Le loisir et son utilisation constituent un champ privilégié favorable au développement de certaines des oppositions sociales les plus aigues dont notre temps soit le témoin. Nous…
Le loisir et son utilisation constituent un champ privilégié favorable au développement de certaines des oppositions sociales les plus aigues dont notre temps soit le témoin. Nous avons démontré ailleurs combien par exemple la capacité donnée à un nombre sans cesse croissant d'êtres humains de se projeter dans l'espace des loisirs, impliquait pour les populations occupant cet espace de retombées négatives et de réactions hostiles.
Arthur Haulot and Roger H. Charlier
Since times immemorial, man has modified his physical environment; it is a pressing matter, today, that such changes be henceforth made within the framework of a concerted land…
Since times immemorial, man has modified his physical environment; it is a pressing matter, today, that such changes be henceforth made within the framework of a concerted land planning program. This is particularly necessary where estuaries, coasts, and littoral fringe are concerned. The geologist is called upon to play a primordial role in coastal regions management and planning. He or she must be included in the specialists team whose task it is to bring to a close the series of catastrophics which obliterated beaches and dunes, in areas scattered all over the world, while fostering a rational economic and industrial development.
Le tourisme fait l'objet, de la part de tous les organismes intéressés, de nombreuses études statistiques, économiques et financières. Qu'on songe, par exemple, aux travaux de…
Le tourisme fait l'objet, de la part de tous les organismes intéressés, de nombreuses études statistiques, économiques et financières. Qu'on songe, par exemple, aux travaux de l'U.I.O.O.T., à l'activité de l'A.I.E.S.T., aux études de marché des compagnies hÔtelières ou des transporteurs, aux analyses des institutions de financement.
The reflections in this chapter explore the genesis of tourism geography in the Netherlands and Belgium marked by political and linguistic constraints, plus historical, political…
The reflections in this chapter explore the genesis of tourism geography in the Netherlands and Belgium marked by political and linguistic constraints, plus historical, political, and cultural factors, as well as the footprints of some pioneers. The dual language use of French and Dutch/Flemish has often been offered as an excuse for the low profile of the region’s universities in international knowledge networks. However, thanks to the involvement in thematic networks and a growing pressure for researchers to publish internationally in peer-reviewed journals, the research landscape in tourism has definitely changed. Geographical and spatial approaches to tourism have led to a colorful research landscape today.