Nidhi Raghav and Anoop Kumar Bhola
To make more smart health-care system, the health-care data should be shared in the secure manner, and it improves health-care service quality. This paper aims to implement a…
To make more smart health-care system, the health-care data should be shared in the secure manner, and it improves health-care service quality. This paper aims to implement a modern decentralized blockchain, safe and easy-to-use health-care technology application in the cloud.
On observing the graph, the convergence analysis of proposed Levy Flight-integrated moth flame optimization method at 80th iteration was 4.59%, 2.80%, 3.316%, 8.92% and 2.55% higher than the traditional models MFO, artificial bee colony (ABC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), moth search algorithm (MSA) and glow worm swarm optimization (GWSO), respectively, for Hungarian data set. Particularly, in best case scenario, the adopted method attains low cost value (5.672671) when compared to all other traditional models such as MFO (5.727314), ABC (5.711577), PSO (5.706499), MSA (5.764517) and GWSO (5.723353).
The proposed method achieved effective performance in terms of key sensitivity, sanitization effectiveness, restoration effectiveness, etc.