Fola Esan, Melanie Pittaway, Beatrice Nyamande and Alex Graham
This paper aims to describe the experience of a secure learning disability service in participating in the national Shared Pathway pilot project in secure services.
This paper aims to describe the experience of a secure learning disability service in participating in the national Shared Pathway pilot project in secure services.
Some background drivers to the project are explored as well as the experience of service users and staff who were involved in the pilot project. Recommendations on service‐wide implementation of the Shared Pathway are made.
The Shared Pathway will lead to considerable changes in practice. This will also have resource implications.
The paper shows that the Shared Pathway may be useful in ensuring evidence based outcomes are routinely used by clinicians in secure services in collaboration with patients. It may also clarify to patients what their role is in engaging in treatment that helps them in moving through secure services.