Arrad Fajri and Afan Galih Salman
The purpose of this study is to build an iOS-based application to provide quick and easy access to information on food and beverages that are tailored to an illness.
The purpose of this study is to build an iOS-based application to provide quick and easy access to information on food and beverages that are tailored to an illness.
The method used is the method of analysis, i.e. collect the necessary data from various sources that contain the issues to be examined. Software development life cycle used the Waterfall Model that has seven stages to its completion: the requirements analysis and specification, architectural design, detailed design, coding, unit testing, integration testing and system testing and acceptance.
Existing applications were evaluated from the user point of view. The evaluation was performed by 25 users trying directly on the application. After conducting experiments on the application, users were asked to answera questionnaire that included questions on the problems they may have faced and whether the problem was solved. The results of user evaluation were as follows: 72 per cent of users found that the application view is quite good and 88 per cent of users felt the speed and ease of getting enough information.
The authors report that the development of the application reference, menu of healthy food on the IOS platform, can make users get a healthy diet and abortion based on the illness quickly and easily.