This paper explores the effect the regional technological environment has on technology-driven performance, measured by enterprise resource planning (ERP).
This paper explores the effect the regional technological environment has on technology-driven performance, measured by enterprise resource planning (ERP).
This study specifies a productivity-based production function driven by ERP system adoption. Employing a quasi-experimental research design, the author disentangles two effects – the average effect of ERP adoption and the moderation effect of the regional technological environment. The novelty of this study is that it merges publicly available information retrieved via text-mining tools and official financial reports published by companies.
The total effect of technology adoption on productivity varies from almost 3%–9% in different technological environments. Moreover, this study’s results revealed that the regional technological environment could enhance the effect of adopting different ERP systems.
While some papers investigate the relationship between ERP adoption and firm performance regarding the environmental context of a firm, the effect of the regional technological environment on the relationship between technology adoption and firm performance is understudied. Thus, this research tries to contribute to a deeper understanding of the regional context's impact on technology-driven performance. The authors used automated content analysis to collect data on technology adoption; by doing so, this study contributes to the growing body of research utilising the text-mining approach to extract data stored in Internet-based information sources.