of this is considered with reference to the farmers of the village of Ambridge in the West Midlands, with special emphasis on the practices of Brian Aldridge and his recent issues with contamination of his land and neighbouring watercourses. This work starts by defining key terms before moving on to consider the similarities and differences between farms and other types of businesses. The different philosophical paradigms that can underlie different definitions and practices of a Good Farmer are also explored. The ways that the economies of farms differ from most businesses will also be discussed. With some conclusions being drawn as to whether Mr Aldridge is a Good Farmer or a Feckless one, and if he deserved to be lauded as an award-winning businessperson.
Ruth Heilbronn and Rosalind Janssen
Research suggests that parentally bereaved children are likely to experience lower academic success and may need long-term support through tertiary education. Gender matters …
Research suggests that parentally bereaved children are likely to experience lower academic success and may need long-term support through tertiary education. Gender matters — boys bereaved of fathers and girls bereaved of mothers are at increased risk. Boys also exhibit higher levels of emotional and behavioural issues following bereavement. Age is another factor and exam results of children bereaved before the age of five or at twelve are significantly more affected than those bereaved at other ages. Circumstances affecting these achievements concern the relationship between the child’s emotional state and how it plays out in behaviour and motivation in school.
Significantly, Freddie Pargetter, the subject of the chapter, has a twin sister, Lily. The twins had just turned 12 when their father was killed. Comparing the twins’ General Certificate of Education (GCSE) results fits the research patterns — Lily managed well and Freddie did not. Freddie recognises that the academic environment of Felpersham Cathedral School did not support him well and chooses Borchester FE College to continue his studies. This choice raises controversy in the family, indicative of well-rehearsed, real-world educational arguments. Social media responses to other Archers plot lines reveal the extent of how educational issues in the programme resonate with listeners.
The tourist industry is not a single entity but consists of a heterogeneous group of firms and establishments providing a wide range of services for tourists. Some of these…
The tourist industry is not a single entity but consists of a heterogeneous group of firms and establishments providing a wide range of services for tourists. Some of these businesses are entirely or mainly dependent upon tourist spending, whilst others cater primarily for the resident population and their income from holiday‐makers forms only a marginal addition to their revenue. Yet tourist spending becomes diffused through a region with multiplier effect and many other sectors of the economy receive secondary benefits from the initial round of tourist spending.
This article concentrates on the application of econometrics in the development of international tourism marketing strategies. In particular it examines how empirical results can…
This article concentrates on the application of econometrics in the development of international tourism marketing strategies. In particular it examines how empirical results can be related to a market choice matrix in identifying the most attractive countries for allocating marketing resources and limited promotional funds.
Position du problème L'analyse prévisionnelle des flux et de la demande touristique est, d'une manière générale, fondée sur l'analyse quantitative et statistique des données. Ce…
Position du problème L'analyse prévisionnelle des flux et de la demande touristique est, d'une manière générale, fondée sur l'analyse quantitative et statistique des données. Ce type d'analyse permet d'établir les conséquences d'un projet touristique sur une région déterminée quant aux revenus des individus, aux investissements, aux revenus fiscaux et à l'emploi qu'il est susceptible de générer. Les coûts sont aussi calculés afin de déterminer, comparativement aux avantages obtenus, l'effet net sur la région concernée. Cependant, les avantages et les coûts d'un projet touristique ne se limitent pas aux bénéfices et aux coûts monétaires; ils peuvent être aussi de nature culturelle, sociale et environnementale. Des bénéfices externes résultent des avantages de la récréation, des activités sociales et culturelles qu'un projet touristique apporte à la population locale et aux touristes et pour lesquels ces derniers ne défraient qu'une fraction des coûts nécessités par ces activités. Ces avantages et ces coûts externes ne se prêtent pas aisément à des mesures quantitatives et statistiques. Ils sont de nature qualitative et exigent l'application de méthodes de détermination et d'analyse susceptibles de compléter le calcul des dépenses touristiques et de leurs conséquences monétaires afin d'améliorer la décision en matière d'aménagement, d'intervention et d'investissement touristiques.
La complexité de l'analyse et du traitement des données relatives à la création et aux conséquences d'un nouveau mega projet est souvent assez grande. La détermination des effets…
La complexité de l'analyse et du traitement des données relatives à la création et aux conséquences d'un nouveau mega projet est souvent assez grande. La détermination des effets de l'implantation d'un projet touristique d'envergure, résultant d'une nou‐velle demande exogène telle les dépenses touri‐stiques, touchent, à titre d'exemple, à la création d'emplois et aux investissements nouveaux requis.
Jack L. Knetsch and Turgut Var
The impact of tourism on local economies has long been a concern of individual communities and of governmental agencies interested in promoting this source of local income. The…
The impact of tourism on local economies has long been a concern of individual communities and of governmental agencies interested in promoting this source of local income. The magnitudes are often large and, with fluctuations, continue to increase. The development of recreational opportunities and tourist facilities is often viewed as a means of redressing disparities in regional incomes and employment, and as a major factor in national balance of payments. Indeed, some nations seem to practice a new mercantile policy of maximizing receipts from foreign tourists and minimizing the expenditures of its own nationals abroad (Barucci, 1976).