Bashar Yaser Almansour, Muneer M. Alshater, Hazem Marashdeh, Mohamed Dhiaf and Osama F. Atayah
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamic return volatility connectedness among S&P, Dow Jones (DJ) sustainability indices and their conventional counterparts.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamic return volatility connectedness among S&P, Dow Jones (DJ) sustainability indices and their conventional counterparts.
This study uses time-series daily data for 10 S&P and DJ indices over the period of December 1, 2012 to December 8, 2021. The authors divide the data into three periods; over the whole sample, pre and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study adopts the connectedness approach developed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2014).
The results reveal a high degree of connectedness between S&P and DJ indices and their relative sustainability indices over the whole sample, pre and during the Covid-19 pandemic, indicating that the sustainability indices converge toward their conventional peers. The results further show that the conventional S&P500, S&P Euro 50 and DJWI are the main transmitters of shocks, whereas the S&P400, S&P500 and S&P50 sustainability indices are the main receivers of shocks.
The study provides novel insights in terms of shock transmission of S&P and DJ sustainability indices and their conventional counterparts, where there is a lack of investigation of the connectedness between indices in this field.
Practical implications
The study has significant implications for investors and portfolio managers to devise portfolio strategies to minimize risk and trace the cause, the direction and the magnitude of risk transmission among different indices. Also, the results help policymakers to manage diverse types of risks associated with S&P and DJ indices. Finally, faith-based and ethical investors would be able to predict the pairwise spillover connectedness between these indices.
Muneer M. Alshater, Rim El Khoury and Bashar Almansour
This study aims to investigate the dynamics of return connectedness of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) composite index with five regional equity…
This study aims to investigate the dynamics of return connectedness of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) composite index with five regional equity indices, three global equity indices and other different asset classes during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
This study uses daily data spanning from January 2, 2018, to December 23, 2021. A subsample analysis is conducted to determine the role of uncertainty in modifying the connectedness structure during the ongoing pandemic period.
The results of this study show that the nature of connectedness is time-frequent, with clear evidence for a higher level of connectedness during stress periods, especially after the onset of the pandemic. The GCC index is found to be a net receiver of shocks to other assets, with an increase in magnitude during the COVID period.
Research limitations/implications
This study is limited by the use of only daily data, and future research could consider using higher frequency data.
Practical implications
The results of this study confirm the disturbing effects of the pandemic on the GCC index and its connectedness with other assets, which matters for policymakers and investors.
This study provides new insights into the dynamics of return connectedness of the GCC index with other assets during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which has not been previously explored.
Fahmida Akhter, Mohammad Rokibul Hossain, Hamzah Elrehail, Shafique Ur Rehman and Bashar Almansour
The study seeks to evaluate the extent and quality of environmental reporting following a longitudinal analysis and covering a wide spectrum of industries in a single frame. The…
The study seeks to evaluate the extent and quality of environmental reporting following a longitudinal analysis and covering a wide spectrum of industries in a single frame. The study also attempts to identify the set of most favored environmental reporting items by firms and items which are least disclosed. Furthermore, the study attempts to test whether certain corporate attributes such as firm size, age of the firm, leverage ratio, profitability, presence of independent directors in the board and gender diversity have any influencing power over environmental disclosure practices. The whole study has been carried out from legitimacy theory setting.
The study follows longitudinal analysis to identify the extent and quality of environmental disclosures. A self-constructed checklist of 12 environmental reporting items has been developed analyzing the annual report and content analysis method is followed to measure the extent and quality of environmental disclosures and identify environmental reporting items which are mostly disclosed and which are least disclosed. The study further uses panel data regression analysis to investigate whether certain corporate attributes have any impact on environmental disclosures using multiple linear regression. Total of 345 annual reports of listed financial and nonfinancial institutions have been observed in this study ranging from 2015 to 2019.
The key finding suggests that strict enforcement of Green Banking Rules 2011 fosters country’s commercial banks to invest more to protect the environment and commercial banks encourage nonfinancial institutions for environmental performance and related disclosures through finance. Therefore, almost 50% of sample firms disclose their environmental performance through reporting in either narrative, quantitative or monetary format which was only 2.23% in the last decade. Findings also reveal that tree plantation is the most reported environment disclosure followed by investment in renewable energy and green infrastructural projects and the least reported items are fund allocation for climatic changes and carbon management policy. Further analysis shows that firm size and leverage ratio both have positive impact on environmental reporting.
Research limitations/implications
An in-depth analysis may be conducted to identify why certain environmental items are least disclosed such as fund allotment for climatic changes, carbon management policy, etc. and how corporations may earn social appreciation and motivation by investing in those least preferred items in legitimacy theory setting. Future research may also take into consideration other corporate attributes which are not considered in the study.
The study conducted an in-depth analysis to understand the most favored form of environmental disclosures (narrative/quantitative/monetary) and their extent after incorporation of regulatory guidelines, which is the first of its kind in the research of environmental disclosures. The study indeed contributes to the documentation of environmental reporting in the context of a developing country where there is a lack of longitudinal analysis from the lens of legitimacy theory. Moreover, a wide spectrum of industries has been taken into consideration which facilitates the generalized findings on the environmental disclosure practices of corporations in Bangladesh.
本研究擬評估公司報告環境方面的程度和質量, 以及對就環境報告披露而言、最受青睞和最不受歡迎的項目加以處理。研究亦擬測試企業屬性對實踐環境信息披露的影響。
研究使用內容分析法、去測量環境信息披露的程度和質量。研究使用多元回歸分析、去探討企業屬性對環境信息披露的影響。研究涵蓋孟加拉國上市公司共345個年度報告, 涵蓋的年期為2015年至 2019年。
研究結果似乎顯示綠色金融規則 - 2011 、成功鼓勵機構為保護環境而投放更多資源; 機構最樂於匯報的項目為植樹, 而披露最少的則為氣候變化和碳管理政策。進一步的研究分析顯示, 公司的規模和杠杆比率均會對環境匯報帶來正面的影響。
本研究豐富了關於發展中國家環境匯報的官方文件記錄, 而在這類國家, 透過合法化理論而進行的縱貫性分析研究頗為缺乏。本研究以深度分析法、去瞭解環境信息披露方面最受青睞的信息披露方式 (故事形式的敘述/定量形式/金融形式), 也去瞭解納入強制的規管指引後環境信息披露的程度; 就此而言, 本研究為這類環境信息披露研究的首個研究。
Tanzina Hossain and Pallabi Siddiqua
Determining the impact of behavioral influences on the stock market has significant implications for investment analysis and portfolio management. Behavioral biases are parameters…
Determining the impact of behavioral influences on the stock market has significant implications for investment analysis and portfolio management. Behavioral biases are parameters that need to be considered in investment decision-making. The purpose of this study is to inform Bangladeshi investors about behavioral biases that they may encounter when making investment decisions in the prevailing frontier environment.
Through the chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, paired-samples t-test and descriptive analysis based on the facts collected from 281 respondents of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the study has found that individual investors of Bangladesh often make investment decisions emotionally rather than based on theories.
The result shows that risk aversion and risk perception are the two most influential emotional dimensions that impact investors' decisions. The findings are consistent with the other researchers and highlight the fact that investors hardly act according to the norms recommended in the financial theories.
Research limitations/implications
The findings are grounded on a small portion of investors at DSE on some particular days, which is not sufficient to study individual investors' entire complex decision-making behavior from various angles. Many respondents were reluctant and even confused to disclose their behavioral aspects. These, along with biased and careless answers, may impede the identification of the actual scenario of the behavioral responses in decision-making that demand further study.
The novelty of this study is unique in that it examined investors of the DSE, who are considered to be a representative in a frontier market like Bangladesh. Since this market is not very resilient, small investors need to be aware of the biases of behavioral factors to survive.
S.M. Riha Parvin, Niyaz Panakaje, Niha Sheikh, Mahammad Thauseef P., Shakira Irfana, Abhinandan Kulal, Musla V., Mahammad Shahid, Abdul Basith N.M. and Mohammad Nihal
In the verge of assessing Muslims’ participation in stock market, present study delved into evaluating the influence of Islamic religiosity (IR) on Muslim investor’s financial…
In the verge of assessing Muslims’ participation in stock market, present study delved into evaluating the influence of Islamic religiosity (IR) on Muslim investor’s financial engagement factors with respect to stock market (i.e. financial literacy [FL], Islamic financial literacy [IFL], behavioural factors [BF], Shariah compliance [SC], technology adoption [TA] and institutional support [IS]), stock market participation (SMP) and financial well-being (FWB). Further, this study aims to examine the mediating role of IFL, TA and SMP and moderating role of IS.
Using a mixed-methods approach, a structured survey questionnaire was administered and responses have been collected from 319 Muslim investors from South India using stratified random sampling. Further, data was analysed using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 by implementing one-way ANOVA, measurement model and structural equation model to assess the differences, mediating and moderating roles.
In this study, it is discovered that IR significantly impacts Muslim investor’s financial engagement factors, SMP and FWB. Further, it is explored that IFL accelerates the impact of FL and SC on SMP. The results also demonstrated the intervening role of TA in enhancing SMP through BF and the mediating role of SMP among Muslim investors with strong IR to attain and enjoy FWB. Interestingly, our study also argued that when the IS is more, the effect of IR on SMP is high.
Research limitations/implications
Geographical boundaries are restricted to India, where the study proposes future studies in Islamic countries to better understand the religious belief system of the investors, as SC may vary in different countries.
Practical implications
In accordance with the results, it is recommended that the regulatory bodies and institutions intervene, support and incorporate IFL and also provide user-friendly Tec platforms to monitor and filter stocks and financial products for SC.
Social implications
The present study intends to tackle the misconception of Islamic values with respect to participating in the stock market and recommends to undertake policy and regulatory framework to ensure the inclusive development of this community.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no studies so far have pondered on the mediating role of SMP in enhancing the effectiveness of IR on their FWB. Further, this study collectively examines the influence of IR on various financial engagement factors affecting SMP leading to FWB.