Ayman Abdo Harb, Deborah Fowler, Hyo Jung (Julie) Chang, Shane C. Blum and Wejdan Alakaleek
This study relied on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to assess factors that affected event fans’ decisions regarding their intention to attend events by using social network…
This study relied on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to assess factors that affected event fans’ decisions regarding their intention to attend events by using social network websites. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of event fans’ attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on their intentions to go to events based on social networking sites (SNSs) marketing. In addition, the researchers examined the impact of perceived enjoyment on event fans’ attitudes towards events pages on SNS.
This study used a quantitative research method and used an online survey distributed on Qualtrics and based on the TPB. Populations in the study were followers of events pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The sample was convenience.
By using the partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), the study found that all the research hypothesis were supported except (H2). While event fans’ attitudes had not a statistically significant impact on their behavioral intentions towards using social media to go to events (H2), perceived enjoyment had a statistically significant impact on event fans’ attitudes towards events pages on SNS (H1). According to the research findings, event fans were influenced by their subjective norms (H3) and perceived behavioral control (H4). These factors significantly influenced event fans’ behavioral intention, which led to their actual behavior (H5).
Practical implications
This study provided evidence supporting that subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were effective in forming intention towards events page, which in turn affected actual behavior, while perceived enjoyment was effective in forming events fan attitudes towards events’ social media pages. This may indicate a need for positive images of the events depicted through social media. In addition, when using social media as a marketing medium for events, event marketers and organizers should understand how other important people’s opinions and perceptions affect the intention and behavior formation. This implies the need to stress the social acceptance of the events, and use family ties, family and other social-units elements of events.
Social implications
This study provided statistical evidence supporting the applicability of the TPB within the context of event marketing and using social media. This implies a better understanding of the rational decision-making process, along with the social factors affecting the process of forming behavioral intentions and intentions. Furthermore, perceived enjoyment was incorporated within the model. Perceived enjoyment was effective in forming positive attitudes towards events’ social media pages. This highlights the need to provide information and contents in an enjoyable and user-friendly way.
The value of this study is derived from its aim to highlight the importance of social media as an effective marketing tool for events. Moreover, this study sought to contribute to the literature on social media by exploring how social media affected event attendees’ behavior and attitudes and by gauging the impact of social media on the event industry.
本论文以计划行为理论为基础, 旨在评估通过社交网站来影响会展顾客参会意愿的各项因素。本论文基于社交网络营销, 检验其会展顾客态度、主观规范、以及感知行为控制等对于顾客参会意愿的影响因素。此外, 本论文研究人员还检验感知享受如何影响会展顾客对社交网络上会展主页的态度。
本论文采用定量研究方法, 借用在线问卷采样方式, Qualtrics 作为问卷发放平台, 以计划行为理论为基础。本论文的研究人群是在 Facebook、Twitter、和 Instagram 上会展主页的粉丝顾客。本论文采用便捷采样方式。
本论文采用偏最小二乘回归方程(PLS-SEM)统计方法检验研究假设, 并发现, 除 H2 外其他假设论断均成立。会展顾客对于使用社交媒体的态度并未显著影响其参会意愿(H2), 然而, 感知享受对于会展顾客粉丝社交网站上会展主页有着显著影响(H1)。研究结果表明, 会展顾客的态度受到主观规范(H3)和感知行为控制(H4)的影响。这些因素均显著影响了会展顾客的参会意愿, 最终导致实际参会行为(H5)。
本论文采用实际测量数据以应用计划行为理论在会展营销和社交媒体的研究。此外, 本论文测试了三种不同社交媒体:Facebook、Twitter、和 Instagram 的粉丝用户。其研究结果证实了本论文采用的理论框架对于不同领域和社交媒体背景下的有效性。
本论文用数据证实了主观规范和感知行为控制对会展粉丝参会意愿有着显著影响, 其最终导致真正参会行为。本论文还证实了感知享受显著影响了顾客粉丝会展社交主页的态度。其研究结果表明会展企业有必要在社交媒体上树立积极的会展形象。此外, 会展营销人员和组织者在使用社交媒体作为营销手段的时候, 应该认识到其他人的意见和感知对于参会人员的意愿和行为产生影响。
本论文的研究价值主要是其强调社交媒体作为会展有效营销手段的重要性。此外, 本论文还探索了社交媒体如何影响参会人员的行为和态度, 以及社交媒体对于整个会展行业的影响, 这将对社交媒体有关的研究有着积极的贡献。
关键词偏最小二乘, 社交媒体, 社交媒体营销, 社交媒体参与, 事件营销, 计划行为理论