Arnell D. Johnson and John D. Stowe
The selection of the optimal credit investigation policy is a sequential decision problem that Mehta solved using decision tree analysis. This paper explores the managerial…
The selection of the optimal credit investigation policy is a sequential decision problem that Mehta solved using decision tree analysis. This paper explores the managerial implications of the credit investigation/credit granting policy. The credit policy selected effects the resources required for credit investigation, the scale of collection efforts, the level and breakdown of accounts receivable, cash budgets, and total sales and production costs.
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.
Kaitlyn DeGhetto, Zachary A. Russell and Gerald R. Ferris
Large-scale organizational change, such as seen through mergers and acquisitions, CEO succession, and corporate entrepreneurship, sometimes is necessary in order to allow firms to…
Large-scale organizational change, such as seen through mergers and acquisitions, CEO succession, and corporate entrepreneurship, sometimes is necessary in order to allow firms to be competitive. However, such change can be unsettling to existing employees, producing considerable uncertainty, conflict, politics, and stress, and thus, must be managed very carefully. Unfortunately, to date, little research has examined the relationships among change efforts, perceptions of political environments, and employee stress reactions. We introduce a conceptual model that draws upon sensemaking theory and research to explain how employees perceive and interpret their uncertain environments, the politics in them, and the resulting work stress, after large-scale organizational change initiatives. Implications of our proposed conceptualization are discussed, as are directions for future research.
Gerald R. Ferris, John N. Harris, Zachary A. Russell, B. Parker Ellen, Arthur D. Martinez and F. Randy Blass
Scholarship on reputation in and of organizations has been going on for decades, and it always has separated along level of analysis issues, whereby the separate literatures on…
Scholarship on reputation in and of organizations has been going on for decades, and it always has separated along level of analysis issues, whereby the separate literatures on individual, group/team/unit, and organization reputation fail to acknowledge each other. This sends the implicit message that reputation is a fundamentally different phenomenon at the three different levels of analysis. We tested the validity of this implicit assumption by conducting a multilevel review of the reputation literature, and drawing conclusions about the “level-specific” or “level-generic” nature of the reputation construct. The review results permitted the conclusion that reputation phenomena are essentially the same at all levels of analysis. Based on this, we frame a future agenda for theory and research on reputation.
Amer Ali Al-Atwi, H. Cenk Sözen and Elham Alshaibani
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of two types of negative ties, namely perceived negative ties and intended negative ties, on the two types of employee work…
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of two types of negative ties, namely perceived negative ties and intended negative ties, on the two types of employee work outcomes, namely job performance and ethical voice. In addition, the chapter discusses the role of personal reputation as a mediator in explaining the relationship between negative ties and work outcomes. The study sample comprised of 103 blue-collar workers and their direct supervisors in a large cement factory in southern Iraq. The study used survey method as a mean to collect the data. Data analysis showed that perceived negative ties and intended negative ties influence participants’ job performance and ethical voice. The result also indicates that personal reputation mediates the relationship between negative ties and work outcomes. In light of the results, theoretical and practical implications are presented.
Gerald R. Ferris, Shanna R. Daniels and Jennifer C. Sexton
Although employee race has been an actively investigated area of scientific inquiry for decades, a thorough and informed understanding of the role of race in the organizational…
Although employee race has been an actively investigated area of scientific inquiry for decades, a thorough and informed understanding of the role of race in the organizational sciences has eluded us for a number of reasons. The relationship of race and stress in organizations is a prime example of this neglect and deficiency in our knowledge base, as little work has been done in this area. We attempt to address this limitation in the literature by proposing an inductively derived, review-centric framework that attempts to articulate the multiple intermediate linkages that explain the process dynamics taking place in the relationship between employee race and health and well-being in organizations. We argue that socialization processes, social networks, information and resource access, and mentoring contribute to distance and differences between racial minorities and nonminorities concerning control, reputation, performance, and political understanding and skill, which in turn, creates barriers to success, and increased stress and strain for racial minorities. The implications of this framework along with directions for future theory and research are discussed in this chapter.