Bahman Arasteh, Razieh Sadegi and Keyvan Arasteh
Software module clustering is one of the reverse engineering techniques, which is considered to be an effective technique for presenting software architecture and structural…
Software module clustering is one of the reverse engineering techniques, which is considered to be an effective technique for presenting software architecture and structural information. The objective of clustering software modules is to achieve minimum coupling among different clusters and create maximum cohesion among the modules of each cluster. Finding the best clustering is considered to be a multi-objective N-P hard optimization-problem, and for solving this problem, different meta-heuristic algorithms have been previously proposed. Achieving higher module lustering quality (MQ), obtaining higher success rate for achieving the best clustering quality and improving convergence speed are the main objectives of this study.
In this study, a method (Bölen) is proposed for clustering software modules which combines the two algorithms of shuffled frog leaping and genetic algorithm.
The results of conducted experiments using traditional data sets confirm that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods in terms of convergence speed, module clustering quality and stability of the results.
The study proposes SFLA_GA algorithm for optimizing software module clustering, implementing SFLA algorithm in a discrete form by two operators of the genetic algorithm and achieving the above-mentioned purposes in this study. The aim is to achieve higher performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with other algorithms.
Bahman Arasteh and Ali Ghaffari
Reducing the number of generated mutants by clustering redundant mutants, reducing the execution time by decreasing the number of generated mutants and reducing the cost of…
Reducing the number of generated mutants by clustering redundant mutants, reducing the execution time by decreasing the number of generated mutants and reducing the cost of mutation testing are the main goals of this study.
In this study, a method is suggested to identify and prone the redundant mutants. In the method, first, the program source code is analyzed by the developed parser to filter out the effectless instructions; then the remaining instructions are mutated by the standard mutation operators. The single-line mutants are partially executed by the developed instruction evaluator. Next, a clustering method is used to group the single-line mutants with the same results. There is only one complete run per cluster.
The results of experiments on the Java benchmarks indicate that the proposed method causes a 53.51 per cent reduction in the number of mutants and a 57.64 per cent time reduction compared to similar experiments in the MuJava and MuClipse tools.
Developing a classifier that takes the source code of the program and classifies the programs' instructions into effective and effectless classes using a dependency graph; filtering out the effectless instructions reduces the total number of mutants generated; Developing and implementing an instruction parser and instruction-level mutant generator for Java programs; the mutant generator takes instruction in the original program as a string and generates its single-line mutants based on the standard mutation operators in MuJava; Developing a stack-based evaluator that takes an instruction (original or mutant) and the test data and evaluates its result without executing the whole program.
Nasrin Shomali and Bahman Arasteh
For delivering high-quality software applications, proper testing is required. A software test will function successfully if it can find more software faults. The traditional…
For delivering high-quality software applications, proper testing is required. A software test will function successfully if it can find more software faults. The traditional method of assessing the quality and effectiveness of a test suite is mutation testing. One of the main drawbacks of mutation testing is its computational cost. The research problem of this study is the high computational cost of the mutation test. Reducing the time and cost of the mutation test is the main goal of this study.
With regard to the 80–20 rule, 80% of the faults are found in 20% of the fault-prone code of a program. The proposed method statically analyzes the source code of the program to identify the fault-prone locations of the program. Identifying the fault-prone (complex) paths of a program is an NP-hard problem. In the proposed method, a firefly optimization algorithm is used for identifying the most fault-prone paths of a program; then, the mutation operators are injected only on the identified fault-prone instructions.
The source codes of five traditional benchmark programs were used for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method to reduce the mutant number. The proposed method was implemented in Matlab. The mutation injection operations were carried out by MuJava, and the output was investigated. The results confirm that the proposed method considerably reduces the number of mutants, and consequently, the cost of software mutation-test.
The proposed method avoids the mutation of nonfault-prone (simple) codes of the program, and consequently, the number of mutants considerably is reduced. In a program with n branch instructions (if instruction), there are 2n execution paths (test paths) that the data and codes into each of these paths can be considered as a target of mutation. Identifying the error-prone (complex) paths of a program is an NP-hard problem. In the proposed method, a firefly optimization algorithm as a heuristic algorithm is used for identifying the most error-prone paths of a program; then, the mutation operators (faults) are injected only on the identified fault-prone instructions.
Seyed Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Bahman Arasteh, Ayaz Isazadeh, Mehran Mohsenzadeh and Mitra Mirzarezaee
The purpose of this study is to reduce the number of mutations and, consequently, reduce the cost of mutation test. The results of related studies indicate that about 40% of…
The purpose of this study is to reduce the number of mutations and, consequently, reduce the cost of mutation test. The results of related studies indicate that about 40% of injected faults (mutants) in the source code are effect-less (equivalent). Equivalent mutants are one of the major costs of mutation testing and the identification of equivalent and effect-less mutants has been known as an undecidable problem.
In a program with n branch instructions (if instruction) there are 2n execution paths (test paths) that the data and codes into each of these paths can be considered as a target of mutation. Given the role and impact of data in a program, some of data and codes propagates the injected mutants more likely to the output of the program. In this study, firstly the error-propagation rate of the program data is quantified using static analysis of the program control-flow graph. Then, the most error-propagating test paths are identified by the proposed heuristic algorithm (Genetic Algorithm [GA]). Data and codes with higher error-propagation rate are only considered as the strategic locations for the mutation testing.
In order to evaluate the proposed method, an extensive series of mutation testing experiments have been conducted on a set of traditional benchmark programs using MuJava tool set. The results depict that the proposed method reduces the number of mutants about 24%. Also, in the corresponding experiments, the mutation score is increased about 5.6%. The success rate of the GA in finding the most error-propagating paths of the input programs is 99%. On average, only 7.46% of generated mutants by the proposed method are equivalent. Indeed, 92.54% of generated mutants are non-equivalent.
The main contribution of this study is as follows: Proposing a set of equations to measure the error-propagation rate of each data, basic-block and execution path of a program. Proposing a genetic algorithm to identify a most error-propagating path of program as locations of mutations. Developing an efficient mutation-testing framework that mutates only the strategic locations of a program identified by the proposed genetic algorithms. Reducing the time and cost of mutation testing by reducing the equivalent mutants.