Masoud Mozaffari, Annunziata D’Orazio, Arash Karimipour, Ali Abdollahi and Mohammad Reza Safaei
The purpose of this paper is to improve the lattice Boltzmann method’s ability to simulate a microflow under constant heat flux.
The purpose of this paper is to improve the lattice Boltzmann method’s ability to simulate a microflow under constant heat flux.
Develop the thermal lattice Boltzmann method based on double population of hydrodynamic and thermal distribution functions.
The buoyancy forces, caused by gravity, can change the hydrodynamic properties of the flow. As a result, the gravity term was included in the Boltzmann equation as an external force, and the equations were rewritten under new conditions.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the current study is the first attempt to investigate mixed-convection heat transfer in an inclined microchannel in a slip flow regime.
Wenqiang Guo, Guoxiang Hou, Yin Guan and Senyun Liu
This paper aims to explore the mechanism of the slip phenomenon at macro/micro scales, and analyze the effect of slip on fluid flow and heat transfer, to reduce drag and enhance…
This paper aims to explore the mechanism of the slip phenomenon at macro/micro scales, and analyze the effect of slip on fluid flow and heat transfer, to reduce drag and enhance heat transfer.
The improved tangential momentum accommodation coefficient scheme incorporated with Navier’s slip model is introduced to the discrete unified gas kinetic scheme as a slip boundary condition. Numerical tests are simulated using the D2Q9 model with a code written in C++.
Velocity contour with slip at high Re is similar to that without slip at low Re. For flow around a square cylinder, the drag is reduced effectively and the vortex shedding frequency is reduced. For flow around a delta wing, drag is reduced and lift is increased significantly. For Cu/water nanofluid in a channel with surface mounted blocks, drag can be reduced greatly by slip and the highest value of drag reduction (DR) (67.63%) can be obtained. The highest value of the increase in averaged Nu (11.78%) is obtained by slip at Re = 40 with volume fraction φ=0.01, which shows that super-hydrophobic surface can enhance heat transfer by slip.
The present study introduces and proposes an effective and superior method for the numerical simulation of fluid/nanofluid slip flow, which has active guidance meaning and applied value to the engineering practice of DR, heat transfer, flow control and performance improvement.
Valentina Cucino, Giulio Ferrigno, James Crick and Andrea Piccaluga
Recognizing novel entrepreneurial opportunities arising from a crisis is of paramount importance for firms. Hence, understanding the pivotal factors that facilitate firms in this…
Recognizing novel entrepreneurial opportunities arising from a crisis is of paramount importance for firms. Hence, understanding the pivotal factors that facilitate firms in this endeavor holds significant value. This study delves into such factors within a representative empirical context impacted by a crisis, drawing insights from existing literature on opportunity recognition during such tumultuous periods.
The authors conducted a qualitative inspection of 14 Italian firms during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The authors collected a rich body of multi-source qualitative data, including 34 interviews (with senior managers and entrepreneurs) and secondary data (press releases, videos, web interviews, newspapers, reports and academic articles) in two phases (March–August 2020 and September–December 2020).
The results suggest the existence of a process model of opportunity recognition during crises based on five entrepreneurial influencing factors (entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial alertness, entrepreneurial proclivity, entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial purpose).
Various scholars have highlighted that, in times of crises, it is not easy and indeed very challenging for entrepreneurs to identify novel entrepreneurial opportunities. However, recent research has shown that crises can also positively impact entrepreneurs and their capacity to identify new entrepreneurial opportunities. Given these findings, not much research has analyzed the process by which entrepreneurs identify novel entrepreneurial opportunities during crises. This study shows that some entrepreneurial influencing factors are very important to identify new entrepreneurial opportunities during crises.