Anne Graham, Celia Harbottle and David King
The purpose of this paper is to examine a model of effective forensic practice with positive interventions for men with learning disabilities who have committed serious sexual…
The purpose of this paper is to examine a model of effective forensic practice with positive interventions for men with learning disabilities who have committed serious sexual offences. It outlines the theoretical and philosophical frameworks which have informed the model of care and support in a community-based setting and the evidence base for the efficacy of the approach.
This approach to a community-based forensic learning disability service is informed by systemic practice and underpinned by models of human occupation (Keilhofner, 2008) which informs occupational therapy and total attachment (Harbottle et al., 2014). This is a whole systems model for developing compassionate and participatory practice based on attachment theory and approaches to professional parenting drawn from foster care settings and prevention frameworks for adult safeguarding. It uses Klinean Thinking Environments (1999) to give practical communication to the model.
The attachment model which underpins both the support for staff and the framework for scaffolding the care and support provided for service users is building calm, consistent and respectful relationships. This enables workers and service users to feel accepted through the availability of support; to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion in which skills and confidence can flourish helping all to feel more effective. This is evidenced by the stability of the service user group and the staff team.
Research limitations/implications
The model of whole system care and support care outlined in this paper can help to provide a therapeutic environment in which men who have committed sexual offences can develop effective skills within a safe, supportive and effectively managed setting. This is on-going research but there is evidence of service users and staff in this model of practice, feeling scaffolded, able to enjoy and achieve progress and personal development.
Practical implications
This model appears to promote stable, sustained, supportive relationships. Placement breakdown has been minimal indicating that the disruption rate is low and therefore therapeutic interventions are likely to take place and be effective. This is a hopeful and positive approach which enables individuals to flourish in a safe environment.
Social implications
The social implications of this model are positive for creating a stable workforce in an industry plagued with rapid turn over of staff to the detriment of the quality of life for service users. It creates stability and confidence for the residents allowing them to begin to relax and thereafter achieve more positive relationships.
This paper examines the application of theoretical frameworks drawn from other disciplines and fuses them into a therapeutic approach to support this service user group. It is a model that can have great portability to other settings but it is its application in forensic services that is new and which is growing its evidence base for its effectiveness.
The purpose of this paper is to present an overall viewpoint on the past (1946-2020) and future (2020-2095) development of airport management.
The purpose of this paper is to present an overall viewpoint on the past (1946-2020) and future (2020-2095) development of airport management.
The paper is based on a review of secondary literature.
The paper finds that the airport industry has transformed from a public utility to a modern enterprise, with private sector ownership, more competition, the expansion of commercial facilities and more diverse business models.
The paper provides a unique long-term and comprehensive view of past, current and future airport management, bringing together a number of linked developments, which is not found elsewhere.
Walanchalee Wattanacharoensil, Pipatpong Fakfare and Anne Graham
This study aims to validate a conceptual definition of airportscape and develop a multidimensional scale that integrates servicescape and service quality dimensions to…
This study aims to validate a conceptual definition of airportscape and develop a multidimensional scale that integrates servicescape and service quality dimensions to comprehensively investigate airport service management. In addition, this study examines the structural relationships amongst airportscape, sense of place, airport image and destination image.
Covariance-based structural equation modelling has been used. This study has collected the responses from 1,189 Thai respondents who had their experience in an international airport in the past 12 months.
Key findings reveal the set of three airportscape attributes which positively influenced the air traveller’s perceived sense of place. Four other dimensions were found to positively influence the airport image. The results also suggested the positive relationships amongst sense of place, airport image and destination image. Sense of place strongly predicted the destination image and airport image and was found to be an important mediator of the relationship between airportscape dimension and perceived image variables.
This study validates the airportscape scale and introduces “sense of place”, a concept that has not been objectively investigated in the airport context, and in relation to tourism. The findings provide insights to airport managers and tourism authorities by examining areas that highlight an airport’s sense of place and representation of the destination. The study also strengthens the theoretical link between airport and tourism knowledge, by showing that the airport’s sense of place can strongly influence airport image and destination image. The result ascertains that the airport can be a representative of a destination through the creation of a sense of place.
機å ´景觀及其對機å ´地方感和目的地形象感知的影響目的
本研究旨在確定機å ´景觀的概念性定義, 並開發一個將服åå ´景和服å品質維度整合在一起的多維尺度, 為機å ´的服å管理調查帶來全面性。此外, 研究還調查了機å ´景觀、地方感、機å ´形象和目的地形象之間的結構關係。
æ 用基於協方差的結構方程建模。本研究收集了曾在過去12個月中體驗過國際機å ´的1189名泰國受訪者的回答。
關é?µ結果揭示了三個機å ´景觀屬性的集合, 這些屬性對航空旅行者的感知地方感產生了ç©?極影響。 其他四個維度被發現對機å ´形象產生ç©?極影響。結果還表明, 地方感、機å ´形象和目的地形象之間存在正相關關係。地方感å¼·烈地預測了目的地形象和機å ´形象, 並被發現是機å ´景觀維度與感知形象變量之間關係的重要中介。
研究確定了機å ´景觀尺度, 並引入了“地方感”, 這是一個尚未在機å ´背景內和旅遊相關領域客觀研究的概念。研究結果é¡釋了突出機å ´地方感並代表目的地的項目和區域, 為機å ´管理者和旅遊當局提供洞察。研究還表明, 機å ´的地方感可以極大地影響機å ´形象和目的地形象, 從而加å¼·機å ´與旅遊認知之間的理論聯繫。研究結果發現, 通過構建地方感, 機å ´可以成為目的地的一個代表。
El paisaje del aeropuerto y su efecto en la percepción de la imagen y el destino del aeropuertoPropósito
Este estudio tiene como objetivo validar una definición conceptual del paisaje aeroportuario y desarrollar una escala multidimensional que integre el paisaje de servicios y las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio con el fin de aportar exhaustividad a la investigación de gestión de servicios del aeropuerto. Además, el estudio examina las relaciones estructurales entre el paisaje aeroportuario, la percepción del lugar, la imagen del aeropuerto y la imagen del destino.
Se ha empleado el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales basado en covarianza. Este estudio ha recopilado las respuestas de 1.189 encuestados tailandeses que tuvieron su experiencia en un aeropuerto internacional en los últimos 12 meses.
Los hallazgos clave revelan el conjunto de tres atributos del paisaje del aeropuerto que influyeron positivamente en la percepción del sentido de lugar del viajero aéreo. Se encontró que otras cuatro dimensiones influyen positivamente en la imagen del aeropuerto. Los resultados también sugirieron las relaciones positivas entre el sentido de lugar, la imagen del aeropuerto y la imagen del destino. El sentido del lugar predijo fuertemente la imagen del destino y la imagen del aeropuerto, y se encontró que era un mediador importante de la relación entre la dimensión del paisaje del aeropuerto y las variables de la imagen percibida.
El estudio valida la escala del paisaje del aeropuerto e introduce la “percepción del lugar”, concepto que no ha sido investigado objetivamente en el contexto aeroportuario y en relación con el turismo. Los resultados proporcionan información a los gestores de los aeropuertos y a las autoridades turísticas al elaborar elementos y áreas que destacan el sentido del lugar del aeropuerto y representan el destino. El estudio también refuerza el vínculo teórico entre el conocimiento del aeropuerto y el turismo, al mostrar que el sentido del lugar del aeropuerto puede influir fuertemente en la imagen de este y en la imagen del destino. El resultado demuestra que el aeropuerto puede ser representativo de un destino a través de la creación de un paisaje.
To provide an overview of the current attitudes and practical experience of airport benchmarking.
To provide an overview of the current attitudes and practical experience of airport benchmarking.
A range of benchmarking studies are critiqued. The paper considers the partial performance measures which are used from an economic, operational and environmental perspective. It also investigates more complex modelling approaches which have been undertaken to gain greater insight into an airport's overall performance. In addition an assessment is made of the role of benchmarking in airport regulation.
The paper finds that benchmarking techniques have become well established in recent years within the airport sector. However there is still some way to go in overcoming some of the problems that inhibit effective benchmarking on a truly international basis.
Research limitations/implications
The paper focuses on methodological issues and does not discuss the findings of research in this area.
Practical implications
A very useful source of information for all researchers in academia and industry who wish to use airport benchmarking techniques.
The paper provides a comprehensive and unique review of the benchmarking techniques currently in use for airports.
Mary Ann Powell, Anne Graham and Julia Truscott
Qualitative researchers working with children are increasingly sharing accounts of their research journeys, including the inherent ethical tensions they navigate. Within such…
Qualitative researchers working with children are increasingly sharing accounts of their research journeys, including the inherent ethical tensions they navigate. Within such accounts, reflexivity is consistently signalled as an important feature of ethical practice. The purpose of this paper is to explore how reflexive engagement can be stimulated within ethical decision-making processes, with the aim of generating professional dialogue and improved practice in qualitative research involving children.
The paper draws on the authors’ work in the Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) project, an international initiative that synthesised literature, research evidence and the views and experiences of almost 400 researchers and other key stakeholders internationally, to consider the key philosophical and practical components that underpin reflexivity in the context of research involving children.
A conceptual approach linking ‘Three Rs’ - reflexivity, rights and relationship - was found to be a useful framework for enacting universal ethical principles while provoking the kind of critical engagement required for navigating the ethical tensions that characterise decision-making in research involving children.
This paper introduces a framework to help bridge the gap between espoused ethical principles and the real world dilemmas that emerge in research practice. In doing so, the paper invites a deeper engagement with the ways in which children are constructed in and through research, while offering a shared language for shifting professional dialogue and academic discourse from the aspirational to the operational of ethical reflexivity.
Paul Iles and Paromjit Kaur Hayers
Discusses the value, workings and effectiveness of international project teams. Proposes a model to enable the creation of an effective team and process. Points out the need to…
Discusses the value, workings and effectiveness of international project teams. Proposes a model to enable the creation of an effective team and process. Points out the need to manage diversity, intercultural differences and different nationalities. Uses a case study from Raleigh International to illustrate.
What can it be like to lead a life where the future is as unpredictable as the throw of a dice, where the balance of life rests on a knife edge between adequate food and…
The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for resilience education that can be used by teachers in schools. The paper seeks to identify a common language for exploring…
The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for resilience education that can be used by teachers in schools. The paper seeks to identify a common language for exploring the concept of resilience.
The paper presents an overview of the construct of resilience as it appears in the literature. It provides a rationale for resilience education by examining the changing circumstances that impact on the work of educators. It also provides an overview of current Australian programs that promote resilience.
After an extensive examination of the literature, it is suggested that resilience is discussed in the literature as a state, a condition and a practice. Consequently, a three‐dimensional framework has been developed from this to help teachers understand resilience and to provide practical ways in which they can promote the resilience of their learners.
Practical implications
This conceptual paper suggests that the three‐dimensional framework for resilience has implications for supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The paper highlights the important role of the school in enhancing resilience for children and young people.
The original work of this paper is the presentation of a three‐dimensional framework for resilience: as a state, a condition and a practice. This framework is useful for preservice teacher education programs and for the professional development of practising teachers.