WHATEVER one's personal political beliefs, that this country cannot afford the luxury of millions of men out of work is obvious. This applies whether the workers simply cannot…
WHATEVER one's personal political beliefs, that this country cannot afford the luxury of millions of men out of work is obvious. This applies whether the workers simply cannot find work or if, for one reason or another, they refrain from working.
HARDLY had the dispute at BL ended and the men had gone back to work amidst universal rejoicing (apart from the more militant of the shop stewards) than several hundred of them…
HARDLY had the dispute at BL ended and the men had gone back to work amidst universal rejoicing (apart from the more militant of the shop stewards) than several hundred of them had to be sent back home, rightly on full pay, because of a plague of fleas that had invaded the factory. Talk about scratching for a living…!
IN the 25 years that this journal has been published the whole aspect of work study has changed. Once it was time and motion study. Today it is indeed more close to our title…
IN the 25 years that this journal has been published the whole aspect of work study has changed. Once it was time and motion study. Today it is indeed more close to our title: WORK STUDY. For the plain fact is that the job we cover and expound is now the whole gamut of the study of every aspect of work. No longer is this confined to methods of getting more work (admittedly with less fatigue) out of the hours actually worked. Today the accent is on worker participation and job satisfaction.
IT was only a very few years ago that computers came into fashion, as it were. Firms, unfortunately denied the benefit of foresight, vied with each other in being the first in…
IT was only a very few years ago that computers came into fashion, as it were. Firms, unfortunately denied the benefit of foresight, vied with each other in being the first in their respective fields to own a computer.
Considers the debate about training schemes as it affects theconstruction industry. Examines the future, benefits and disadvantagesof both Employment Training, and National…
Considers the debate about training schemes as it affects the construction industry. Examines the future, benefits and disadvantages of both Employment Training, and National Vocational Qualifications within the NCVQ framework. Surmises that a drastic new approach is called for, the industry favouring a return to traditional craft apprenticeships.
WE MAKE no apology for once again returning to the theme we have been expounding of late: that there is no need to fear the mini‐micro revolution.
DO you recall the June Editorial wherein we asked you to write to your MP protesting about the increased postal rates? And we, for our part, sent out over 600 copies of “Work…
DO you recall the June Editorial wherein we asked you to write to your MP protesting about the increased postal rates? And we, for our part, sent out over 600 copies of “Work Study” to MPs containing the Leader in question. So you might think some sort of action would be generated.
DESPITE assurances from the Union most concerned that “every endeavour will be made to keep Montague Burton workers in employment” it seems inevitable that the massive…
DESPITE assurances from the Union most concerned that “every endeavour will be made to keep Montague Burton workers in employment” it seems inevitable that the massive redundancies announced a month ago will take place. Nor does it seems possible that these unfortunate people will readily find employment elsewhere — certainly not in the towns where they are living and working now. In every sense, it will mean a major upheaval for most of them.
THREE REPORTS coming to hand during this month need close examination by all who wish to stay in business.
EARLIER in the year a conference was held in Lausanne, Switzerland on future trends in work. Experts from many countries, both developed and developing, spoke of the world‐wide…
EARLIER in the year a conference was held in Lausanne, Switzerland on future trends in work. Experts from many countries, both developed and developing, spoke of the world‐wide recession and its effects on their respective workforces.