Weimin Zhai, Zhongzhen Lin and Biwen Xu
With the rapid development of technology, 360° panorama on mobile as a very convenient way to present virtual reality has brought a new shopping experience to consumers. Usually…
With the rapid development of technology, 360° panorama on mobile as a very convenient way to present virtual reality has brought a new shopping experience to consumers. Usually, consumers get product information through virtual annotations in 360° panorama and then make a series of shopping behaviors. The visual design of virtual annotation significantly influences users' online visual search for product information. This study aims to investigate the influence of the visual design of virtual annotation on consumers' shopping experience in the online shopping interface of 360° panorama.
A 2 × 3 between-subject design was planned to help explore whether different display model of annotation (i.e. negative polarity and positive polarity) and different background transparency of annotation (i.e. 0% transparency, 25% transparency and 50% transparency) may affect users' task performance and their subjective evaluations.
(1) Virtual annotations with different background transparency affect user performance, and transparency has better visual search performance. (2) Virtual annotation background display mode may affect the user operation performance; the positive polarity of the virtual annotation is more convenient for the users' visual searching for product information. (3) When the annotation background transparency is opaque or semi-transparent, the negative polarity display is more favorable to the users' visual search. However, this situation is reversed when the annotation background transparency is 25%. (4) Participants preferred the presentation of positive polarity virtual annotations. (5) Regarding the degree of willingness to use and ease of understanding, participants preferred the negative polarity display for 0% background transparency or 50% background transparency. However, the opposite result was obtained for 25% background transparency.
The findings generated from the research can be a good reference for the development of virtual annotation visual design for mobile shopping applications.
Virtual annotation background transparency and background display mode are two essential attributes of 360° panoramas.
This study examined how virtual annotation background transparency and background display mode influence user performance and experience.
It is recommended to use a translucent or opaque annotation background with a negative polarity display.
Virtual annotation presentation with 25% background transparency facilitates consumer searching and comparison of product information.
Users prefer a positive polarity annotation display.
Virtual annotation background transparency and background display mode are two essential attributes of 360° panoramas.
This study examined how virtual annotation background transparency and background display mode influence user performance and experience.
It is recommended to use a translucent or opaque annotation background with a negative polarity display.
Virtual annotation presentation with 25% background transparency facilitates consumer searching and comparison of product information.
Users prefer a positive polarity annotation display.