Discusses the thesis that self‐knowledge is a prerequisite forfunctioning in a service company (such as insurance) in such a way thatthe individual is wholly involved, feels a…
Discusses the thesis that self‐knowledge is a prerequisite for functioning in a service company (such as insurance) in such a way that the individual is wholly involved, feels a unity and is innovative. This benefits the company. Urges the value of reviewing personal performance, of integrating remuneration policy and training and of clearly structuring information systems. Accurate observation is then required of management to ensure no experience is neglected. Self‐knowledge is essential in managers if they are to think clearly about and be aware of relations – the insurance business is about relations.
Barrie O. Pettman and Richard Dobbins
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
P. Mazany, S. Francis and P. Sumich
Two generic uses of workshops are as an educational tool and as avehicle for the development of corporate strategy. Most workshopscommonly available have focused on the former…
Two generic uses of workshops are as an educational tool and as a vehicle for the development of corporate strategy. Most workshops commonly available have focused on the former. Examines the effect of an experiential hybrid workshop as a tool for developing corporate strategy and team building. It is hybrid in the sense that both indoor and outdoor activities are used. The results presented indicate statistically significant improvements in team functioning across several important dimensions. While there is more acceptance of the strategy developed, its improvement in quality is difficult to determine in the given time frame.