Xiaofeng Su, Shuping Zhang and Yifan Feng
The development of regional public brands for agricultural products necessitates compelling narratives that resonate deeply with consumers. Given the distinctiveness of…
The development of regional public brands for agricultural products necessitates compelling narratives that resonate deeply with consumers. Given the distinctiveness of agricultural products, consumers prioritize the inherent connection to roots and heritage when making purchasing decisions. Therefore, crafting brand narratives must emphasize this root appeal, namely, consumers’ information appeal preference, to positively influence consumers’ brand perceptions and underscore the value of regional public brands. This study investigates this phenomenon through the lens of cue utilization theory.
Four experiments were conducted for this purpose. Study 1 examined the stimulus materials for brand story type (typical vs atypical). The purpose of study 2 was to verify whether the experimental material could be used to categorize participants' information appeal preferences (geographic vs cultural). Study 3 employed a between-subjects design with a 2 (brand story: typical vs atypical) × 2 (consumers’ information appeal preferences: cultural vs geographic) factorial design. Study 4 used a between-subjects design of 2 (brand story: typical and atypical) × 2 (consumers’ information appeal preferences: cultural vs geographic) × 2 (culturally derived power perception: individual and social).
The findings indicated that the type of brand story and consumers’ information appeal preferences interact with consumers’ brand attitudes toward regional public brands for agricultural products. In addition, a sense of place was found to mediate the interaction between the type of brand story and consumers’ information appeal preferences. Furthermore, culturally derived power perceptions moderated this mechanism.
This study offers valuable insights into marketing regional public brands for agricultural products by categorizing their brand stories into typical and non-typical narratives.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of brand communication activities on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram among major Indonesian brands by assessing the…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of brand communication activities on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram among major Indonesian brands by assessing the message appeals, orientation, and consumer responses.
A content analysis of 10,752 social media posts was conducted from the official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts of 43 leading brands in Indonesia during a six-month period between July and December 2016. The data collected from each individual social media post generated by those brands were coded and analysed in terms of their message appeal, orientation, and responses.
Interactive brand posts were responded more frequently than informative message content. Twitter was more effective for informative appeal, Facebook worked better for interactive entertainment posts, and Instagram was more suitable for interactive content combining informative–entertainment appeals. Interactive brand post with mixed appeals received the most responses in Facebook and Instagram, while self-oriented message with informative appeal obtained the least.
Research limitations/implications
The findings expand the marketing literature about new media for marketing communication and suggest marketing practitioners the importance of different creative brand communication strategies to enhance social media marketing effectiveness when using multiple platforms.
This is among the first studies to compare the effectiveness of creative message strategy on multiple social media platforms as well as to present insightful findings on social media marketing practices in Indonesia.
Patrick De Pelsmacker, Verolien Cauberghe and Nathalie Dens
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of level of graphic threat (weak and strong) and the amount of information (low and high) on message effectiveness for an…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of level of graphic threat (weak and strong) and the amount of information (low and high) on message effectiveness for an unfamiliar (a muscle disorder due to lack of physical exercise) vs a familiar (injuries as a result of traffic accidents due to drunk driving) issue.
The method employed was experimental 2 (issue familiarity: unfamiliar, familiar issue)×2 (amount of information: low, high)×2 (graphic threat level: weak, strong) full factorial between‐subjects design. Data are collected from a sample of 206 Belgians.
It was found that a strong graphic threat message has a greater effect for an unfamiliar than for a familiar issue. For a familiar issue, adding information to a weak threat appeal increases perceived severity. For an unfamiliar issue, adding information to a strong graphic threat appeal has a similar effect. Perceived severity of threat, perceived probability of occurrence, evoked fear and perceived coping efficacy have a significant effect on the intention to adopt the recommended behavior. For an unfamiliar issue, perceived efficacy and perceived probability of occurrence primarily have the greatest impact on coping intention. For a familiar issue, perceived severity, evoked fear and perceived efficacy determine coping intention.
Practical implications
The results substantially support the use of different message tactics for health threats that are either new or familiar for the target group.
Most studies have limited themselves to studying the impact of threat strength on perceived threat and response efficacy, on evoked fear and on message acceptance. The present study adds the contextual and message elements, namely issue familiarity and amount of information provided, the link of which with threat appeal has – as far to the authors' knowledge never been studied before in one integrated analysis.
Kapil Kaushik, Atul Arun Pathak and Abhishek Mishra
This study aims to understand the kind of content and context that effectively create higher fan social media engagement (SME) through pre-match content posted by sports teams.
This study aims to understand the kind of content and context that effectively create higher fan social media engagement (SME) through pre-match content posted by sports teams.
This research examines the effect of inspirational, informational, entertaining and warmth content appeal on affective and cognitive responses from fans in the form of likes and shares. Messages on X (previously Twitter), chosen as a representative social media platform, from the teams participating in the Indian Premier League, were analysed using regression models to validate the proposed model empirically.
For sports clubs, entertaining, warmth and inspirational content is more effective than information content in generating likes on social media. Content with high vividness is effective only for sports teams with high performance. Fans of low-performance teams exhibit higher responsiveness to content with inspirational appeal.
Research limitations/implications
This research contributes to the sports marketing literature by examining the influential role of warmth and inspirational content in generating higher SME in the pre-match context.
Practical implications
This study provides prescriptions to sports clubs for leveraging social media platforms to engage their fans through appropriate content. Given the growth of sports leagues in developing and developed countries, this study provides guidelines to sports clubs for effective social media marketing.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is among the first to integrate social identity theory and elaboration likelihood model theoretical frameworks to study fan engagement with social media content posted by sports clubs.
Jurjen Jansen and Paul van Schaik
The purpose of this paper is to test the protection motivation theory (PMT) in the context of fear appeal interventions to reduce the threat of phishing attacks. In addition, it…
The purpose of this paper is to test the protection motivation theory (PMT) in the context of fear appeal interventions to reduce the threat of phishing attacks. In addition, it was tested to what extent the model relations are equivalent across fear appeal conditions and across time.
A pre-test post-test design was used. In the pre-test, 1,201 internet users filled out an online survey and were presented with one of three fear appeal conditions: strong fear appeal, weak fear appeal and control condition. Arguments regarding vulnerability of phishing attacks and response efficacy of vigilant online information-sharing behaviour were manipulated in the fear appeals. In the post-test, data were collected from 786 internet users and analysed with partial least squares path modelling.
The study found that PMT model relations hold in the domain of phishing. Self-efficacy and fear were the most important predictors of protection motivation. In general, the model results were equivalent across conditions and across time.
Practical Implications
It is important to consider online information-sharing behaviour because it facilitates the occurrence and success of phishing attacks. The results give practitioners more insight into important factors to address in the design of preventative measures to reduce the success of phishing attacks. Future research is needed to test how fear appeals work in real-world settings and over longer periods.
This paper is a substantial adaptation of a previous conference paper (Jansen and Van Schaik, 2017a, b).
Heejeong Han, Seunghun Shin, Namho Chung and Chulmo Koo
This paper aims to explain a guest’s purchase decision in Airbnb from the perspective of Aristotle’s appeals. In host-created information, the authors investigate which information…
This paper aims to explain a guest’s purchase decision in Airbnb from the perspective of Aristotle’s appeals. In host-created information, the authors investigate which information appeals are significantly considered by guests.
It is hypothesized that a guest’s purchase would be affected by the host-created information’s ethos, pathos and logos.
For the ethos, the super host badge and host review have positive impacts on the purchase; for the pathos, the positive impact of the use of social words is significant. For the logos, the authors have determined that although the price, place picture and star-rating have positive impacts on the likelihood of a purchase, the occupancy has a negative impact on it.
Research limitations/implications
The dependent variable, the number of place reviews, cannot represent the exact number of purchases. Other possible influential factors, such as direct communications between hosts and guests, are not examined.
Practical implications
The findings suggest guidelines for Airbnb and its host users. Specifically, the management of normal host users is revealed as a necessary process for Airbnb’s development. For host users, several guidelines on how to attract more guests effectively are provided.
In contrast to other studies on Airbnb, various pieces of information are considered from holistic perspectives, and each piece’s impact on the sharing behavior is understood by means of a unique theoretical model that is based on Aristotle’s appeals.
Jing Zhang and Mingfei Du
This study aims to investigate how business-to-business (B2B) companies use message strategies on social media platform and how these strategies are effective in improving…
This study aims to investigate how business-to-business (B2B) companies use message strategies on social media platform and how these strategies are effective in improving customer perceived value and encouraging customer engagement, as well as how B2B companies differ from business-to-customer (B2C) counterparts in terms of utilization and effectiveness of social media message strategy.
Based on content analysis of Sina Weibo brand pages and survey of website visitors, this paper examines the differences of social media message strategies and their impacts upon customer perceived value and customer engagement between B2B and B2C companies.
B2B companies use more rational appeals and less emotional appeals, have lower degree of informativeness and perform better in interactivity and variety than B2C companies. These five dimensions of message strategy have different roles in engaging customers via perceived value across B2B and B2C settings.
The research makes significant contributions to B2B social media marketing literature by answering two interrelated questions, namely, “What companies are doing?” and “What companies should do?” on social media websites. Besides, it provides insightful implications for B2B companies on how to implement appropriate message strategies in their social media marketing efforts by conducting Importance-Performance Analysis.
This study aims to compare the use of disgust and sadness – two negative emotions associated with different appraisals and information processing styles – in charity social…
This study aims to compare the use of disgust and sadness – two negative emotions associated with different appraisals and information processing styles – in charity social marketing appeals.
An experiment (n = 247) examined effects when disgust or sad imagery was used alone versus when images were accompanied by information about the cause.
OLS regression results show including information reduced empathy when participants were exposed to sad images, replicating prior research on sadness in charity marketing. No similar effect was observed for disgust-evoking images. Although disgust images alone reduced empathy compared to sad images alone, disgust images paired with information were just as effective as sad images alone and sad images accompanied by information. Empathy mediated the relationship between exposure to each type of appeal and donations – this relationship was negative for sad images but not for disgust images accompanied by information.
Research limitations/implications
These findings suggest the use of disgust may help to mitigate the loss of empathy that occurs when individuals engage in deliberative tasks, such as reading information about a cause. They also illustrate how the distinct properties of discrete emotions can be used strategically to influence social marketing outcomes.
Existing research has compared disgust-evoking images to appeals using neutral, mildly disgusting or positive emotional imagery. This study compares disgust to sadness, a negative emotion commonly used in charity marketing, and considers interaction effects with informational elements of the appeal.
Zazli Lily Wisker, Djavlonbek Kadirov and Catherine Bone
This study aims to examine the factors that influence peer-to-peer online host advertising effectiveness (POHAE). The study posits that POHAE is a multidimensional construct…
This study aims to examine the factors that influence peer-to-peer online host advertising effectiveness (POHAE). The study posits that POHAE is a multidimensional construct supported by emotional appeal, information completeness, advertising creativity and social responsibility practices influencing purchase intention and positive word of mouth. Perceived value is hypothesised as the moderating variable for the relationship between POHAE and purchase intention.
Quantitative data were collected from New Zealand through a quasi-experimental survey. A total of 95 people participated in the experiment. The study uses one-way repeated measures design ANOVA to test Hypothesis 1 and MEMORE model to test the effects of mediation and moderation for repeated measures.
Results are significant to the study model. ANOVA results show that the assumption of sphericity is not violated: Mauchly’s W, Greenhouse–Geisser, Huynh–Feldt estimates are equal to one, suggesting that the data are perfectly spherical. The mediation and moderation effects for repeated measure designs are also significant. The tests are based on 95 per cent Monte Carlo confidence interval and 20,000 bootstrapping samples.
Research limitations/implications
This study enhances the hierarchy of effects theory (HOE) (Lavidge and Steiner, 1961), which posits that consumers respond to a specific marketing communication through three components: the cognitive component, which is measured by an individual’s intellectual, mental or rational states; the affective component that refers to an individual’s emotional and feeling states; and finally the conative or motivational state, that is, the striving state relating to the tendency to treat objects as positive or negative. This study observes significant paths from POHAE to purchase intention and word of mouth. Limitations include a small sample size (95) and not regressing the POHAE variables individually on purchase intention and word of mouth.
Practical implications
Given the absence of a brand, as in the Airbnb host advertisement, attention should be given to writing the adverts effectively. Advertising creativity does not only hold for graphics and personal pictures but also for the hosts who need to be creative in crafting their advertisement text. Elements such as social responsibility practice and creativity should also not be overlooked.
Social implications
This study provides insights on how to effectively communicate with potential customers in a peer-to-peer marketplace.
This study provides an insight into peer-to-peer marketplaces on the importance of marketing communication strategies by providing more attention to writing advertisement texts. It is important to understand the variables that influence consumers’ motivation in responding to Airbnb online advertisements.
Beatriz Casais and Aline Costa Pereira
This paper aims to analyse the prevalence of emotional and rational appeals in social advertising campaigns. There are studies about the effectiveness of these tones of appeals in…
This paper aims to analyse the prevalence of emotional and rational appeals in social advertising campaigns. There are studies about the effectiveness of these tones of appeals in social marketing, but there is no evidence about their prevalent use in social advertisements.
The authors conducted a content analysis of forty social advertisements promoting attitudes and behaviours regarding social causes. The selected ads were in video format and were extracted from the YouTube channels of Portuguese governmental and non-governmental organisations. The ads were coded according to the characteristics of each tone of appeals and classified as emotional, rational or a mix of both.
The authors classified 25 social ads as rational appeals, 8 as emotional and 7 as a mix of both appeals. The results of the research show that social marketers have preference for the use of rational tone in social advertising campaigns.
This study shows that there is a disruption between theory and practice in social marketing, considering the higher prevalence of rational appeals in contexts where theory recommends emotional appeals for higher effectiveness. This evidence is surprising, considering a previous study that evidenced a higher use of emotional appeals in advertising connected to social causes than in commercial advertisements. This paper focus on how practice may disrupt theory and explores possible reasons for the phenomenon.