Discusses the confusion in terminology used between IBM compatiblemachines and Macintosh systems. Provides a glossary of Macintosh termsand how they relate to IBM language.
Discusses the confusion in terminology used between IBM compatible machines and Macintosh systems. Provides a glossary of Macintosh terms and how they relate to IBM language.
Jacquelyn Benson, Steffany Kerr and Ashley Ermer
Research on relational maintenance of long-distance or cross-residential romantic relationships is limited. Moreover, relatively little is known about relational maintenance among…
Research on relational maintenance of long-distance or cross-residential romantic relationships is limited. Moreover, relatively little is known about relational maintenance among non-marital intimate partners in later life, many of whom prefer to live-apart-together (LAT) rather than cohabit. This research paper examines how older adults from the United States maintain their romantic relationships across residences. The authors conducted a grounded theory study drawing on interviews collected from 22 older adults in LAT relationships. The data revealed that older LAT partners engage in a process of safeguarding autonomy to maintain their partnerships and relationship satisfaction. Two broad strategies were identified: upholding separateness and reshaping expectations. While safeguarding autonomy was paramount, participants also emphasized the importance of having a flexible mindset about the physical copresence of their relationships. The findings have implications for practice, suggesting that creating an interdependent couple-identity may undermine, or at least have little bearing on, the relationship stability of older LAT couples. Future research is needed to determine how LAT experiences among racially/ethnically or socioeconomically diverse samples might differ.
Considers the special features built into the PRISM documentationand training materials. Discusses the format of the documentation,particularly new features: introduction to…
Considers the special features built into the PRISM documentation and training materials. Discusses the format of the documentation, particularly new features: introduction to PRISM, system access and operation, use of icons, appendices, and comparisons with earlier OCLC systems.
Identifies shortcuts to producing text of high quality presentationwithout desktop publishing software. Illustrates how to create em and enlines, ellipses, correct spacing and…
Identifies shortcuts to producing text of high quality presentation without desktop publishing software. Illustrates how to create em and en lines, ellipses, correct spacing and special characters.
Gavin E. Oxburgh and Coral J. Dando
The purpose of this paper is to discuss two distinct but interrelated areas, namely witness/victim and suspect interviewing, and to argue that both must continue to evolve…
The purpose of this paper is to discuss two distinct but interrelated areas, namely witness/victim and suspect interviewing, and to argue that both must continue to evolve, suggest how they might do so, and that this process must be driven by emergent theory and contemporary empirical research.
The paper outlines the impact of psychological theory and empirical research to investigative interviewing in recent decades.
It is argued that in order to stay ahead of the game, the field of investigative interviewing (suspect and witness) must continue to evolve in such a manner that not only protects and fosters the important practitioner/academic relationship, but also ensures that future directions are driven by empirical research, with recourse to emergent theory.
The paper outlines the impact of psychological theory and empirical research on investigative interviewing and the consequent enhancement of the interviewing of both suspected offenders and witnesses. The paper demonstrates that working closely together academic research can make a difference, and influence law, policy decisions and training guidelines in order to improve practice.
The purpose of this paper is to consider a major cause of miscarriages of justice worldwide, namely the police investigative and interviewing process.
The purpose of this paper is to consider a major cause of miscarriages of justice worldwide, namely the police investigative and interviewing process.
This phenomenon is examined through the lens of psychiatric and psychological research findings and subsequent recommendations that have made a significant impact in term of changes to legislation, policy, and practice in the UK.
The paper shows that despite major improvements in this area in the UK there is still no room for complacency, as miscarriages of justice continue to occur both here and worldwide.
Research limitations/implications
This paper calls for researchers to continue to identify the weaknesses in the police investigative and interview process and to propose reform based on their scientific findings.
The paper highlights what remains a somewhat neglected piece of the investigative jigsaw, namely the interviewing of adult victims and witnesses, pinpointing this as an area where transparency and further research is required.
Bridget Gorman, Becky Wade and Alexa Solazzo
To determine gendered patterns of preventive medical care (physical and dental/optical) use among pan-ethnic U.S. Asian and Latino adults.
To determine gendered patterns of preventive medical care (physical and dental/optical) use among pan-ethnic U.S. Asian and Latino adults.
Using National Latino and Asian American Study (2004) data, we apply Andersen’s (1995) Behavioral Model of Health Services Use to assess how preventive care use among Asian and Latino men and women varies as a function of predisposing, enabling, and need-based characteristics. We explore whether adjustment for these factors mediates gender disparities in both physical and dental/optical check-ups, and test whether certain factors operate differently among men versus women.
A higher proportion of women reported a routine care visit last year, especially among Latinos. Adjusting for predisposing, enabling, and need-based factors explained the gender difference in reporting a dental/optician check-up, but not a physical check-up, among both Asian and Latino adults.
Research limitations/implications
Our findings illustrate how gender patterns in routine care use differ by race/ethnicity, and highlight the fundamental importance of enabling characteristics (especially health insurance and having a regular doctor) for shaping routine care use between men and women, both Asian and Latino. Limitations of this chapter are that the data are cross-sectional and were collected before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and measures are self-reported.
This chapter focuses on Asian and Latinos because they represent the fastest growing minority populations in the United States, yet few studies have evaluated gender differences in preventative health care use among these groups.
Proposes a solution to the problem of sluggish HyperCard stacksresponse on Macintosh machines. Describes the HyperCard solutionavailable at authoring user level, using stack…
Proposes a solution to the problem of sluggish HyperCard stacks response on Macintosh machines. Describes the HyperCard solution available at authoring user level, using stack info... and compact stack, as well as a method of automating this procedure.