Anthony Chun‐Tung Lowe and David R. Corkindale
This is an exploratory cross‐cultural study. It attempts to measure the differences in cultural values between Australians and Chinese from the People’s Republic of China. This…
This is an exploratory cross‐cultural study. It attempts to measure the differences in cultural values between Australians and Chinese from the People’s Republic of China. This study also seeks to show how the differences in responses by these two groups of people to some marketing stimuli are likely to be associated with the differences in cultural values. This study indicates that there are differences in cultural values and attitudes/ perceptions towards various marketing stimuli between Australians and the Chinese from PRC. Furthermore, the results indicate that the cultural values which influence attitudes and perceptions towards the marketing stimuli are more complex than just the differences in cultural values. One cannot assume that the same set of values will influence two different groups of consumers’ responses for the same marketing stimuli.