Anjali Malik, Ambika Prasad Nanda and Rajeev Kumra
The marketing of immersive and competitive online gaming products has proliferated in recent times. Consumption has also shown a substantial increase, especially among children…
The marketing of immersive and competitive online gaming products has proliferated in recent times. Consumption has also shown a substantial increase, especially among children. Such elevated levels of gaming have adversely affected children’s overall well-being. This paper aims to examine the role of parental attachment variables in enhancing children’s self-control behavior in counteracting the adverse effects of excessive gaming. The role of gender in excessive gaming is also studied.
A conceptual framework is tested that examines the direct relationship of features of parental attachment with excessive online gaming behavior and an indirect effect through the mediation of a child’s self-control construct using structural equation modeling.
The findings indicate that parental attachment through self-control can play a significant role in limiting excessive gaming behavior among vulnerable young gamers. Excessive gaming behavior was more pronounced for boys than girls. Alienation explained excessive gaming behavior among girls, while communication was significant for boys, but in a reversed direction.
Research limitations/implications
All possible antecedent variables from the literature, like parental rearing style, that may further contribute to developing a comprehensive theoretical framework could not be studied.
Practical implications
The study suggests that the priming of children achieved through parental attachment relationships may help prevent excessive gaming behavior among vulnerable young gamers.
This study addresses the gap in the understanding of parental attachment features related to excessive gaming among different genders. It also establishes the role of the intervening mechanism of a child’s self-control in regulating behavior in relation to excessive gaming in the Indian context.
Nursing students encounter a combination of academic rigor, clinical demands and emotional hurdles. Juggling coursework, practical training and patient interaction can be…
Nursing students encounter a combination of academic rigor, clinical demands and emotional hurdles. Juggling coursework, practical training and patient interaction can be stressful, and exposure to such situations may impact their psychological well-being. This study aims to highlight the top strengths among nursing students and identify the strengths associated with well-being.
Convenience sampling was used to select a sample of 150 nursing students studying in first, second and third year from colleges of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Students were administered the Values In Action character strengths inventory, the satisfaction with life scale and scale of positive and negative experience. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation.
Results show that among nursing students, kindness emerged as the foremost strength with the highest mean, followed by honesty, creativity, spirituality and teamwork, and the strengths of curiosity, gratitude, perseverance, self-regulation, social intelligence, and zest were positively associated with life satisfaction and positive emotions and negatively related to negative emotions.
Research limitations/implications
The small sample size was a limitation; however, this study has been conducted at different locations to improve generalizability.
Practical implications
This study has profound implications for nursing students, both in their personal development and their future roles as health-care professionals, as fostering these attributes can contribute to the students’ growth, well-being and effectiveness as compassionate and competent caregivers. Working on strengths is associated with well-being; therefore, using strengths identified by this study will have a beneficial effect on the students’ well-being.
Social implications
Curiosity and social intelligence, for instance, can help nurses better understand patient needs and emotions, developing strengths like perseverance and self-regulation can equip nursing students with tools to cope effectively with the challenges inherent in health-care settings. Traits such as gratitude and social intelligence can enhance communication and empathy which are vital skills for establishing rapport with patients and their families. Emphasizing teamwork as a strength aligns with the collaborative nature of health care. By embodying values like kindness and spirituality, nursing students can create a more compassionate and meaningful experience for patients, as well as themselves.
The research paper identifies and emphasizes the five character strengths that are most commonly observed in a sample of Indian nursing students. In addition, this study delves deeper into these identified strengths to understand how they relate to the overall well-being of nursing students within this specific population. The existing literature has not explored it exhaustively.
Vikas Swarnakar and Malik Khalfan
Circular economy (CE) is a structured model of production and consumption involving sharing, leasing, reusing, recycling, repairing and refurbishing existing products or materials…
Circular economy (CE) is a structured model of production and consumption involving sharing, leasing, reusing, recycling, repairing and refurbishing existing products or materials sustainably. Despite the numerous benefits of CE adoption, the construction and demolition (C&D) sector still struggles to comprehensively understand, integrate and adopt this approach. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of CE within the C&D sector and proposes a structured conceptual framework for an effective construction and demolition waste management (CDWM) program.
A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted using the “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses” (PRISMA) framework to search for articles across three databases: Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCO. EndNote software and Excel spreadsheets were used to analyze and synthesize the articles up to 2024. A total of 102 articles were included in the study. Various key facets of the CE in CDWM, including barriers and mitigation actions, enablers, tools and techniques, benefits, strategies and frameworks, have been thoroughly reviewed and analyzed for the C&D sector to understand their nature and effectively adopt the CE approach in CDWM operations.
The findings provide a comprehensive analysis of different facets of CE in CDWM and a structured conceptual framework for the effective adoption of CE. This will contribute to improving the management of CDWM in the C&D sector. The outcomes offer a comprehensive knowledge base of CE in CDWM to managers, planners, decision-makers, stakeholders and researchers, enabling effective deployment.
Practical implications
This study offers a substantial knowledge base to researchers by examining various key facets of CE in CDWM, aiding further exploration of research in the same domain. Additionally, it assists C&D managers, planners, stakeholders and decision-makers by furnishing a structured conceptual framework of CE, thereby enhancing effective implementation. Furthermore, this study supports society by providing a pathway to improve C&D waste circularity through the execution of CE.
This study is the first to comprehensively review the various facets of CE from a CDWM perspective and to propose a structured conceptual framework for the effective adoption of CE in the C&D sector. Additionally, it not only advances theoretical knowledge of CE adoption in the CDWM field but also provides practical guidance to stakeholders on how to implement a comprehensive CE approach to enhance C&D waste circularity.
Sunil Atulkar and Ashish Kumar Singh
Today the mobile apps are helping customers in every means of their life by exploring information related to electronic items and even for food items also. Therefore, the main aim…
Today the mobile apps are helping customers in every means of their life by exploring information related to electronic items and even for food items also. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to examine the influencing role of psychological and technological attributes on customer conversion to use food ordering apps.
Convenience sampling method was used to collect responses from the customer's age between 18 and 35 years to get more representation of society. 374 customer's data has been used for structural equation model analysis with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 and SPSS-20 software.
Findings showed that customer conversions are positively influenced by perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived incentives, perceived information, customer relationship management and order management system. In contrast, the perceived price and visual design show insignificant influence.
Research limitations/implications
Research outcome provides some valuable insights to provide direction to all online food aggregators to design their apps according to customers need. Thus, the authentic customer reviews and the facility of providing feedbacks are very fruitful for attracting new user while using and placing orders through theses apps.
Practical implications
Study suggested that observing satisfaction and dissatisfaction levels of the customer helps in enhancing the facilities of food ordering apps, so that the customer would enjoy the whole order process seamlessly, which automatically leads to customer conversions.
Major contribution of this study is the empirical analysis of psychological and technological attributes on customer's conversion towards food ordering app.
Ashish Kumar Sharma, Ankita Goyal and Anjali Sharma
This hypothetical case study aims to revisit the classical model given by Henri Fayol whereby he put forward a set of 14 principles to guide managers in decision-making across…
This hypothetical case study aims to revisit the classical model given by Henri Fayol whereby he put forward a set of 14 principles to guide managers in decision-making across organizations. The case study showcases the dilemma in which the top manager of an automobile company finds himself when some of the very basic principles – on which the whole discipline of management is founded – are ignored. It will also serve as an aid for faculty members in B-Schools to teach students the significance of basic management principles postulated many years back which stand relevant even in contemporary times.
This case study is based on a hypothetical scenario in the corporate world. Different incidents in a fictitious automobile manufacturing firm are presented and the corresponding principles given by Henri Fayol are inferred.
This case study highlights that decision-making gets complicated if fundamental principles of management are not complied with. The decision taken during each and every situation which has been discussed in this case study is contrary to the correct course of action as propounded by Fayol. Modern-day managers must acknowledge the relevance and importance of these principles for achieving success in business.
This case study underscores that even in this volatile business environment where most of the management practices are technology-driven, we cannot disregard the most elementary rules of management. The managers working at different levels in the organizational hierarchy may be guided to make the right decisions in situations similar to the ones described.
Piyush Sharma, Pasumarti Srinivas Subbarao, Anjali Sane and Jivan Biradar
Maria Tresita Paul Vincent, Nimmi P.M., Geetha Jose, Anjali John and Vijay Kuriakose
This study aims to explore how family incivility is linked to workplace bullying among employees. This study examines the role of psychological safety as an explanatory mechanism…
This study aims to explore how family incivility is linked to workplace bullying among employees. This study examines the role of psychological safety as an explanatory mechanism linking both. This paper also looks into the moderating roles of optimism between family incivility and psychological safety and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) between psychological safety and workplace bullying.
Drawing from the conservation of resources theory and work home resources model, this study developed various hypotheses. The proposed relationships were tested using responses gathered from 260 teaching faculty across the universities in India. This study used Warp-PLS for data analysis.
The findings suggest that psychological safety mediated the relationship between experienced family incivility and workplace bullying. This study also found support for the mediating role of psychological safety. Further, this study has proved that trait optimism and OBSE are boundary conditions influencing the outcomes of family incivility.
Practical implications
The findings have practical implications for teachers, educational institution leaders and policymakers. This study augments the importance of cultivating optimism and OBSE to combat conflicting situations. Employees who practice optimism on a daily basis are high in psychological safety and when supported with OBSE by the institution, the impact of family incivility and its adverse effects in the workplace is reduced, curbing the instances of workplace bullying.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first studies to establish the role of “organizational resource,” OBSE, as a coping mechanism in tackling the adverse effects of family incivility. From a resource perspective, this study is one of the first to look into the enablers and inhibitors of resource creation in an individual while experiencing family incivility.
Atiba Batul, Keya Das Ghosh and Swapnamoyee Priyabhasini Palit
One major impact of demonetisation is rise of cashless or digital transactions. The extension of the transition from a cash-based to a cashless economy has expanded even more now…
One major impact of demonetisation is rise of cashless or digital transactions. The extension of the transition from a cash-based to a cashless economy has expanded even more now, based on the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic. This chapter discusses the various electronic payment methods used by the people, the frequency of using these methods and also to examine the reasons of changing habits in using electronic modes of payments. This study is both theoretical and empirical in nature, based on both primary and secondary data. Digitalising rural and poor population is much in talks but earlier literature did not acknowledge the status of slums and its inhabitants. Slum dwellers are the ones to be in the margin, and therefore are subject to more societal sufferings. In the context of female population particularly, the mechanism of urbanisation and increment in urban slums are subject to unique causes and unique consequences, and still these challenges are greatly underexplored by earlier literature in this field. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to find out the schemes, achievements and challenges for the cashless transaction practised by the female slum dwellers. To be extremely explicit, the sample area consists of two biggest slums of Kolkata and 100 female respondents are inquired for this study, taking 50 from each slum. For analysing the collected data, descriptive statistics tools and percentage analysis have been used. This chapter will also analyse India's gradual transition towards a cashless economy. Through the examination of digitalisation of slum dwellers, this study also attempts to identify whether digital modes result in empowerment of these women, of any kind. By paying a visit in the discussion of women empowerment, this chapter wants to revisit the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in 2015, that embodies a roadmap for progress which leaves no one behind. The questions impacting achievement of SDG through women empowerment may not seem of utmost concern during the current situation but is equally important and needs to be discussed on a platform of its own.