Jose Satsumi Lopez-Morales, Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre and Antonio Huerta-Estevez
Latin America has not been exempted from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this study aims to identify the actions of 50 main multilatinas to face the pandemic.
Latin America has not been exempted from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this study aims to identify the actions of 50 main multilatinas to face the pandemic.
A qualitative content analysis was conducted on newspapers published in Latin America and corporate websites from March 2020 to April 2020, during which the multilatinas took their first actions toward the pandemic.
Results identified 106 actions taken by multilatinas in social, operational, philanthropic and financial areas. This paper analyzes the results, discuss the implications for business theories and develops three theoretical propositions.
Practical implications
First, this study can serve as a reference for business decision-makers as it offers guidance in taking actions during a pandemic. Second, it highlights the importance of the speed of responses to unforeseen challenges. The study recommends that business managers include in their contingency plans procedures for addressing unforeseen situations, such as the pandemic, with a focus on increasing their response capacity.
The importance of this study lies in understanding multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) initial actions taken during unexpected disasters and rare events. This study fills two important gaps in the business literature that have not been addressed in the Latin American context, namely, the actions taken by MNEs facing a public health disaster and how MNEs cope with disastrous and rare events.
América Latina no ha estado exenta de los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene por objetivo identificar las acciones de las 50 principales multilatinas para enfrentar la pandemia.
Una técnica cualitativa de análisis de contenido fue llevada a cabo en periódicos publicados en América Latina y páginas web corporativas entre marzo y abril de 2020, durante los cuáles las multilatinas tomaron sus primeras acciones hacia la pandemia.
Los resultados identificaron 106 acciones tomadas por las multilatinas en las áreas sociales, operacionales, filantrópicas y financieras. Además, se analizan los resultados, discuten las implicaciones para las teorías de negocios, y se desarrollan tres proposiciones teóricas.
Implicaciones prácticas
Primero, este estudio puede servir como referente para los tomadores de decisiones ya que ofrece una guía de acciones tomadas durante la pandemia. Segundo, se muestra la importancia de la velocidad de respuesta a retos imprevistos. El estudio recomienda que los gerentes incluyan en sus planes de contingencia planes y procedimientos para abordar situaciones imprevistas, tales como la pandemia, enfocados en incrementar su capacidad de respuesta.
La importancia de este estudio recae en el entendimiento de las acciones tomadas por las empresas multinacionales durante desastres inesperados y eventos raros. Este estudio cubre dos huecos importantes en la literatura que no han sido abordados en el contexto de América Latina: las acciones tomadas por las multinacionales encarando un desastre de salud pública y como las multinacionales afronta los eventos raros y desastres.
A América Latina não está isenta dos efeitos da pandemia COVID-19. Portanto, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as ações das 50 principais multilatinas para o enfrentamento da pandemia.
Uma análise qualitativa de conteúdo foi realizada em jornais publicados na América Latina e sites corporativos de março de 2020 a abril de 2020, período em que as multilatinas realizaram suas primeiras ações em relação à pandemia.
Os resultados identificaram 106 ações realizadas pelas multilatinas nas áreas social, operacional, filantrópica e financeira. Analisamos os resultados, discutimos as implicações para as teorias de negócios e desenvolvemos três proposições teóricas.
Implicações práticas
primeiro, este estudo pode servir como uma referência para os tomadores de decisão de negócios, pois oferece orientação na tomada de medidas durante uma pandemia. Em segundo lugar, destaca a importância da velocidade de resposta a desafios imprevistos. O estudo recomenda que os gestores de negócios incluam em seus planos de contingência procedimentos para enfrentar situações imprevistas, como a pandemia, com foco no aumento de sua capacidade de resposta.
La importancia de este estudio recae en el entendimiento de las acciones ocorres for las empresas multinacionais durante desastres inesperados y eventos raros. Este estudio cubre dos huecos importantes na literatura que não foi público no contexto da América Latina: las acciones por las multinacionales encarando um desastre de salud e como las multinacionales afronta los eventos raros y desastres.
José Satsumi López-Morales, Antonio Huerta-Estévez, Myrna Guadalupe Andrade-Estrada and Claudia Guadalupe Zarrabal-Gutiérrez
The activities carried out in ports are disruptive to the environment where they are located. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the presence of corporate social…
The activities carried out in ports are disruptive to the environment where they are located. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the presence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the missions and visions of the main ports of Latin America.
A qualitative technique of content analysis was applied to the missions and visions of 72 ports in Latin America. First, the missions and visions of the ports were collected (72). Second, it was assigned a value 1 if the mission had any evidence of CSR, 0 if it had no evidence and “-” if the mission was not found. The same procedure was performed with the visions.
Results indicate that 20.83% of the ports allude to CSR in their missions, 34.72% of the ports allude to it in their missions and visions and 13.88% only allude to it in their visions (22 ports did not mention it in their missions or their visions). So, the main findings indicate that in Latin America the majority of ports do not consider elements of CSR in their missions and visions.
This paper is mainly focused on covering two gaps in the literature: first, to increase knowledge about the strategic bases of ports in Latin America through their missions and visions; and second, to visualize the coherence of the missions and visions with the activities of CSR.
Antonio Huerta-Estévez and José Satsumi López-Morales
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Mexican companies is an incipient concept that, in recent years, has had greater participation in the planning of companies'…
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Mexican companies is an incipient concept that, in recent years, has had greater participation in the planning of companies' organisational strategies. Similarly, Mexico, as an emerging economy, has managed to remain one of the main economies in Latin America and, together with companies and organised society, has developed public policies that allow compliance with the commitment of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The objective of this work is to analyse the presence of CSR in Mexican companies and its relationship with the SDGs related to economic development, for which a content analysis of the websites of the hundred most important companies in Mexico, according to the 2019 ranking of Expansión magazine, was performed. Finally, we establish that more than half of Mexican companies do not consider aspects related to CSR in their organisational development, contributing to the increase in the percentage of the population lagging behind in education, health and quality food and resulting in an increase in the levels of poverty and extreme poverty among the population of Mexico.